Showing posts with label New Orleans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Orleans. Show all posts

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is Here Once More so Eat Drink and Be Merry while You Hope For A better Year Ahead,Think about Those Without...

First Christmas in New Orleans after Hurricane...
First Christmas in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: A trashed refrigerator set out on the curb is decorated like a snowman with "Merry Christmas" inscription. Carrollton neighborhood. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu.
Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This year I have done my usual Christmas shopping and covered all the relatives that I still can find to be friendly.The usual touching of bases with friends that really matter and those important end of year things we all must do.

The last few days have been really important to me for many reasons.I have donated a large garbage bag of brand new toys to needy children.

Next I visited the local Soup Kitchen to enjoy a Christmas meal with friends and children of a lesser god.On the way out and after those who would feel dissed had left ,I donated some cash to help those in need.

It is not for bragging rights that I say these things.It is because people need to stand together as a whole in times of need. It is all to often that we view the videos of folks looting and pillaging during a crisis.The folks helping may get some credit too,but wrong doers seem to grab the medias interest.
I will sight Katrina and New Orleans as one example.There are many others...

The season is suppose to bring out the best or the worst in people.I said blues you to a lady that sneezed all over a food shelf yesterday and she gave me one of those mind your own business looks.
Another person was looking real sad and I started joking about the people that were moving in fast motion to get shopping done.He had been so caught up in the Xmas blues that he didn't even notice it.
He began to giggle and smile as he to  watched the over animated humans doing what we named "speed Shopping".Running to and fro at incredible walking paces.

I do believe it should also be a time to help others share a smile among strangers that might just be
more of a blues killer than someone that is closer to them.You don't have to involve your personal
self and don't even have to exchange names for the light heartiness shared.

When this season has ended I will have helped others who will never know who or why I am doing it.
The point of the whole matter is this..I will have a great Christmas because I did share My good frame of mind and spirit with those that are not seeing the world as I presently can.Would it not be the right thing that builds the hope and good will in that person on the receiving end as well as my own frame of mind....and spirit?

You decide for yours

Merry Christmas my friends and please take care of each other.Humans are the only species that have the abilities to build or destroy this planet..
WE THE PEOPLE have the power to create a world that even science fiction writers would envy.
A world that can start tomorrow or pickup the dreams of those who have left us and trusted their dreams of a better world to live in with those of us who remain to complete that dream.

They usually start their words with something like"I have a dream". or you may say that I am a dreamer,but I am not the only one.
Be good to one another folks...


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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

American Politicians pull together for the moment

International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movem...
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Pavilion (Photo credit: Xares)
The Super Storm Sandy has left a huge section of the east coast a complete and total mess in many areas.The homes and work places that were there are no more.People that rarely needed to worry about anything more than  normal daily things are homeless.It is getting cold here in the northeast.Very shortly those people will be subject  to snow and hunger.athese are deadly things for families and people not used to survival practices.

These are families and elderly folks that will surely die if they do not have help.The various organizations that pitch in to help are going to be overwhelmed by the efforts to support thousands of persons.They will need the help of all of us.Food,Clean water,Blankets Food(non perishable),Hygiene kits,Candy,Clothes.These people have lost everything they own to fire,floods,wind.Mother natures worst tantrum in our history.

Please donate to the red cross and places listed in the F.E.M.A. web sight.The  National guard would welcome a few things to ease the cold and may life a little more bearable. They are our best home defense in a situation like this.They work with other national hero's.Law enforcement,Firemen,Utility crews,Sewage and water folks.There are millions of these unsung hero's out there working till they fall into bed from exhaustion.

The volunteers are coming from all over the country.Even the political mud machine has cease fire.It takes a lot to make Democrats and Republicans to play nice.It takes Americans to reach out and put their differences aside to help their fellow Americans in need of desperate life threatening trouble.

The President showed his concern for the people even if it costs him everything.I remember another president that just could not bring his self to help those in New Orleans after Katrina.This man has put his political Future in our hands to help those in need of help.I was brought up with this simple phrase spoken to me often,"Actions speak louder than words"I wonder if his opposition has any Idea of actually "sending whatever you can to help".Several million would be very useful to those in the ground Zero/New York& New Jersey.....Show Us The Money!!!!

We can all Find ways to Help.It would be a wonderful project for School kids is community building.
This sort of thing really makes civilization live up to the word"civilization.
The President is Getting into the midst of the afterstorm.I think he is showing that he won't back down,he will stand his quote a song.

Well,the storm has past here and we are in rebuild,repair and fill out the paperwork to try to fix our lives.It will come together again.This is the time we will sit and speak of as the Super storm we lived to talk about
This is truly the past that we will remember in the future.We will remember the dead and be thank full all those predicting the worlds end via super storm was limited in their predictions.If you feel aneed to help in any way,Please contact the organizations that are affiliated with the red cross to find links that are legal and
not crooks.

Keep the dream of freedom alive and we will talk again soon


P.S.The Red Cross did Not help anyone who lost all the things that would identify ones  home address  and id themselves.Many residents that were completely and literaly blown away(paperwork wise)are  still struggling and living in motels and apartments.They are still
attempting to rebuild broken lives from that storm blast.
There were some that ended up living in shelters and later became homeless with families in tow.Others had their families torn apart by the shear stress of the socialy shattered lives they once lead.Google the facts and statistics to learn more.Many residents ended in New Jersey and wide areas of the southern New York areas.

You see I learned first hand from the Red cross that they never help the homeless...No permanent address,No help of any kind,not even to help one get back in the social step.
uless of course you happen to be in a country where that in a mainstay of living through the kindness of politics....!


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Monday, August 27, 2012

The big EZ,New Orleans Louisianna Faces the storm again.

A U.S. Coast Guardsman searches for survivors ...
A U.S. Coast Guardsman searches for survivors in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Flooded I-10/I-610 interchange and surrounding...
Flooded I-10/I-610 interchange and surrounding area of northwest New Orleans and Metairie, Louisiana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Hurricane Katrina - August 28, 2005
Hurricane Katrina - August 28, 2005 (Photo credit: smiteme)
I was traveling south with a load of supplies fr a warehouse the day after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Grand Ole Lady of the south New Orleans and a huge portion of Alabama.There was damage all along the Mississippi Gulf States. It was like a really surrealist world disaster movie.

People backed up in trafic trying to escape to anywhere safe.National Guard and law Enforcement in
Marshal law mode.It was a scene that could easily give a paranoid personality a reason to grab the wife,kids,bugout bag and escape to the mountains. Run to  their secret route that none of the tens of thousands of people knew.Lotsa luck pal!

It was chaos at best. The area recovered to a degree that it could,but will never be the sweet old place I first visited over 20years ago.I cam remember the Big Party afterwards by the survivors called a bougelay?My French sounds" More Better" than I can spell it.Needless to say it was a good time by a people that are weather worn and hardy as any group of survivors TV program.Those people are already boarding up their homes,Shuttering the windows and double checking the stores of food and fresh water.Checking the gas to see if there is enough to fuel the generator.These folks have lived with the big storms for generations.The natives that  came to the area 200years plus ago have seen the areas weather pattern year after year.

The areas that are evacuated are the flooding places.Houses will be under water from the rain and surging of tides.But those who survive and restart their lives again will plan a big get together  to celebrate life.

The area is much better prepared for the huge amounts of water and mud that plagues the people who chose to stay behind.There is huge damns to hold back excessive water flows into the city.The 6 pumps can now safely pump 6000 gallons of water per second.Yes It's correct! The dikes are far stronger than Katrina's time. They hope they are prepared for the unexpected.

If and when the storm finally makes land I only hope and pray that no lives will be lost to nature again.I wished I could be there for the Jumbalaya and the Crawfish pie.Till you attend an after storm party,you have'nt lived.The get together would convince you of just how resilient these folks are.

So Issac Will blow through and in a day orso they party and rebuilding begins.I know they will
be okay in time.It's their land and their lifestyle as the generations brfore them and before that.

Terrible as a Hurricane can be,Its the celebration of life afterwards that renews the promise of life continuing that recharges the living survivors.

Thats all for now my friends,Lets learn to rejoice at the times of our lives.Live each moment as though it was your last.These folks have learned the trick...


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Politicians Of A Certain Party On Notice By A Higher Power

Platform of the Republican Party of South Caro...
Platform of the Republican Party of South Carolina, adopted in Convention August 23, 1872 (recto) (Photo credit: Special Collections at Wofford College)
Decorative toilet seat
Decorative toilet seat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is A very strange coincidence that the Republican Parties Convention has 50,000+ people who have gone to a great deal of trouble to attend Are driven into hiding by,what?Mother Nature?,Gaia?God?
All that millions of dollars in the Political War-chest and a bangup chance to buy the Whe House With Money left over to burn.

Along comes a storm by the Name of Issac.Issac Blows the convention away.It will be a fine example of what can go wrong when Millionaires Plan to over run the laws.(of nature that is).Can You imagine ,with this sort of planning what the world will be like if they do succeed in their future plans.

If this is a little coincidence,then Issac will blow over and it's non-the worse for any problems in the future.If it's a storm with a major warning from....Well you fill in the blank to suite Yourselves!I would never presume to know such things.

But let's just for a moment say it is a warning from a higher power.Lets assume that the Issac storm Whacks the area hard.Hopefully no-one will be hurt or killed in the process.The Florida Governor Does the usual speech afterwards  The shortened version of the convention goes on and the party wins the Presidential Race with the Megabucks they collected from the various mysterious mega-buck resources.Okay Now another step into a possible future.Regarding strange coincidences.
The new Prez and his 2nd are sworn in during the possible Freak blizzard of frogs.

Again the many supporters are driven into hiding by a massive storm.The new Prez and & 2nd are then whisk away to the Soon to be remodeled Cashmere Carpeted Whitehouse With gold bathroom facilities complete with heated toilet seats.After all The megabuck crowd would not be expected to sit on a regular,umm,errr,well you know what those of us ordinary folks would use.Perish the thought!.Don't forget the imported  velour patterned TP.

As one of the most feared of citizens groups in the United States,I am a Baby-Boomer/Aging 2 to ssi age/Independent/Constitutional believer/Gun owner  voter groups.We don't need anymore Stinking taxes!I really hope the People of the United States realize the the mess that the country has been in for the past 12years.It seems to be a growing problem that neither party can fix.

The problem is not  Who is in office at the time.It is because the people in office face a bunch of...
Of WHAT???What do you call a bunch of politicians that run for office and then spend their time completely destroying everything that could help to build the USA.The time that could be spent on
working out problems is used to argue and pout over "BS" politics.

This storm Maybe just a Big blast of hot air that is the norm for tt part of the country.It's that time of season after.But it really does make one wonder if  there is warning there somewhere...

I remember a story that comes to mind about an elderly women at the temple gate in a Jewish City
A long time ago.She gave a few pennies and someone complained that she had not given enough.
It was pointed out that she had given more that the rich had given.The pennies were all that she owned. If  the rich buy this election,It will be the last time any election is truly done by those who can not buy their way into the Presidential Whitehouse.It will become the Presidential Palace as other countries we hear about Overseas lateley.Perhaps we need one more storm of the silent majority that
have a huge stake in this next election.It is us that make the USA a free society with fair and equal election.If we let people buy elections with huge campaign money,What else will you let them buy
besides the future that no longer belongs to you The USA Citizen.Maybe it is just a storm.....

That's all for now,We will be talking again.

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