Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Have You Checked Out The Videos Childrens Homemade Weapons Lately

Second Edition, 2010
Second Edition, 2010 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I was cruising the internet yesterday and found myself looking for information on my future website/blog for homelessness and survival.I found many useful articles from all over the world.Human inventiveness is astounding when its unleashed to its full potential.

The motorized bicycles,camping tools made from junk.and the ways in which people can turn junk things into useful products. Other people pay hundreds of dollars for stoves and fancy utensils.The world is going to be quite useful when this site starts pulling it all together in one place and I am very excited to get going on it.I have preached about the Tribes of Mankind having no barriers but what we build...There is one thing that I am really bothered about.

the freedom we have is being tightened by acts of terror and chaos by children gone wild and evil.
The amount of endless videos on how to build very primitive and deadly weapons are rampant.
There is endless instructional Videos on building pretty much anything you would or could imagine.
The creators are the children we are no doubt  going to read about in the not so distant future.

I remember my own fascination with the weapons I was forbidden to have as a youngster.My own
experimenting with such things back then is a cause for mixed emotions on this subject.Is it natural for the young "warrior" to experiment with such things.

My own parents would have had a great deal to say about their son making deadly weapons for what...?
The internet was very young back then with a mind boggling 300baud rating to the singular internet carrier.
I can not even recall that carriers name at this time.I do remember that it would have taken all day by dialup
to even downloaded a DOS based program.Today is like stepping into a SCI-FI movie of that time.

The books written like the weapons online by these "kids" are outdated now.The poormans James Bond,ETC.these kids have built guns,knives,garrots and a host of other nasty things.I have no intentions of
writing as a person going against the freedoms of the internet.i am writing to ask this question:Where are the controls on those computers these kids are using?Where are the parents and the responsibilities that they carry as parents?Is it any wonder that the children we have committing the hideous things we read about are not known about till they try out the new toys?

I think the weak link is not the children acting as curious and inventive youths.It s with parents that have forgotten that they too may have had ideas as youths.The internet has opened the available window to provide information of all kinds.The user is trusted as a responsible member of the net community.

Final question might just be as to why the parents of these "Kids" are not asking what the deal is that's running through their inventive minds.Do we want them building weapons or focusing those creative energies
in a more productive way.

A final question for you my treasured readers is this,Will you want your child to built weapons to be in the newspapers around the world because they had never had enough direction for positive ideas from you?
Do you want your "kid" to grow up and perhaps be awarded  a Pulitzer for a wonderful humanity,or do you want them to create a world filled with chaos,killing and hell on Earth?That decision is in your hands right now.Are you to busy or to timid to pay attention to your children's dreams or will you wait till they create your nightmares.....?You have the ability to save your children's future from themselves.Get involved while you can.One day they may understand when they have to deal with their own genetic extentions.

That's all for now folks.Take a peek at the Youtube Videos of all those kids and the gallery of creative destruction they portray....
I am working on the future website and sorta get sidetracked with the Blogs right now.but I will write as i can
.The research is very intensive and much of it is hidden in the masses of information.But soon...very soon :)
May You find peace in your day.
personal Footnote to Vietnam Veteran Bobby Pickering:Welcome aboard,The honor is mine Sir.
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