Showing posts with label Veterans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Veterans. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

They Should Never Be Forgotten For They Gave All They Had,Families,Futures,FortunesNever Should We Forget To Honor Their Gift

IMG 3955 - Washington DC - Arlington National ...
IMG 3955 - Washington DC - Arlington National Cemetary (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Arlington National Cemetary
Arlington National Cemetary (Photo credit: nataliemarchant)
homeless (Photo credit: BagunçĂȘiro)
This is the time of the season when we remember those we love and those that have left us.We gather together in a sense of Joy and of celebration.There are feasts and trees to dazzle the mind with lights,tinsel and gifts beneath the tree.This is the scenario for most folks that celebrate traditional Chistmas time.For others it is a time of hope,and of renewing our  faith of the spirit.There are several groups of people that rarely have the privileged of being remembered for the holidays.All have lost everything in life.One group will have the possibility to one day regain some of what they no longer have.They are the Homeless and displaced persons of our world.They are cold, alone and without anything but the faith  that life will find them a kind samaritan to regain their dignity.

There is another less mentioned group that has given all they had,all they will ever have in life.
They surrendered their freedoms.They willingly surrendered their families.They gave up all of their hopes and dreams for those  in need.Their risk is beyond those us in safety can understand.

These 400,000+ and growing strong would never gain the lives they grew up dreaming about.Their hopes and visions were put aside for the good of all.

They were, and are the ones that rose up to the challenge most would never meet.The Heros of our countries.The heroes of our world, so soon forgotten.The ones left behind out of convenience when they are safely out of sight.

The people that I have been referring to are those who are men and women serving in the armed forces.They are far from all they cherish and many will give the supreme sacrifice on this holiday of losing their lives,limbs and lively hoods.Others will succumb to the mental horrors that destroy minds.There is one more group that fall into this group sooner or later.

That group is those who have fallen in the scores of years mankind has existed on this planet.There is over 400,000 graves in Arlington National Cemetary alone.These are the Humans who through draft or enlistment have sacrificed their lives for a cause they gave their futures for.They died so that the worlds non military citizens could live in peace and go on with their lives living in peace.Complaining on how Awful their lives are...

The small gift of appreciation for this unbelievable heroism is to donate a small amount for the setting of a wreath on their graves this Christmas.Please remember to visit the grave of a loved one who was a warrior for freedom.

There are graves from the first effort to free us from the bondage of overtaxing and invasion into the lives of our ancestors...There is also a lesson that should be going through your mind as you stare at the cold stone with that loved ones name carved on it.

That soldier is still waiting for the freedoms they died for...As history begins the unlearned cycle of teaching those of us that forgot to learn a lesson from history

The Wreaths Across  American Organisation will be glad to have you as a contributor.They lack 30,000 wreaths to Honor the Fallen Heros in Arlington alone...Have they been left behind as the POW,s/MIA,s were in wars past?Are They forgotten by everyone for their unselfish deed?
You Decide.


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Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Housing Has Been frozen From the Washington DogFight of Politicians

Yesterday I wrote about the Crackdown in Russia by the re-elected President Putkin and his Crackdown on anyone that disagreed with him.Today I was Informed that our own USA government has been frozen in many areas that provide help for those that were put out of work and are homeless from the economic situations.Housing benefits are frozen throughout the country and no one is reporting it anywhere.WHY?

Our economy has become financial Quicksand,dragging us all down into stressful degrading places.The Homeless folks are those that have no way to recover after exhausting all their options.The government has always been a last option for many folks to regain their lives.Till now that is.

The constant wrangling in the halls of Washington's playground we call the Capital has in recent years a list of people unable to play nice.They all seem to believe the whole world revolves around them.The Citizens that are getting hit with the Fallout from their shinanigans are never seen or thought of.They are just the casualties of their constant warfare made civil.People who apparently don't believe anyone beyond their own ideas in  life is of any importance.So they continually bicker and argue while the people that voted for them burn...

Right now the freeze has an effect on hundreds of thousand people in the USA.They are the ones that have signed up for government housing  and mandatory emergency benefits.Patiently waited in line with many others Some for a year or more  to simply have a safe place to live.The freeze stops that . Many will have to restart the year waiting process all over again.This means they will remain out of the social circles that allow them to Have an address,get a job,Return to school,and rejoin those people who are not yet effected by the economic crash so many are experiencing right now.

The single people w/o children are easiest to survive and the hardest to restart the process of getting into society again.
It is sorta like this:Single men who have lead a responsible life(Legal Citizens,No children by unwed situations,No arrests,no bad things in the background checks,)are the least capable to get government help.Strange as it seems If that same individual has a prison record,many fatherless children and poor education,He has many open doors.
I have seen an ex-con come out of prison and be placed in a very nice Hotel room for months with food,money and transportation for months while he planned his next caper.Gotta love it he used to say...

A single female with children has funds for as many kids as she can have,Shelter etc.The Veterans and elderly
disabled are at the top of the list as it should be.They just need to prove by endless paperwork that they actually have no legs,or are totally blind and their dog is not a prop.Children  put in Foster homes rarely can actually be checked for abuse etc.Those kids would have to return to those Foster parents if they told.

I may seem a little bit angry that this is one of many governmental things that are out of whack with our own government.The Homeless in any country are the "unmentionables" that everyone wishes ,would just go away.That is till they become what they ignore in their present social status...Homeless.Billionaires ride the backs of the workforce.They would never be able to survive long as a homeless person....NEVER.

The truth is that yesterday I also viewed a video that was by experts that tell of billionaires selling all assets from the USA as fast as they can.They are predicting a major economic crash in the future that will involve the Primary Countries of the World.We have heard of these rumors for many years by fear mongers and religious folks.This is Billionaires that for all due purposes run most of our finances of this Capitalized world.
But it is with our labor those Billionaires have their Imaginary power.We provide the work and they live on that labor.World leaders are the same and Putkin Knows and Fears it.

WE THE PEOPLE are the only ones that can work together to change the worlds problems.We are the ones that talk,work and see our lives as it happens.The people around the world are coming into an age where information is more obtainable.Both constructive or destructive in nature.We can talk to anyone from anywhere to anywhere else on this earth.The Space station has also been added to the Information Highway.
The information is scaring the Bajeebers out of the leaders of the old ideas of dictatorship like The Russian President.He fears the Freedom of information that is developing the rest of the modern world.It will let people see his country is still behind the Iron Curtain in the 21rst century.He fears it will bring changes that will free his people forever.The Homeless people and Putkin...How are they related you are wondering.Read on

Putkin has a country where even those that live in homes are without the rights or availablity to be free and speak their minds.He fears the social freedoms of respected citizens of Russia should have been earned.They
work,play and dwell in the social structure of that country.Yet he fears their voices speaking out and asking
The most difficult question a Parent will ever be asked of their 5year old child.That question is,"WHY is that?"

The Homeless person is avoided,frowned on being anywhere around.They are seen as undesirables.
Still they are more free in this country to speak as they will than the residents of Russia under Putkin and his
minions of oppression...That is the saddest state of all.The most powerful man in Russia in fear of those he believes are his subjects...He Knows that one day soon He will be forced to enter the same situation as another Russian leader who threaten to"Bury his enemies"That never happened either...
The American Homeless are more free than the Russian citizens to speak their minds and communicate with the world.I think the President of Russia is a bit confused by all the technologically savvy people in this world.Perhaps he should look outside the walls he has lived in so very long.To both Presidents of  The USA and of Russia I say....
In the words of Former President Reagan,"Mr President,Break Down Those Walls.
President Obama,Please Free up those much needed funds for the needy.
President Putkin,Free up those people that you so fear for the ideas and speech they need to express to you.
Neither of you will regret the act of  generosity that comes to your people.They will see you as a true leader
of the people.You will stand out in the political battleground as a hero.

That is all for now my dear readers.take care to guard well your freedoms.once lost they will become someone else's that does not have to abide by the same rules.