Orlando Hates Homeless People (Photo credit: cavale) |
Police cruiser in Daytona Beach, Florida (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
I have been to Florida many times with varying enthusiasm regarding the crazy drivers,Hot humid bug infested weather and daily rain forest conditions.I find the people come from many parts of the
USA to find the above described conditions.It is a great place for snowbirds (humans)that travel south in the winter from the northern states and return north in the summer months.I personally would rather seek more arid climates.Many folks that will be facing long term homelessness would freeze to death in winters in the northern states.
This means out of common sense and survival knowledge most people who must live in the great outdoors would seek to live in the warmth of southern states.Many people who do not find work are soon to find themselves as the social class we call homeless.Outcasts without address or fone to reconnect to the life they once knew.
Among these people,these fellow
human beings, sneered at by people that imagine themselves living as a much higher order of human.This illusion of supposed superiority to another human is the same type of delusions used throughout history to demonized certain folks for easier disposal without guilt.
The witch trials,the Holocaust,The Chinese laborers deported by
Montana after they arrived and many died building our railroads.The
Japanese Americans interred in camps during WWII.How about the Native Americans?Convenient disposal of those people who simply do not fit our persona of what they should be living up too.A persona that is the sick social peer pressure.We teach this to our children who victimized other children under that same standard of so called superior humans....Children of lesser gods...It teches them to be bullies.
The article that really burned this blog into my mind hits me in the core of my being.It seems the
State of Florida has more respect for the manatees than the homeless humans.
Daytona built a park to let the good people watch manatees.Oh Boy and zowwie!I love to see such things.As endangered species they are something worth saving.But not at the expense of Human lives...
The good people of this paradise? lost have had a couple folks feeding the homeless in the park where docks have been built. Its all landscaped so the manatees can be observed by
the good peoples greater Gods children.How sweet! Has anyone checked the most common damage done to those treasured manatees.Lets see..Docks mean boats and boat motors with sharp propellers.Yup the good people have set the scene to let their children see the bloody hacked bodies after the boats power out from the beautifully built docks.What a great lesson.Look mommie another bloody manatee floating in the beautiful landscaped
water park.
Meanwhile the police are called by the folks superior to the wretched homeless folks to stop the
good Samaritans from providing simple meals once a week to the homeless human beings.Damn those humans of lesser gods for existing and wanting a meal from those unthinking kind hearted humans.
The meals are from donations from other people who can share the food to help out.IT IS THE MORAL THING TO DO...The brothers and sisters of humanity are all equal in their own way.There are no superior humans.WE
THE PEOPLE need to find our walls.The walls we hold in our minds will soon come to own us if we continue to pursue the superior/inferior human illusions.
The volunteers and these two Nobel people draw no divisions or walls to who is fed.The video on the net shows gloved hands for sanitation.The folks eating these meals do not wear
diamonds.The folks eating do not drive up in the autos I remember such neighborhoods drive.They are just folks who have served simple,nutritional meals to folks that are going through hard times.Many of the homeless are the people who's family simply through them away when they returned from their patriotic duties.They are the Veterans who are left to survive as best they can.With broken hearts,broken minds,or broken bodies.A simple kindness of a sandwich is apparently just too much to bear for the good people of Daytona Florida.
The article states the people have no toilet facilities and many are alcoholics and drug users.
toilets in a park for children and families?I don't know of any family that can be near the water without some one needing to commute with nature!Are there toilets and only certain folks can use them?hmmmm.I seem to remember such signs in the deep south awhile back.
This park cost millions and there is no facilities available for those who are of any social status.I doubt that is the two people being good Samaritans fault.They are now also banned from the park their Taxes paid for.They now face arrest like the homeless folks.So...My question is exactly who do the judges and Daytona police work for?Who is the people pulling the Daytona puppet strings to mandate such a biased ruling.Ralph Naders Raiders must have disciples somewhere out there.Have all those folks of the 1960s been silenced or have they just become their parents?
The jimanenzes and the unpaid volunteers were fined well over two thousand dollars by the elite social order of Daytona.I wonder if this ruling will cancel college spring break this year?You know There is rarely a spring break that does not show
young people doing the very same objectionable urinating and drunkenness that these homeless are accused of.
Does this mean the Bikers week in Daytona will be cancelled due to the socially incorrect mindset of "those"people.Simply unacceptable by the superior folks of Daytona...
Perhaps if they all learn to simply drink their booze with a pinkie finger held out from the can it would be better.
Or....Maybe the good people have not had their turn at hoping for a simple sandwich to ease the rumbling in their guts.Maybe the good people have not gone without a toilet for as long as they can hold it because
homeless people are denied such public luxuries. People like those in Daytona who build beautiful parks for endangered species unless it is a starving human being.Those same Eco friendly wealthy that apparently did not have the foresight to install toilets or even a primitive back house to the plan.
There are many states and communities outlawing those who have fallen from the social order we call society.Society itself is an illusion to make the masses believe it will never happen to them.They work and are responsible citizens.Useful to the world.They could never fall as those begging for a meal and wearing used clothing from charity.Right?
Well dear reader this writer has lived it.
This writer will fight to the death for those who are the fallen legions of humans in this world.These days find me forefetting $100000to the
IRS and being chased after my medical insurance has paid the bill by doctors feeling a 15minute surgery is worth $17000.more.The time as homeless was a learning experience for one who worked all my life.The last 5 years have been financially devastating for untold "Good citizens as I was.I now prefer to be a defender of those who are being hammered by those who make life miserable for folks just trying to survive.We need to unite across religious/political/social/mental barriers and imagined lines drawn on maps before it is no longer to be done.
There is a day coming when we must take care of our brothers and sisters.One day soon you may be one of the many wandering and lost legions of the fallen....Perhaps that day is now.
UPDATE:The elderly 90+ man that fed many homeless folks has been arrested and barred from feeding the hungry.Sounds like 3rd world countries that just let their people pose for the worlds Photographers as the victims/photo-ops as they die .These folks in Florida are hungry so this man took heart and shared his bounty with them.This is the Jeb Bush State!
Perhaps an appropriate election slogan would be:Let the eat Cake:Beloved manatees...Damned the starving humans.This world is getting soooo very twisted.Yes we need to save that which are resources,but at what point do we have to chose between clubbing a baby seal to death or clubbing a human to death...saving a manatee or a hungry fellow human being.Why is that choice even considered reasonable?Why not find a compromise to save both?
I think it is more a case of those who have and those who have not....Not wanting to deal with "THOSE" people.Makes the conscience more blind to the needs of others....