Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook. Show all posts

Sunday, April 28, 2019

New European World Order Law, All Those NWO Conspiracy Theories come True?

Everywhere on the net is the chatter of the new European Internet laws that is, for the most part, are in the long run unenforceable on the rest of the world. It is pointed at the giants like Facebook and Google who collect terabytes of information on every aspect of our lives. Our interests, curiosities, and use.

Their control is as a blanket covering the world of technology. The details collected regardless of what has stated in privacy writings go far beyond what is commercially useful. For decades this information has been collected and stored for uses that most of us can only imagine. If one was to think for much time, They would probably begin to sound like  paranoia was setting in

I have tried to fathom all the legalese that has been written but I quit when One article said there is over 4000
arguments that make up that law. Another article said it was 4000 Pages that even the makers of the law were not sure of. Then another article said it was unenforceable and would drive small web companies out of business or bankrupt them.

My question is this in the light of Europe invading the rest of the worlds Internet, What has happened throughout history when Europe (one dictator or another) Decided we needed to be brought under their control? Read your history books for that update. It won't work...Never has and never will as long as WE THE PEOPLE stand together.

I hate the fact that My life is pried ed into by the Internet giants. Every time I log in to an entity that was given to THE PEOPLE by the U.S. Government to use freely. As time went on we had more and more of our personal control taken away by the mega-giants that came afterward. Soon every electronic ear and anyone who knew how was pecking away at our private moments we searched in the netherworld of the wire.

Nasty malicious people were trying to destroy our machines with the virus'. Our business interests were hacked, Medical and financial facts were stolen. Let us face it, folks, the nets have gotten worse than the wild west.
There's really no controls on much of the net. So Europe is telling us they've had enough. Enough?

I have personally experienced European hackers on a friends computer being filled with aware, and other nasty items that completely stopped his new computer. I had to completely dump his hard drive and reboot from basics to clear it out. His computers brand new hard drive was left with damaged areas that will never recover.

So is it a bad thing that someone somewhere, no matter how sloppy a law it might be, is bad?
I wished the Powers that made this law would have asked any one of the millions of people who have been with the Internet for ideas. I have known folks that have been on the net since 1984.

I bought my first computer then. Internet was a mind-boggling 300Baud on dial-up Wired Phones. For the newly uninitiated, That's slower than a snail crawls. It would take hours to download a program in Basic.

The Internet does need some parameters slammed on its invasive practices for the safety and welfare of those who don't know how to protect themselves from intruders. I am just disappointed that this sort of law will no doubt hurt the Small business using the info to generate business flow.

Maybe good, will come of this if it does rein in the Giants and get conversations to create better laws to work for everyone benefit. Either way, our lives are about to change in ways that once again we have little say in
Either way, The united nation's laws have arrived to dictate over the people of the United States. Perhaps The entire world. Except for China, Russia, And others who already have an Iron fist on their Internet people...

Those countries are fine examples of where the free Internet can end up. Try to get on Australia's Internet from where you are. Or China Then looks at the new laws just passed allowing our sensitive information to be sold like we were slaves being held to be ogled like fresh meat in the market square.

We, free people of the world, need our own Internet again even if we have to create it from scratch. There are an estimated 400million people in the world capable of banding together to create the fastest, most sophisticated system that would be completely independent of what's going on in the present Internet around the world. Okay dreamers and geeks, Where do we start?

We have people who are forging into space independently. Building private owned spacecraft to go where few of us will ever be able to go.once built, a satellite to use the free Internet is a path to Earths Orbit ... We have people finding discoveries in just about every field you can Think of.

Think of the advantages of an Internet owned and run by the people of the Earth. A free and open source system. A raspberry Pi sorta  Internet system that anyone can improve as time goes on.....Anything is possible if you join forces in peace to combine the power of thought. It uses the strengths of every brain to improve the idea. and any idea is possible if enough effort and will are put forth to accomplish that goal.

It's an idea that needs to be manifested. The present Internet Giants started those "giant" Corporations in garages and some in college dorms. The smartest people in the world working to build a better Internet...It takes dreamers with a common goal...everyone who thinks is capable of creating. There are only people who have not applied themselves or taken enough time to solve a problem. Many minds working on a problem will make the problems much smaller...

Every dream has its share of hurdles to navigate. This one would take time and yes...Money.I wonder if this sort of thing would meet the donation/investment status of the Kick starter/go fund me type of setup.

Can you imagine a series of satellites up there that just ordinary folks financed, designed and built? the being fired into orbit. A historical first.The first private freeware satellite BY THE PEOPLE AND FOR THE PEOPLE.The WE THE PEOPLES internet system.

Everything that would go into such a project is currently available to the hobby builder. People are coming up with all sorts of experiments to send up to the space station. Why would a satellite powered by the sun be any different than anything else sent out into the void of space?

It's do-able. Boards such as the Arduino and the Raspberry are a riot to play with. I have experimented with both of these. Arduino is a controller for tons of projects and Raspberry Pi the CPU to program whatever your imagination can dream of within its abilities.

I think tiny single-board CPU units each backing up and monitoring each other. Artificial Intelligent monitoring and overseeing each function also adjusting and maintaining the satellite.working in synch with other boards. People have already created Stacks from these little boards. Why Not a satellite that runs itself?

The circuit board sizes of these boards are getting smaller every month. Those tiny CPU units pack an amazing amount of ability in that small size. The tiny boards also draw almost nothing for power. They are cheap in price. They really don't require much to run and they seem to last for ages if used properly. The perfect combination of a remotely located satellite.

There's more advantages to these little boards in such a mind-blowing endeavor though.

Each board has its own sensors and utilities for a vast amount of self-diagnostics .all the system requirements to create a self-testing, self-analyzing and maybe a self-repairing or self-repairing unit

Maybe a worldwide contest to see which group will be the first to build a successful satellite and then who will build the best design, which satellite stays in operation longest, ETC.

We already have robots battling it out in areas. They were built by amateurs with a dream. It is time for our own open source space program. The peoples open source"Enterprise" No pun Intended. Okay, Pun Much intended. But why not?If Europe or anyone else didn't like the free satellite Internet, Its an option to not use it.

It's just a thought. Parts are available, Designs are whatever is needed by people who are interested. All that's needed to build such a dream is people who have enough will power to make it happen. Where there's a will there is a way.No delusion of grandeur involved, Just shear tenacious will power.

To own such a system is to truly be free and open source. Millions of folks running their own system free of all the gunk being used on the net today. The dark web for all its mystic is really as cluttered up as the visible net.
I have been there and it is gotten to be a real mess compared with all the hype the media would tell you. Cloak and dagger stuff is real, but it is said that 95% of the Internet uses the Dark web. Hospitals with chain bit coding and Law enforcement with encrypted data.Drug companies and Drug pushers,

Sites that also are there that would make a  goat puke they're so bad.Probably true. It's just a matter of time before someone starts demanding you run your web life according to their little whims.

I would love to see the ability to use such an open source system like Linux has with computers. I would love to see that idea of open source applied to a satellite for all people who could manage to find their way to use it. It's just an Idea, for now, But just imagine the advantages of a system run by decent free people of the world without all the crap we find on the net today.

Please Take care of each other out there in the changing world. One day I fear the virtual world of ours will be controlled and used to create George Orwell's hellish 1984 world Manifested. We are already looking at our freedoms being High jacked by foreign powers who don't seem able to run their own back yards for the moment while telling the rest of the world how to live and think. Stand your ground or someone else will take it from you.


Monday, March 3, 2014

Are You As Curious About The Intelligence Communities Interest in Your Thoughts And Activities?Read On For Your First Resource

Profiler (TV series)
Profiler (TV series) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: This is the Electronic Frontier Found...
English: This is the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) booth at the Security Expo at the 2010 RSA Conference. This picture is also available at: (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I had a friend that was looking at the Face book Postings.They brought a most interesting article to my attention.It was a posting from the Group Named Films for Action out of Kansas USA.The site was very interesting and informative to any citizen anywhere in this world of changes.

The site has many video explanations regarding documents that were hidden from sight.The particular article that caught my eye was the one about the Psychological Game Play that is or will be used to study INTERNET social  web sites.

The Profiler type report is to outline a system to profile and categorize people.The purpose is so each person can be placed in a file to which weakness and strengths can be used.You may be asking the question,"used for What?"Read on to hear and find the website if you are interested.Knowledge is power you know.

It listed numerous things to look for in other human beings.It was 54pages of flowcharts to categorize
profile and index all the weakness and strengths of an ordinary human being.

The pages went on to explain that this profiler would  or could be used to exploit any person for future control.By knowing the points of weakness in a persons life their Protective mental shell could be broken into or manipulated to be used by....By whom???and for What purpose would this be done?

This could make one appear very paranoid if it were not for all the documents now flowing out of the black abyss of certain agencies these days.I seem to recall those so called paranoid nut cases on the late night radio spouting off about secret Governments and black ops inside nations....

Maybe it was not something in the water they drank? Maybe it was some that just wanted the spotlight and, "15minutes of fame" to quote Andy Warhol.Maybe it was guys that tried to warn us and this program was already in use.Maybe they deserved a small listen back then....Maybe?
That,we may never know.

Please goto Facebook or to this site and profile the profiler program for yourself I personally Do not know how much info is authentic these days..We can only look to the likes of Organizations like EFF and the Guardian Newscasts.The Human Rights Organization for worldwide people reports.There are honest organizations if you look.

There is hundreds of dependable organizations out there.You need only to sort out the ones that seem to be a sliver in the authorities butt as they slide down the banister of history.I personally hope those non governmental organizations who are watchers are remembered as the most annoying and festering slivers.Some one has to keep the hidden ones looking over their shoulders.That is what we seem to have to do these days.
It is only fair turn around,isn't it?

Those who are the watchers are now being watched themselves.It is really a shame that nations are becoming a frighteningly real version of the matrix mixed with the Space Odyssey, Terminator and  liberal dashes of  numerous other movies thrown in just to be dramatically interesting.Reality copying fiction to dark and sinister future.

That being the case,Morpheus...should we take the red pill or the blue pill?

My own thoughts of all this is that we each need to do a great deal of study when things become available.If nothing more than to see things for yourself.It will give you a heads up on Future Laws,events and things that very much effect everyone of our lives.

To be fore warned is to be forearmed.Stay informed for your own state of mind.
Ttill next time my friends,please search for the truth.It can set you free.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Have You Checked Out The Videos Childrens Homemade Weapons Lately

Second Edition, 2010
Second Edition, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was cruising the internet yesterday and found myself looking for information on my future website/blog for homelessness and survival.I found many useful articles from all over the world.Human inventiveness is astounding when its unleashed to its full potential.

The motorized bicycles,camping tools made from junk.and the ways in which people can turn junk things into useful products. Other people pay hundreds of dollars for stoves and fancy utensils.The world is going to be quite useful when this site starts pulling it all together in one place and I am very excited to get going on it.I have preached about the Tribes of Mankind having no barriers but what we build...There is one thing that I am really bothered about.

the freedom we have is being tightened by acts of terror and chaos by children gone wild and evil.
The amount of endless videos on how to build very primitive and deadly weapons are rampant.
There is endless instructional Videos on building pretty much anything you would or could imagine.
The creators are the children we are no doubt  going to read about in the not so distant future.

I remember my own fascination with the weapons I was forbidden to have as a youngster.My own
experimenting with such things back then is a cause for mixed emotions on this subject.Is it natural for the young "warrior" to experiment with such things.

My own parents would have had a great deal to say about their son making deadly weapons for what...?
The internet was very young back then with a mind boggling 300baud rating to the singular internet carrier.
I can not even recall that carriers name at this time.I do remember that it would have taken all day by dialup
to even downloaded a DOS based program.Today is like stepping into a SCI-FI movie of that time.

The books written like the weapons online by these "kids" are outdated now.The poormans James Bond,ETC.these kids have built guns,knives,garrots and a host of other nasty things.I have no intentions of
writing as a person going against the freedoms of the internet.i am writing to ask this question:Where are the controls on those computers these kids are using?Where are the parents and the responsibilities that they carry as parents?Is it any wonder that the children we have committing the hideous things we read about are not known about till they try out the new toys?

I think the weak link is not the children acting as curious and inventive youths.It s with parents that have forgotten that they too may have had ideas as youths.The internet has opened the available window to provide information of all kinds.The user is trusted as a responsible member of the net community.

Final question might just be as to why the parents of these "Kids" are not asking what the deal is that's running through their inventive minds.Do we want them building weapons or focusing those creative energies
in a more productive way.

A final question for you my treasured readers is this,Will you want your child to built weapons to be in the newspapers around the world because they had never had enough direction for positive ideas from you?
Do you want your "kid" to grow up and perhaps be awarded  a Pulitzer for a wonderful humanity,or do you want them to create a world filled with chaos,killing and hell on Earth?That decision is in your hands right now.Are you to busy or to timid to pay attention to your children's dreams or will you wait till they create your nightmares.....?You have the ability to save your children's future from themselves.Get involved while you can.One day they may understand when they have to deal with their own genetic extentions.

That's all for now folks.Take a peek at the Youtube Videos of all those kids and the gallery of creative destruction they portray....
I am working on the future website and sorta get sidetracked with the Blogs right now.but I will write as i can
.The research is very intensive and much of it is hidden in the masses of information.But soon...very soon :)
May You find peace in your day.
personal Footnote to Vietnam Veteran Bobby Pickering:Welcome aboard,The honor is mine Sir.
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