IMG 3955 - Washington DC - Arlington National Cemetary (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Arlington National Cemetary (Photo credit: nataliemarchant) |
homeless (Photo credit: BagunçĂȘiro) |
There is another less mentioned group that has given all they had,all they will ever have in life.
They surrendered their freedoms.They willingly surrendered their families.They gave up all of their hopes and dreams for those in need.Their risk is beyond those us in safety can understand.
These 400,000+ and growing strong would never gain the lives they grew up dreaming about.Their hopes and visions were put aside for the good of all.
They were, and are the ones that rose up to the challenge most would never meet.The Heros of our countries.The heroes of our world, so soon forgotten.The ones left behind out of convenience when they are safely out of sight.
The people that I have been referring to are those who are men and women serving in the armed forces.They are far from all they cherish and many will give the supreme sacrifice on this holiday of losing their lives,limbs and lively hoods.Others will succumb to the mental horrors that destroy minds.There is one more group that fall into this group sooner or later.
That group is those who have fallen in the scores of years mankind has existed on this planet.There is over 400,000 graves in Arlington National Cemetary alone.These are the Humans who through draft or enlistment have sacrificed their lives for a cause they gave their futures for.They died so that the worlds non military citizens could live in peace and go on with their lives living in peace.Complaining on how Awful their lives are...
The small gift of appreciation for this unbelievable heroism is to donate a small amount for the setting of a wreath on their graves this Christmas.Please remember to visit the grave of a loved one who was a warrior for freedom.
There are graves from the first effort to free us from the bondage of overtaxing and invasion into the lives of our ancestors...There is also a lesson that should be going through your mind as you stare at the cold stone with that loved ones name carved on it.
That soldier is still waiting for the freedoms they died for...As history begins the unlearned cycle of teaching those of us that forgot to learn a lesson from history
The Wreaths Across American Organisation will be glad to have you as a contributor.They lack 30,000 wreaths to Honor the Fallen Heros in Arlington alone...Have they been left behind as the POW,s/MIA,s were in wars past?Are They forgotten by everyone for their unselfish deed?
You Decide.
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