Showing posts with label Drones. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Drones. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2013

Hush Llittle Baby,Don't Say A Word,IgnoreThe Noise You Heard,It's Not The Boogie man Under Your Bed It's The Drone Coming To Make You Dead

English: Weapons of mass destruction by countr...
English: Weapons of mass destruction by country. ---- Português: Armas de destruição em massa por país. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile, 1945-2002.
U.S. nuclear warhead stockpile, 1945-2002. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have not written anything in accouple weeks.The reasons are many.

Our traveling fugitive has found refuge in what that country calls Mother Russia.The so called secret autopsy on our late

 President Kennedy was released to the general Public with the usual ghastly photos and detailed descriptions.Done with all the gore and unneeded details anyone with a sick mind would savor.
The man was an American President that does not deserve the degrading that the media has done.We once called the Whitehouse "Camelot"back then.

It was a time when the world nearly accomplished the ultimate goal of mankind. To completely wipe itself from the face of its meager existence.The usual maniacs were poised to use weapons of mass destruction 50years ago.The nuclear missile was in fact the first tool of robotic termination

.The first  mechanized "King Mega-Drone".The principal was real simple:1).find a target way over there some place far away and safe from those launching the death dealing 'computerized Robotic killing machine  2).launch the robot with precision computerized GPS coordinates,3).wait a few minutes for the pretty flash on the screen,and 4).remember that you now have enough time to see the blossoming launch lights from the place you just FUBARRED.

You now can sit in the self assurance that you still have time to pour a stiff drink,dance in the sheets,and then maybe have enough time to bend over and kiss your  butt goodbye!All before the world is turn to a stinking burning cauldron of rotting screaming meat.Your Momma would be.....mortified by your act.

AHHH,the good old days.when the termination toys were so deadly that no one wanted to push the button ending Gods world in an infantile act . Taking you to Your creators throne to answer for your stupidity.Possibly to find that you are god and not GOD..

.Now,all that has changed.We have allowed the powers that be, to create limited killing based on someones idea of who or what is the enemy.Same scenario,same old reasons to push the button.In fact the whole idea has been cleaned up to be quite  legit now.see the target way down there and just push the button.It doesn't light up the world as nukes would do.It simply sends 6000rounds of flesh disintegrating munitions from thousands of feet in the atmosphere.OR: a lethal cocktail of various flesh scalding chemicals that simply rend the living flesh from the bones as the 
individuals breathe the final soul wrenching breathe from itself.

The target is just a bunch of nobodies that will be missed by a few relatives that have no avenue of complaint.Who would listen to a nobody anyway. Peasant&,pawns do not die,because they have no value to those pushing buttons in the control rooms so far away.

How far we have come from destroying the entire creation to the precision killing of the peasants that are so very expendable to this earth and will just end up as useless eaters and breeders...Breeding more eaters and breeders...The world is so much better after they are gone.Who will even know they have been eliminated if all transmissions are blanked out while the termination process is going on.

After all....If a peasant dies and no one can witness it or if no one can hear them scream..or if  a tree falls in the forest and no one can hear it fall...did it actually happen?

I really hope those who read this article will realize that this is a possible future that would benefit no one.It is a hell on earth that we have already allowed to be instrumented into the fabric of our world as standard operating procedure

.Videoed and viewed as a form of Television entertainment for the masses at news time.That's entertainment,watching those nobodies dance to the tune of 50calibers!MA deuce speaks,or just disappearing in a red slimy blood spatter.What a sight from the safety of your front room.Real people dying in hideous ways and you don't get prosecuted for participating..So whats next televised gas chambers..

Ole Adolf would have loved the programming.
It is a world where a few elite controllers who hold life and death over the rest.The ability to chose and eliminated anyone or any thing that rocks the status quo.

Do WE THE PEOPLE really want or really need to have such a world that would regard people as pawns or subjects or even targets of opportunity .Then you better stop and look into your acceptance of what is happening in your lives.

Even your accepting the views of the evening news.Perhaps if you are so fascinated by the drones
dance of  death ,you may be able to volunteer for a dance card soon.If the future looks like the present,

then do not worry my dear reader....the drone will find you to dance with...and the Drone always leads .Your audience awaits you dear reader...

Yours always/ RJP
Sometimes you just need to retreat and regroup in the world or in your mind...
Remember that progress is a matter of finding a way.Over,under,around or through...There is usually a way when you fall back,regroup and see the situation from a different perspective./

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Monday, December 10, 2012

Personal Drones and Who Is Watching Who

The technical magazines are running articles on the availability of tiny personal drones for sale.These tiny model airplanes are equipt with cameras,radio controls,solar cells,
sound recorders,etc.Some are able to be controlled by cellphones.Others are controlled by model airplane frequencies.The possession of these are for recreation and entertainment purposes.I have been reading about the military use of the various drones and the horrific death that they bring to civilians by no military decree.

It no doubt is very easy for the powers to be to give a KILL order for any target,real or
imagined.The incident the can easily be said to be "a Suspected Threat".That would pretty much cover anyone that just needs to bring virtual killing out of their video game time.This is all top secret and easily hidden in then mistakes file that WE THE PEOPLE will never be Privy to.The daily goings on that citizens never see or hear of.

The questions for us with a private collections of drones follows:When will the privacy
factors become mute.When will we not be able to avoid the camera of a personal drone. Cameras are already not allowed inside many shower rooms and public places.
a fone left on can get you a preditor label for life.A nasty label that means a death sentence if ever you go to jail.Some kind of honor among convicts or whatever.

I cant see these new adult toys becoming weapons in the conventional sense.The only
way the danger is presented is in cases like the royal family recent video of a sunbathing Kate and the peeping tom that snapped a photo.Drones will make crimes
far more do-able than long range lenses.A fly over intrusion to present a conpromising
video with sound.Blackmail,divorce,political arm bending.It is the beginning of many
arguments in courts around the world.

The technologies developing for future use will be far more intrusive than a model airplane with cameras.There is developers working on units the size of a bubblebee.
or imitating a cockroach.The personal privacy we have enjoyed in the past will never again be ours.We will be subject  to invasion of every aspect of our lives.Imagine the
effect of a world leaders love life being threatened by such monitoring.The lives that we have enjoyed will be video-d and digitized for inspection and review.

The military mechanical dogs(Look up Mechanical Wardog Robots)and drones already have enormous advertised and un advertised abilities that make us all observed and monitored subjects.An Arizona Sheriff Department has already become the first civilian use(known Use) of drones and their Technologies.Border Patrol is said to have
a few in use.

The future is always predicted by the Imaginations of writers and futurists.The time period between the imaginative thought and the existence of the idea is becoming shortened by human abilities.Whether we become a totally monitored society or
become the machines that we use and fear taking over,is up to us all.We already allow machines to sustain threatening life situations such as Kidney machines,Pace makers,ETC.Machines plan our days and weeks,figure our expenses,run our lives and entertain us.It is just a matter of time before we decide to merge more completely with the feared bionics to become our nemesis.drones will then be common place as they will either be the enemy of our imagined terminator types or they will become who we are in the future.I hope they will never become the tools of common invasion an murder at the push of someones demigods finger.......OR IS IT ALREADY TO LATE?

Till next time dear friends,lets tear down the walls that make us separate people.Together WE THE PEOPLE ofn this world can join together and make this world a place worth the effort of the dreams we all share...

Till next time