Showing posts with label Donation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donation. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Yet another Storm Pounds The South With Destruction With Losses of Life

A few days ago I wrote about the Texas storm that came ashore to destroy lives and property.That is not going to be better for many years.Those poor folks are out of house and home.Jobs are gone because the storm has destroyed the lines of commerce for the time being.Communication is down along with most of the power.The Texans are turning to regroup and rebuild.

This next storm has hit Florida as the news is stating.Insult to injury is the weather is far from done with that part of the country.There are even more storms nearly as big which will inflict more damage to Florida,the Gulf and Islands in the Caribbean.

The reports are coming in from those areas that show astronomical damage that has been done.
Some of those Islands are no longer humanly inhabitable because of damage and sanitation.
The inhabitants have seen other storms in the past.Those storms have not been as severe in the past so its being said.I guess you would have to be there.

The point is these people,Our fellow human beings are in need of our help for a while.They are not asking for a handout.Just asking for a hand up.They will need water,non perishable food,Blankets,Clothing.(most spare clothing would have to be left behind).first aid and other essentials.

You may be saying how the BLEEP am I suppose to send all that stuff and where?Give to the organizations that handle that sort of thing.They got the system down on how to do that.Food link,the Red cross,Salvation Army.Your local Television and radio station who are near you should be able to point you to a resource nearby.

There is a whole list of folks that are helping to gather things for the literally millions of families that out of house and home.This is your opportunity to do the right thing by being part of a good thing in history.Millions of folks will need help if your up to being part of it.

Say a quiet prayer for those who have lost everything short of their hope and dignity.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Obama wins again,It is no surprise,He is A Winner

Halloween costume of Towelie, South Park character
Halloween costume of Towelie, South Park character (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Well this last 9 days has been a very interesting experience for me.I have been in contact with people that carry far more fame than I will ever have.Far more money than this currently unemployed man has.I have been deluged with campaign wanna-be's asking for donations that I don't have to give.Each campaign worker seems to have the delusions that They can get more donations from the same people that the other campaigners are bugging for change.I feel like a person going thru a Hollywood movie with every other person panhandling for a hand out.I help by blogging .That is my donation,Period.People like me are the drummerboy at christmas giving as much as we can with what we have.We are the old lady at the temple that gave pennies and got heckled for being cheap til it was pointed out that is all we have.

Mr.Obama will win this election.It is written in the Akasha records of time.It is something that must happen for the things ahead to take place.We will see a time of war and a time of peace ahead.If this seems mystical then I guess I might have you join together and sing kuhmbya.Roast marshmellows and sit in a circle under the stars,while holding hands.

Unfortunately,It is just the way the world has been since mankind could pick up a rock and throw at his fellow man to cause hurt and suffering.It's not a crystal ball or voices from the magic haunted woods.
we chose the best man for all of our benefits and hope that they can find their way into the fog of time we call history.It's not rocket science or magic.Just a cycle of social spasms we call civilization.Civilization is such an oxymoron term.Even our elections have to be demonizing the other guy.anything goes to prove we are superior.It trickles downs to every member of the political mudfight.Everyone trying to out do the other.even the donation collectors try to panhandle from the other campaign workers.It's like vultures fighting over a rotting carcass.

If I seem a little off key on additude,I will explain.Last week I had my laptops linked to do some updating as a net.When I tried to use them,Both had been virused and crashed.I am a distance from libraries and such.I took a few days to gather junked home computers and parts out a working whole Dell,Hp,Sony/Litewriter/Etc.mongrel of a unit.It works faster than my new laptops when they work.It had a hardrive that was locked out from whoever had it last as administrator,I have spent a number of days hacking a dead desktop to free it from administrator bondage.This is my first attempt to catch up on my blogs in maybe 9days.I have not used windows XP in years but this unit has it and I will endure.I actually have been turned down so many times for employment that I could attend a Halloween costume party as a bed sheet.I wouldn't even need a costume.

I hope to have my blogs back on line soon.

If my friend from the Russia is reading this Please note that I did try to return your leter and it wouldn't go through to you.Thanks for the picture.I made it my desktop background.I will try to respond to all the people writing to me.I got way behind when life crashed last week.I will as I can.

That is all for now my friends and thanks for your patience.I write these for my own pleasure although my experiment with google adsense has earned me a huge amount of money.I was paid the astronomical sum of .02 for 30 days of writing and showing ads.That's right folks You to can get an online income of 2cents.and if you order now,we will send you absolutely nothing for your efforts.Grrrrrr!!Internet income my daryair.

The puch line to all this is the E-mail I returned to9 impotrtant mail and 147 yutzes that wanted momey to fund campaigns.The Prez and Ms.I like mail from.makes me feel like I really might be a hope to climb out of the grave with the ends kicked out I have fell into.It is called a rut.

I will in time excell.gather my army of the disenfranchised and build the city called Shangrala.out in the desert.
The only rules are the following.No Lawyers,no troublemakers,no bullies,no laws saying I can't be denied eating ,drinking,smoking,farting while staying 25feet from anyone,There';s no helmet laws,seat-belt laws,insurance is from everyone's pocket,taxes don't exist,pedifiles are sent to live with those defending them.and politicians lose points every time they cause rudeness to accure.

Yup,that is my city of Shangrala in the desert.Move in and we all pitch in to build your house.Just the way we are.

It is a beautiful dream.Keep it in m,ind while the political babeling is in your face for the next few weeks.

Keep the dream alive and hope out in front of your visions.

PS Happy all Hollows Eve my friends
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