Showing posts with label Christmas and holiday season. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas and holiday season. Show all posts

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is Here Once More so Eat Drink and Be Merry while You Hope For A better Year Ahead,Think about Those Without...

First Christmas in New Orleans after Hurricane...
First Christmas in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: A trashed refrigerator set out on the curb is decorated like a snowman with "Merry Christmas" inscription. Carrollton neighborhood. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu.
Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This year I have done my usual Christmas shopping and covered all the relatives that I still can find to be friendly.The usual touching of bases with friends that really matter and those important end of year things we all must do.

The last few days have been really important to me for many reasons.I have donated a large garbage bag of brand new toys to needy children.

Next I visited the local Soup Kitchen to enjoy a Christmas meal with friends and children of a lesser god.On the way out and after those who would feel dissed had left ,I donated some cash to help those in need.

It is not for bragging rights that I say these things.It is because people need to stand together as a whole in times of need. It is all to often that we view the videos of folks looting and pillaging during a crisis.The folks helping may get some credit too,but wrong doers seem to grab the medias interest.
I will sight Katrina and New Orleans as one example.There are many others...

The season is suppose to bring out the best or the worst in people.I said blues you to a lady that sneezed all over a food shelf yesterday and she gave me one of those mind your own business looks.
Another person was looking real sad and I started joking about the people that were moving in fast motion to get shopping done.He had been so caught up in the Xmas blues that he didn't even notice it.
He began to giggle and smile as he to  watched the over animated humans doing what we named "speed Shopping".Running to and fro at incredible walking paces.

I do believe it should also be a time to help others share a smile among strangers that might just be
more of a blues killer than someone that is closer to them.You don't have to involve your personal
self and don't even have to exchange names for the light heartiness shared.

When this season has ended I will have helped others who will never know who or why I am doing it.
The point of the whole matter is this..I will have a great Christmas because I did share My good frame of mind and spirit with those that are not seeing the world as I presently can.Would it not be the right thing that builds the hope and good will in that person on the receiving end as well as my own frame of mind....and spirit?

You decide for yours

Merry Christmas my friends and please take care of each other.Humans are the only species that have the abilities to build or destroy this planet..
WE THE PEOPLE have the power to create a world that even science fiction writers would envy.
A world that can start tomorrow or pickup the dreams of those who have left us and trusted their dreams of a better world to live in with those of us who remain to complete that dream.

They usually start their words with something like"I have a dream". or you may say that I am a dreamer,but I am not the only one.
Be good to one another folks...


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