Showing posts with label Privacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Privacy. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2019

New European World Order Law, All Those NWO Conspiracy Theories come True?

Everywhere on the net is the chatter of the new European Internet laws that is, for the most part, are in the long run unenforceable on the rest of the world. It is pointed at the giants like Facebook and Google who collect terabytes of information on every aspect of our lives. Our interests, curiosities, and use.

Their control is as a blanket covering the world of technology. The details collected regardless of what has stated in privacy writings go far beyond what is commercially useful. For decades this information has been collected and stored for uses that most of us can only imagine. If one was to think for much time, They would probably begin to sound like  paranoia was setting in

I have tried to fathom all the legalese that has been written but I quit when One article said there is over 4000
arguments that make up that law. Another article said it was 4000 Pages that even the makers of the law were not sure of. Then another article said it was unenforceable and would drive small web companies out of business or bankrupt them.

My question is this in the light of Europe invading the rest of the worlds Internet, What has happened throughout history when Europe (one dictator or another) Decided we needed to be brought under their control? Read your history books for that update. It won't work...Never has and never will as long as WE THE PEOPLE stand together.

I hate the fact that My life is pried ed into by the Internet giants. Every time I log in to an entity that was given to THE PEOPLE by the U.S. Government to use freely. As time went on we had more and more of our personal control taken away by the mega-giants that came afterward. Soon every electronic ear and anyone who knew how was pecking away at our private moments we searched in the netherworld of the wire.

Nasty malicious people were trying to destroy our machines with the virus'. Our business interests were hacked, Medical and financial facts were stolen. Let us face it, folks, the nets have gotten worse than the wild west.
There's really no controls on much of the net. So Europe is telling us they've had enough. Enough?

I have personally experienced European hackers on a friends computer being filled with aware, and other nasty items that completely stopped his new computer. I had to completely dump his hard drive and reboot from basics to clear it out. His computers brand new hard drive was left with damaged areas that will never recover.

So is it a bad thing that someone somewhere, no matter how sloppy a law it might be, is bad?
I wished the Powers that made this law would have asked any one of the millions of people who have been with the Internet for ideas. I have known folks that have been on the net since 1984.

I bought my first computer then. Internet was a mind-boggling 300Baud on dial-up Wired Phones. For the newly uninitiated, That's slower than a snail crawls. It would take hours to download a program in Basic.

The Internet does need some parameters slammed on its invasive practices for the safety and welfare of those who don't know how to protect themselves from intruders. I am just disappointed that this sort of law will no doubt hurt the Small business using the info to generate business flow.

Maybe good, will come of this if it does rein in the Giants and get conversations to create better laws to work for everyone benefit. Either way, our lives are about to change in ways that once again we have little say in
Either way, The united nation's laws have arrived to dictate over the people of the United States. Perhaps The entire world. Except for China, Russia, And others who already have an Iron fist on their Internet people...

Those countries are fine examples of where the free Internet can end up. Try to get on Australia's Internet from where you are. Or China Then looks at the new laws just passed allowing our sensitive information to be sold like we were slaves being held to be ogled like fresh meat in the market square.

We, free people of the world, need our own Internet again even if we have to create it from scratch. There are an estimated 400million people in the world capable of banding together to create the fastest, most sophisticated system that would be completely independent of what's going on in the present Internet around the world. Okay dreamers and geeks, Where do we start?

We have people who are forging into space independently. Building private owned spacecraft to go where few of us will ever be able to go.once built, a satellite to use the free Internet is a path to Earths Orbit ... We have people finding discoveries in just about every field you can Think of.

Think of the advantages of an Internet owned and run by the people of the Earth. A free and open source system. A raspberry Pi sorta  Internet system that anyone can improve as time goes on.....Anything is possible if you join forces in peace to combine the power of thought. It uses the strengths of every brain to improve the idea. and any idea is possible if enough effort and will are put forth to accomplish that goal.

It's an idea that needs to be manifested. The present Internet Giants started those "giant" Corporations in garages and some in college dorms. The smartest people in the world working to build a better Internet...It takes dreamers with a common goal...everyone who thinks is capable of creating. There are only people who have not applied themselves or taken enough time to solve a problem. Many minds working on a problem will make the problems much smaller...

Every dream has its share of hurdles to navigate. This one would take time and yes...Money.I wonder if this sort of thing would meet the donation/investment status of the Kick starter/go fund me type of setup.

Can you imagine a series of satellites up there that just ordinary folks financed, designed and built? the being fired into orbit. A historical first.The first private freeware satellite BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.The WE THE PEOPLES internet system.

Everything that would go into such a project is currently available to the hobby builder. People are coming up with all sorts of experiments to send up to the space station. Why would a satellite powered by the sun be any different than anything else sent out into the void of space?

It's do-able. Boards such as the Arduino and the Raspberry are a riot to play with. I have experimented with both of these. Arduino is a controller for tons of projects and Raspberry Pi the CPU to program whatever your imagination can dream of within its abilities.

I think tiny single-board CPU units each backing up and monitoring each other. Artificial Intelligent monitoring and overseeing each function also adjusting and maintaining the satellite.working in synch with other boards. People have already created Stacks from these little boards. Why Not a satellite that runs itself?

The circuit board sizes of these boards are getting smaller every month. Those tiny CPU units pack an amazing amount of ability in that small size. The tiny boards also draw almost nothing for power. They are cheap in price. They really don't require much to run and they seem to last for ages if used properly. The perfect combination of a remotely located satellite.

There's more advantages to these little boards in such a mind-blowing endeavor though.

Each board has its own sensors and utilities for a vast amount of self-diagnostics .all the system requirements to create a self-testing, self-analyzing and maybe a self-repairing or self-repairing unit

Maybe a worldwide contest to see which group will be the first to build a successful satellite and then who will build the best design, which satellite stays in operation longest, ETC.

We already have robots battling it out in areas. They were built by amateurs with a dream. It is time for our own open source space program. The peoples open source"Enterprise" No pun Intended. Okay, Pun Much intended. But why not?If Europe or anyone else didn't like the free satellite Internet, Its an option to not use it.

It's just a thought. Parts are available, Designs are whatever is needed by people who are interested. All that's needed to build such a dream is people who have enough will power to make it happen. Where there's a will there is a way.No delusion of grandeur involved, Just shear tenacious will power.

To own such a system is to truly be free and open source. Millions of folks running their own system free of all the gunk being used on the net today. The dark web for all its mystic is really as cluttered up as the visible net.
I have been there and it is gotten to be a real mess compared with all the hype the media would tell you. Cloak and dagger stuff is real, but it is said that 95% of the Internet uses the Dark web. Hospitals with chain bit coding and Law enforcement with encrypted data.Drug companies and Drug pushers,

Sites that also are there that would make a  goat puke they're so bad.Probably true. It's just a matter of time before someone starts demanding you run your web life according to their little whims.

I would love to see the ability to use such an open source system like Linux has with computers. I would love to see that idea of open source applied to a satellite for all people who could manage to find their way to use it. It's just an Idea, for now, But just imagine the advantages of a system run by decent free people of the world without all the crap we find on the net today.

Please Take care of each other out there in the changing world. One day I fear the virtual world of ours will be controlled and used to create George Orwell's hellish 1984 world Manifested. We are already looking at our freedoms being High jacked by foreign powers who don't seem able to run their own back yards for the moment while telling the rest of the world how to live and think. Stand your ground or someone else will take it from you.


Monday, December 10, 2012

Personal Drones and Who Is Watching Who

The technical magazines are running articles on the availability of tiny personal drones for sale.These tiny model airplanes are equipt with cameras,radio controls,solar cells,
sound recorders,etc.Some are able to be controlled by cellphones.Others are controlled by model airplane frequencies.The possession of these are for recreation and entertainment purposes.I have been reading about the military use of the various drones and the horrific death that they bring to civilians by no military decree.

It no doubt is very easy for the powers to be to give a KILL order for any target,real or
imagined.The incident the can easily be said to be "a Suspected Threat".That would pretty much cover anyone that just needs to bring virtual killing out of their video game time.This is all top secret and easily hidden in then mistakes file that WE THE PEOPLE will never be Privy to.The daily goings on that citizens never see or hear of.

The questions for us with a private collections of drones follows:When will the privacy
factors become mute.When will we not be able to avoid the camera of a personal drone. Cameras are already not allowed inside many shower rooms and public places.
a fone left on can get you a preditor label for life.A nasty label that means a death sentence if ever you go to jail.Some kind of honor among convicts or whatever.

I cant see these new adult toys becoming weapons in the conventional sense.The only
way the danger is presented is in cases like the royal family recent video of a sunbathing Kate and the peeping tom that snapped a photo.Drones will make crimes
far more do-able than long range lenses.A fly over intrusion to present a conpromising
video with sound.Blackmail,divorce,political arm bending.It is the beginning of many
arguments in courts around the world.

The technologies developing for future use will be far more intrusive than a model airplane with cameras.There is developers working on units the size of a bubblebee.
or imitating a cockroach.The personal privacy we have enjoyed in the past will never again be ours.We will be subject  to invasion of every aspect of our lives.Imagine the
effect of a world leaders love life being threatened by such monitoring.The lives that we have enjoyed will be video-d and digitized for inspection and review.

The military mechanical dogs(Look up Mechanical Wardog Robots)and drones already have enormous advertised and un advertised abilities that make us all observed and monitored subjects.An Arizona Sheriff Department has already become the first civilian use(known Use) of drones and their Technologies.Border Patrol is said to have
a few in use.

The future is always predicted by the Imaginations of writers and futurists.The time period between the imaginative thought and the existence of the idea is becoming shortened by human abilities.Whether we become a totally monitored society or
become the machines that we use and fear taking over,is up to us all.We already allow machines to sustain threatening life situations such as Kidney machines,Pace makers,ETC.Machines plan our days and weeks,figure our expenses,run our lives and entertain us.It is just a matter of time before we decide to merge more completely with the feared bionics to become our nemesis.drones will then be common place as they will either be the enemy of our imagined terminator types or they will become who we are in the future.I hope they will never become the tools of common invasion an murder at the push of someones demigods finger.......OR IS IT ALREADY TO LATE?

Till next time dear friends,lets tear down the walls that make us separate people.Together WE THE PEOPLE ofn this world can join together and make this world a place worth the effort of the dreams we all share...

Till next time