Showing posts with label Smokey Bear. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smokey Bear. Show all posts

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Elite and Uncaring Bureaucrats Will Strike Out at the Poor and Down Trodden Again in a Few Days.Dictators Always Cut Employment,Food,Water and Meds to Control the Masses .

Can You Spare Dime for Cosmo?
Can You Spare Dime for Cosmo? (Photo credit: cosmocatalano)
In a few days from now the U.S.Government which created the job shortage will now cut benefits to those that most need the assistance.The cut is from the reserve  that is used to feed families for awhile during hardship times
Without any forethought  of the political suicide they are committing when elections arrive.

People will be cut by many usable dollars,from an already depleted way of life.Those making the laws and cutting the least able to defend themselves are not feeling any drain on their families or lifestyles.They just tap whatever the perks they enjoy so much at the cost of those people getting hammered by the cuts,extreme taxing and just the general crap of our elected officials.

People are being pushed harder and harder into a corner into hardship,while the elite bureaucrats eat Lobster Newburg and enjoy lavish vacations and shopping sprees.The children and families living in their car or tenting by a stream on private lands in the cold are subject to arrest.The cost of the perks is all on the backs of the least able to afford it.

WE THE PEOPLE can change the jest of things in this world if we band together and force those in Command???(is there anyone actually in command these days or has Chicken little and friends taken over)?Running around yelling that the economy is falling.Maybe if it did hit them as it does us...Never  themselves seeking  a solution.WE THE PEOPLE,however live in the trenches of our economy and must always budget our incomes with our expenses.Sometime we may even need to go to brush up classes for a little more upgrading on economizing.Perhaps we should send those in"command" to a class or two.
It would just become an argumentive disruption with classmates.Again nothing would be learned or accomplished.

I have just registered as an Independent.I think the only way to stop the Bull**** going on in this country is to completely tear it down and start from scratch.No...Not grabbing you guns and retreating to a cave to fight off the invaders.That is stupid strategy You are out numbered,outgunned and general screwed before you even begin

.Our fight is at the ballot box next time.We need an alternate choice from the so-called "Two Party System".

All the 2party system has done for the past
decade or so is degrade our Constitution,Schools,Laws,and moralities.The fix is not with a broken and nonredeemable present system.

WE THE PEOPLE have the same situation as those who broke away from England so long ago.
They had a dream and what we have become is a futile Nightmare for many.Many died from the hardships they encountered.They were determined to build a land with Faith that it would be long lasting and a promise to all who lived here....

What happened is history.The children who had not
had to work for the success could not see the purpose in their forefathers an mothers hard work.
The way was lost to the children like a business that fails after the parents turn their hard earned business over to their spoiled kids to run.Many times the business fails shortly after the change...
We need a change before its to late.

There is another of my Blogs that tells of a 31day plan to save
our land.It is tough and it is radical....Maybe I don't agree with all of it,but at least it is an idea to start with....The forefathers only had a rough draft to begin with.

Think about it and please explore the 3rd party solution.It can not be any more fubard than the current people supposedly running things,(into the ground).

Till next time dear friends,remember:
Only YOU can prevent gridlock(paraphrased from Smokey the Bear).


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