Showing posts with label Zemanta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zemanta. Show all posts

Friday, January 10, 2014

Has a New Revolution Begun That Will Echo and Reverb Around The Entire World,Freedoms To A Private Life Without Big Brothers Monitoring?

Hugh D'Andrade's design to commemorate Electro...
Hugh D'Andrade's design to commemorate Electronic Frontier Foundation's 20th Birthday. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Co...
Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, in front of the US Supreme Court in Washington DC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
February 11th will mark a major event for many different freedom loving folks.It is a mass effort to speak in loud voices to our leaders regarding the impending laws that are being ignored.The plans are many depending on where you are and what movement you follow.

In Parts of New York where a new S.A.F.E. Act has made our ability to posses certain firearms ,Clips and ammo a crime.This "law" was pushed through without any due process involved by the governor.
This kind of imposed "Law" makes folks that have no reason to become criminals into Felons at the whim of dictators not following the laws themselves.At least not following the Constitutional rules
to allow the populations elected officials a word about that Law.This is a dictated Law by one person without the masses thoughts involved.

On February Eleventh in Central NY. the folks that are uniting to protest that law will meet in the largest protest yet.Anyone is invited to bring a shotgun and bird shot ammo or blanks.At noon all those attending will load,raise those guns skyward and on signal,fire a solute to freedom.It may seem a folly of a few.This hopefully,will echo around our country for others to follow.It is a peaceful protest that is going to be quite noticeable to many.The sound will resonate in more than those standing.It is my hope the many dead that defended our Constitutional Rights will reanimate our long dead ideas of what freedom is.

On the Internet front the movement is to join the many sites that are protesting the monitoring of our every electronic move.WE THE PEOPLE need to stand together in the fight to stop the oppressive changes that are becoming world wide.You need only try to blog into Australia to ask about the laws that do not allow Internet freedom or into the Southeast Asia countries.
Try surfing into many countries of our world to find out how much the net is closing on the Internet.

I would urge you to look into the organizations such as EFF or the other organizations watching to inform you.This is not a Delusion of Paranoid folks waiting for an attack from secret troops or aliens from Quadrant Z.This is verifiable events that have been more and more in the nightly newscasts.
This is things that will effect your lives and the way you interact with your friends and family over the course of time.

I may kid about the persons or computers listening into my electronic conversations becoming comatose from boredom.This is not a joke though.It is a real threat when the average person can say or indicate an action that formally would be that kind of tongue in cheek humor.With debtor prisons already here in the USA[KaliPhornia] the Internet and incrimination is becoming easier every day for folks that would quietly live and die unnoticed.Instead That person,male or female.Father mother grandma or child will be a felon for a slip of words.Many countries are already viperpits for those searching for folks just saying what they think.

Please look up the various internet organizations and get involved with the move to cut the cords of big brother worldwide before those cords have destroyed our free communications with the world and WE THE PEOPLE become isolated,monitored and incriminated.

Once we lose freedom there will be no returning.All those that gave their lifes past and present will have died in vain.Some one you know has probly died defending the oppressed,somewhere.
Did they die in vain?This is your chance to fight along side of that loved one.No bullets.No bombs.No bloodshed.That loved one made that much possible for you.It is now you chance to pay back that loved one whether friend or loved one for their sacrifice.They were a hero who gave it all
for  you.This is your chance to follow in a hero's footsteps.

Raise your united voices in a jester of freedom.Its not too late......yet!

Keep the movement alive to be a free world for all people,today we begin to unite for a peaceful and free world.It is possible if WE THE PEOPLE make our voices heard.Speak and act now or learn to say Thank You May I have some more SIR in the oppressive possible future.

May we find the strength to stand up and defend our rights for all people everywhere.
Zemanta was asleep at the wheel for this one or......?
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