British Soldiers patrol Helmand Province. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
There came a time after many Encounters that lead to angry skirmishes.The British royalty began to label different people as troublemakers.When things escalated to violence,These same folks were upgraded to enemies of the crown.Many were executed by the various ways humans seem to always create for the purpose of justifiable murder.
The point of the last paragraph is this:Every time freedom is fought for there is demonetization of those brave souls that fight for that hard earned freedom.Terrorist,Traitor,Yadda,Yadda,ETC.
There is a vast difference between a nutcase that wants you to follow his/her lifestyle or philosophies on fear of death and a person that is forced to scream," give me freedom or give me death".
I would point out only a couple of the differences as I have read.I will also, from a personal prospective.The perfect example of people attempting to obtain freedom is in the news headlines daily
.I would have loved to have seen a country with a leader that listened to his people before bloodshed and body counts began.His people had spoken in words not to be ignored.That leader disappointed the people with his own unpopular ideas.Even after the words from the population turn loud and angry,this leader chose to ignore the masses as ignorant,uninformed fools to be ignored.
The same scenario seems to play out every generation somewhere in the world.Africa one time.
Russia in another place and time.An Island somewhere in the south seas.It does not seem to have a
absolute time or place to take place.The setup is usually very similar.a person gains power through whatever mechanism allows.People place faith in changes taking place for the benefit of all.They hope that those decisions will be based on the Ideas and inputs of many.
The problem shows up a little later when that same leader begins to divert his reasoning in favor of
his friends and special interests that gave him his rise to power.The leader then begins to sorta forget there is anyone Else's ideas or interest involved.In fact many such leaders actually begin to believe in their own grandeur.They start to feel the only thing important is to power through the grand plans to build a world according to their vastly superior ideas..The mirror they view themselves in is distorted to all but themselves.That image becomes
This article has no name or country specific time or place attached to it for a reason.There have been so very many leaders that forgot to be humble enough to remember who and how they got where they are.History is full of those leaders that were ultimately evil.There were also those who are and were not evil.Simply caught up in power that disables their common sense.Perhaps the effect can be compared to Novocaine being injected to a part of the brain that allows reasoning and compromise.
We must demand the world leaders listen to us when there is a problem.Brains are like batteries.
the engine is the peace weneed to see run with efficiency.The more brain working on a problem,the more problems become solved the more batteries powering that engine the more efficient the engine runs...WE THE PEOPLE of this world can bring that about peacefully.
Till next time folks keep the faith .
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