Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Let's Contemplate reality,Dots,Atoms and Matrix Dreams

reality (Photo credit: Loulair Harton)
A 3D projection of an tesseract performing an ...
A 3D projection of an tesseract performing an isoclinic rotation. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Cover of "Matrix-Trilogy [Blu-ray]"
Cover of Matrix-Trilogy [Blu-ray]
Once in a while I like to publish some of my personal writings when I sit alone by a quiet stream of water.
I was reading an article some time ago,by an author that I don't remember.It was about computers making images from dots and empty spaces.Sorta off and on switching of pulses.It was very good reading.

I also have read about the atomic structure of  matter.Atomic particles make up molecules in combinations according to electrons and protrons, charges.Matter combines to make all the things we know as solid reality.

It is all pretty cut and dried to this point,But let us stretch it out a little to another realm of thought.I have heard over the years a popular phrase.It is this:"Reality,what a concept!"The above explanation is a fore runner to a thought I investigated at that quiet flowing stream.

 Compare the image on the computer screen as a one dimensional creation of moving dots to create the images we see.Now also compare the moving "dots" of energy that make up all that we Know about matter.
The dots of energy in either case are reality as they can be to it's source.The computer dots are our creation.
The Atomic"dots" of our bodies are a reality to us.

I saw the Matrix Movie's many times when they were popular.A profound view of a fictitious world of machines vs mankind.What if ,all that we know is a creation of a Mega Super God Computer that has made our lives the reality concept we take for granted.

What if ,our lives and all our experiences were simply(from the Creators point of view) a few taps of the Ethereal Keyboard.A few simple program tweaks to allow personal choice.a few more to support the kernal
program.then a little enhancing to upgrade every so often.Just to keep it in synch with the times(if time is not only our reality)Our super computer would no doubt look like cave marks to mark the days in comparison to the MSGC(Mega Super God Computer)

Let us drift a bit further on this thought.If  the dots we create form  computer programs for 1 dimensional  realities.the atomic "dots" form matter which makes up our 3dimensional world.Created in steps by another level of existence programming from the 6th or 7th dimension, that is in the 4th or 5th dimension and so on.....

I  think this clearly could answer the question of are we alone.I think the answer may be in the program :)

I had to get away from politics for a bit.My normal life is far removed from politics.I invite you,my friends to join me in forming groups with the goals of the Equal rights organization,Amnesty International,Human Rights People.Homeless support groups,Elderly support groups,the unemployed,people prosecuted without due process.There is where my Niche is.Politicians(good Ones)Rarly have to worry about their rights being violated,Going hungry,Watching their loved ones raped and murdered.They rarly need to worry about a loved one dying from a disease that is killing a them due to red tape.Many are in a world that is far removed from even the most known of our world.The world of the common working person.

We The People are the force of the world my friends.But we sit idle and except the judgements of those who do nothing but increase their own life.I have always marveled at how few can control so many,even when what is going on is so wrong.Then I recall the women who was beaten,robbed and the stabbed to death on a busy street many years ago.Passers by just kept walking.The newspapers read that she screamed and begged for help with no help offered.The attacker then proceeded to stab the women repeated to cause her death.No one stopped to help,no one called police,no one  identified the the heartless animal that killed her.
 No one to my knowledge has ever published the crime as solved.I read this as many other articles in a newspaper.I never knew the people involved.I have never forgotten it.don't be like the passers by.Your voice is so very important to this world.Your mind may carry the key to solutions.The smallest idea can grow into and develop into other more important ideas.

Get involved with people and see how your own world can change over night.History remembers the worst villians for a short time by everyone and the beautiful minds are remembered forever by those they effectively change the lives for the better.Those who float as shadows through life,are never even known to exist...

get involved,change your life,open your heart to those in need.People that may never even know you.But you will know that you were there.

Keep the Faith my friends,Your bad day you may have had today,is the reference you have in the morning to make it a better day tomorrow.

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