telegram sent to parents informing them that their son was taken as a prisoner of war German prisoner of war. Taken at the North Carolina Aviation Museum (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
A small American flag stands against the Vietnam Veterans Memorial during a ceremony to add the name of U.S. Army Lt. Col. Taylor to Panel 7W, Line 81 of the memorial in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: Homeless veteran in New York (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
The Veterans that have returned home have always been looked as like a character out of a hollywood movie.Whether Rambo or as headcases in a mental ward.The fact that they have witnessed things that the human mind should never see is not looked at.The fact that many soldiers are put through mentally stressful
"tests" from bootcamp to retirement or death.
A POW may be tortured till they die or simply never be recovered to their home.Even if that homecoming happens they are not the same person that left wife,hearth,Children, and home.The terrible memories of war is not anything that will ever "just go away in time".The spirit and soul will be tormented with each tossed night that ends up in the screams of a sweat,soaked nightmare.Family will be faced with a person that the government has called for their politicaly ignited duties.The duty is not explained to those sent into hell as expendable commodities.Basically a series of body counts to equate the actions of those sitting at a desk in safety.
It is my true beliefs that the Nations of the world that can send our men and women into hells should put these folks on an elite pedestal.That is,These brave souls need the best of everything when they return.
They should be provided free housing if they wish,free medical care for anything that they have been inflicted with.Any war related injury to body,mind or soul should be free.The country that we helped in that conflict should also be held responsible for those soldiers lifetime care.
I have heard of the very good care of some
Governmental Establishments.I also remember my friends who returned from the Vietnam Conflict??
They were ignored for years.The Agent Orange complaints went unaknowledged till most of those Vets died
of the results.Iguess that saved millions on their "So called"unwarranted complaints.That should never happen again....Till you ask a Desert storm returnee about their mysterious ailments.Go ahead and ask...
Why not make the returning soldiers duties worth what they have surrendered to this country.You will find it to be the only thing that uniformed spirit has surrendered.The life that does not return has not surrendered
their flag,has not surrendered their country or their beliefs in the values they hold in their hearts worth their
No soldier should ever be wondering with nowhere,no-one and lost in the garbage heaps of hopelessness.
One more note here regarding the female soldiers in service to our country.While they are obviously female with different abilities then men due to Physical and biological uniqueness.They are everybit
as well equipt to be whatever THEY chose to be.Most people Know or come to know the strengths they have.The high rape while in uniform by their own countrymen is disgraceful and is a note that they to have re that should never even exist.This is an enemy within the country as much as any terrorist threat.
We truly need to raise the bar on the greatest group of Human Beings to ever fight for those they don't even know.They should never have to be left behind as homeless.Their families should have the best opportunities avalaible in the world.They have given all and we should cut the nonsensible grants to studying the sexlife of a fruitfly ETC.and directing it to our folks in the military.....Unless you really believe fruitflies etc.are more important than those guarding your rears.
Those who would die in conflicts,wars,and police protect those who can not or will not protect themselves...They believe in it or they would not be in uniform.
They would not be flying the American flag as those from the beginning have proudly done..
Thats all for now,Keep the faith and support those of us that is far from loved ones as you read this.
there are many organizations that make our troops more comfortable and really help to raise the Moral in those desolated places so far away.God bless them all in their safe returns to us back home.
This upsets me so much that I forgot to sign it,SOOOO here goes