International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement Pavilion (Photo credit: Xares) |
These are families and elderly folks that will surely die if they do not have help.The various organizations that pitch in to help are going to be overwhelmed by the efforts to support thousands of persons.They will need the help of all of us.Food,Clean water,Blankets Food(non perishable),Hygiene kits,Candy,Clothes.These people have lost everything they own to fire,floods,wind.Mother natures worst tantrum in our history.
Please donate to the red cross and places listed in the F.E.M.A. web sight.The National guard would welcome a few things to ease the cold and may life a little more bearable. They are our best home defense in a situation like this.They work with other national hero's.Law enforcement,Firemen,Utility crews,Sewage and water folks.There are millions of these unsung hero's out there working till they fall into bed from exhaustion.
The volunteers are coming from all over the country.Even the political mud machine has cease fire.It takes a lot to make Democrats and Republicans to play nice.It takes Americans to reach out and put their differences aside to help their fellow Americans in need of desperate life threatening trouble.
The President showed his concern for the people even if it costs him everything.I remember another president that just could not bring his self to help those in New Orleans after Katrina.This man has put his political Future in our hands to help those in need of help.I was brought up with this simple phrase spoken to me often,"Actions speak louder than words"I wonder if his opposition has any Idea of actually "sending whatever you can to help".Several million would be very useful to those in the ground Zero/New York& New Jersey.....Show Us The Money!!!!
We can all Find ways to Help.It would be a wonderful project for School kids is community building.
This sort of thing really makes civilization live up to the word"civilization.
The President is Getting into the midst of the afterstorm.I think he is showing that he won't back down,he will stand his quote a song.
Well,the storm has past here and we are in rebuild,repair and fill out the paperwork to try to fix our lives.It will come together again.This is the time we will sit and speak of as the Super storm we lived to talk about
This is truly the past that we will remember in the future.We will remember the dead and be thank full all those predicting the worlds end via super storm was limited in their predictions.If you feel aneed to help in any way,Please contact the organizations that are affiliated with the red cross to find links that are legal and
not crooks.
Keep the dream of freedom alive and we will talk again soon
P.S.The Red Cross did Not help anyone who lost all the things that would identify ones home address and id themselves.Many residents that were completely and literaly blown away(paperwork wise)are still struggling and living in motels and apartments.They are still
attempting to rebuild broken lives from that storm blast.
There were some that ended up living in shelters and later became homeless with families in tow.Others had their families torn apart by the shear stress of the socialy shattered lives they once lead.Google the facts and statistics to learn more.Many residents ended in New Jersey and wide areas of the southern New York areas.
You see I learned first hand from the Red cross that they never help the homeless...No permanent address,No help of any kind,not even to help one get back in the social step.
uless of course you happen to be in a country where that in a mainstay of living through the kindness of politics....!
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