Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Christmas is Here Once More so Eat Drink and Be Merry while You Hope For A better Year Ahead,Think about Those Without...

First Christmas in New Orleans after Hurricane...
First Christmas in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina: A trashed refrigerator set out on the curb is decorated like a snowman with "Merry Christmas" inscription. Carrollton neighborhood. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu.
Christmas lights on Aleksanterinkatu. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This year I have done my usual Christmas shopping and covered all the relatives that I still can find to be friendly.The usual touching of bases with friends that really matter and those important end of year things we all must do.

The last few days have been really important to me for many reasons.I have donated a large garbage bag of brand new toys to needy children.

Next I visited the local Soup Kitchen to enjoy a Christmas meal with friends and children of a lesser god.On the way out and after those who would feel dissed had left ,I donated some cash to help those in need.

It is not for bragging rights that I say these things.It is because people need to stand together as a whole in times of need. It is all to often that we view the videos of folks looting and pillaging during a crisis.The folks helping may get some credit too,but wrong doers seem to grab the medias interest.
I will sight Katrina and New Orleans as one example.There are many others...

The season is suppose to bring out the best or the worst in people.I said blues you to a lady that sneezed all over a food shelf yesterday and she gave me one of those mind your own business looks.
Another person was looking real sad and I started joking about the people that were moving in fast motion to get shopping done.He had been so caught up in the Xmas blues that he didn't even notice it.
He began to giggle and smile as he to  watched the over animated humans doing what we named "speed Shopping".Running to and fro at incredible walking paces.

I do believe it should also be a time to help others share a smile among strangers that might just be
more of a blues killer than someone that is closer to them.You don't have to involve your personal
self and don't even have to exchange names for the light heartiness shared.

When this season has ended I will have helped others who will never know who or why I am doing it.
The point of the whole matter is this..I will have a great Christmas because I did share My good frame of mind and spirit with those that are not seeing the world as I presently can.Would it not be the right thing that builds the hope and good will in that person on the receiving end as well as my own frame of mind....and spirit?

You decide for yours

Merry Christmas my friends and please take care of each other.Humans are the only species that have the abilities to build or destroy this planet..
WE THE PEOPLE have the power to create a world that even science fiction writers would envy.
A world that can start tomorrow or pickup the dreams of those who have left us and trusted their dreams of a better world to live in with those of us who remain to complete that dream.

They usually start their words with something like"I have a dream". or you may say that I am a dreamer,but I am not the only one.
Be good to one another folks...


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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

They Should Never Be Forgotten For They Gave All They Had,Families,Futures,FortunesNever Should We Forget To Honor Their Gift

IMG 3955 - Washington DC - Arlington National ...
IMG 3955 - Washington DC - Arlington National Cemetary (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Arlington National Cemetary
Arlington National Cemetary (Photo credit: nataliemarchant)
homeless (Photo credit: BagunçĂȘiro)
This is the time of the season when we remember those we love and those that have left us.We gather together in a sense of Joy and of celebration.There are feasts and trees to dazzle the mind with lights,tinsel and gifts beneath the tree.This is the scenario for most folks that celebrate traditional Chistmas time.For others it is a time of hope,and of renewing our  faith of the spirit.There are several groups of people that rarely have the privileged of being remembered for the holidays.All have lost everything in life.One group will have the possibility to one day regain some of what they no longer have.They are the Homeless and displaced persons of our world.They are cold, alone and without anything but the faith  that life will find them a kind samaritan to regain their dignity.

There is another less mentioned group that has given all they had,all they will ever have in life.
They surrendered their freedoms.They willingly surrendered their families.They gave up all of their hopes and dreams for those  in need.Their risk is beyond those us in safety can understand.

These 400,000+ and growing strong would never gain the lives they grew up dreaming about.Their hopes and visions were put aside for the good of all.

They were, and are the ones that rose up to the challenge most would never meet.The Heros of our countries.The heroes of our world, so soon forgotten.The ones left behind out of convenience when they are safely out of sight.

The people that I have been referring to are those who are men and women serving in the armed forces.They are far from all they cherish and many will give the supreme sacrifice on this holiday of losing their lives,limbs and lively hoods.Others will succumb to the mental horrors that destroy minds.There is one more group that fall into this group sooner or later.

That group is those who have fallen in the scores of years mankind has existed on this planet.There is over 400,000 graves in Arlington National Cemetary alone.These are the Humans who through draft or enlistment have sacrificed their lives for a cause they gave their futures for.They died so that the worlds non military citizens could live in peace and go on with their lives living in peace.Complaining on how Awful their lives are...

The small gift of appreciation for this unbelievable heroism is to donate a small amount for the setting of a wreath on their graves this Christmas.Please remember to visit the grave of a loved one who was a warrior for freedom.

There are graves from the first effort to free us from the bondage of overtaxing and invasion into the lives of our ancestors...There is also a lesson that should be going through your mind as you stare at the cold stone with that loved ones name carved on it.

That soldier is still waiting for the freedoms they died for...As history begins the unlearned cycle of teaching those of us that forgot to learn a lesson from history

The Wreaths Across  American Organisation will be glad to have you as a contributor.They lack 30,000 wreaths to Honor the Fallen Heros in Arlington alone...Have they been left behind as the POW,s/MIA,s were in wars past?Are They forgotten by everyone for their unselfish deed?
You Decide.


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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Normal May Only be a Mere Concept of Societies Imagination

Okay,It is now T-minus whatever days to the alledged end of the world.I am as usual putting off my packing and saying my fairwells to the people I know.Procrastination is: avoiding the things we should,would and probly could do now.I have no assurance of the end ,so I will put it off all till the trembling of earth,streaking earthward of comets,or super storm begins building in the distance.

If the end is going to start in a few days that is.The preparers of doomsday will be so embarrassed to find another false end day happen.In the meantime,there is the declining ablility of the human race to
maintain a patient state of mind regarding that end of time event.Some would wish to excel the end by their own efforts.Read on that I may explain abit.

The News casts have a tragic and un-needed crime in the boadcast or front page.Some one shoots a mass of happy shoppers.These are "random"victims that do not even know the shooter.The mind that has taken the non replacable life of these people has not the abilities to see Their values. That mind is  clouded from the selfish persons loathing and self pity.The dark and sinister forces are in complete control of the "shooter,Jumper,etc".

This time of year brings about the best and worst of a human.The animal kingdom pretty much is cruising along at the same pace as usual.Christmas is a thing of the "modern"age.At least the commercial part.The human created stress,anquish,expectations,depression,longing to be with others etc,etc.etc. is not a part of the normal animal kingdom.It is MAN MADE!

We make up our own
little bubble of dispair for self destuction.The world  has not changed.Nature is at a constant pace and standard.The catalysts that brings about a "shooter" or suicide is created by the person themselves.Looking for the world to self destruct like a b rated movie won't solve any problems.
If it were to happen the "shooter" personality would probly be horribly satisfied to take others with themselves.When it does not,They simply add to their own miserable mental processes.The ill state of thought builds and the situation becomes overwhelming.

The flip side is the wondrful things that never make the headlines.Families that are at wits end to bring a happy holiday to their loved ones.Being Happy,Healthy and together should be the best of times to remembers.Some folks don't have family to share with. The families that are giving to others the gift of happiness.

The organizations that donate to the homeless and shutins.the elderly that have been encarcerated for the crime of living far to long.Thousands of years of life experience that are imprisoned till they die.Thousands of  lifetime experiences wasting into death.Their holiday will only be what they can remember.Forgotten by the world they loved and lived in.The past and labelled ancient societies left the elderly out in the wilderness to die.We modern folks are much more suffisticated.We lock them up,feed them puried grewl that looks like regurgitation and isolate them so the mental facalties rot into babbling.Yeah,we have come a long way from those primitives of long ago.Personaly I hope to be able to wonder off into the wilderness near the end of life.

The people who are labled abnormal by the other normal?(What is Normal anyway ?)Example of What is the norm for  "normal" folks.Convincing not so dumb children that an obese and ancient magic man looking like a cleaned up vagrant can slide down a 6inch chimney without setting off burglar al;arms.Then sliding back up said chimney to fly off in a reindeer drawn sleigh.ETC,ETC,

The Rotary,Lions,Elks,VFW,Odd Fellows,Catholic Charities.Many Church organizations.To many organizations to list. Are active in  helping families to get through the Holiday season.The people that are quietly in the background of greatness.These folks enlighten the burden of people that would not have any holiday.They are always doing quiet and wonderful things throughout the year for others.The efforts are increased for the holiday season due to demand of the season.

The soup kitchens close for the holidays.Homeless folks simply have no holiday.Those that have fallen through the social cracks have nowhere to go.They have nowhere to sleep.Nowhere to share with family or friends.Holidays are a matter of survival from the cold and just making it till things open again.These people are absolutly in the arms of the Angels.They are the Untouchables of our western societies.People avoid them due to the bad elements that make the news like the shooters.
There is millions of unemployed,homeless persons that are living beneath the social radar in the USA alone.These folks never are in the news and would only be there if they adapt the mindset of the shooters.Desperation without reason of thought.

The thing that I wish to state here is that these people have hit a level of existance that the Shooter has not even approached yet.You rarely hear of the homeless,who have nothing,nowhere,no one,rarely  get arrested for much more than petty(survival) crimes.Is there an excuse for the "shooters"to justify their actions.

I would wish those reading this to keep a calm mind this season.There is always a peaceful solution to problems that accur.If nothing else go somewhere and sleep on it.when your rested,the problem may look better.Get away from the source of agrivation and rethink how to find the cause of it.
I once told a student I was teaching to go outside and scream at the top of his lungs till he felt better.He thought Me crazy.I later heard a loud shreak outside and it was him screaming again and again.He walked back in,slightly hoarse.said you were right.I feel better.He became my best student...
There is better ways than blaming others for your self made bubble of dispair.If I may echo my favorite qoute:
Within you lies the power to seize the hour and live your dream.You have that power,if you chose to use it.

Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Yearo you.