Showing posts with label Twin towers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Twin towers. Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2017

Irony is The Word I would Use For The Historic Attacks On Our Nation

I remember Seeing a group of normally jovial easy going truck drivers standing around a tiny television set.The worlds largest truck stop in Walcott Iowa Had gotten so quiet You could heard a pin drop.Tears were running down one of the drivers face as they watched with shock on their faces.I would describe The looks as disbelief at best on all the peoples faces.

My curiosity finally got the best of me.Some times curiosity is a cruel teacher.
I walked over to see what was so intriguing.What emotional trigger had effected these men and women to that point.That look on their face was soon joined by mine.I would express my look as total disbelief at the images bursting out of the screen.  Images that burned into my very soul.

This had to be the special effects of some new disaster movie.RIGHT?

Again and again the video played to the the gathering crowd of the curious. Each person that joined the group became affixed on the shocking images Standing in total disbelief at what was being embedded into the minds,hearts and souls of people all over the world.A billion plus witnessing the act of true evil.

Then someone turned up the sound as the newscaster announce details of what we were looking at."The twin towers of the world trade center in New York City Has been attacked by terrorist along with at least two other planes.Then the second plane crashed into the building.My eyes began to tear and run down my face as WE THE PEOPLE watched our fellow humans,Fellow Americans being murdered by madmen.

The holocaust that was being presented took mankind to the very scene of mass murdering of innocent humans.The Fear,and suffering in terror of thousands of people dying in mass.The fumes and furnace blasts of heat in a place that wasn't intended to ever become a death chamber.No different then the Gas chambers of so short a time ago.

The carnage did not stop there as those planes exploded into flames killing some and trapping others.The heat so hot that steel beams melted as if made of taffy.then those huge structures full of terrified people who just wanted to work to support themselves and family collapsed in huge heaps of rubble.

Many rescue people who were valiantly trying to help as many escape as possible.Many rescuers running into the building as it fell.They gave their lives trying to save others.Those were the ones who died there on the scene.Others resucuers would die slowly and painfully as the poisons took their health. Then the poisons took their lives in the next few years.Concrete dusk combined with gases,and carcinogens finished what the homicde maniacs started.

16years ago I stood with others who watched in shocked silence. The twin towers crashing to the ground killing those those thousands of innocent people.I saw then and still see what the people who could plan such atrocities would beand are capable of.I need only reflect to the many holocausts in human history to fully understand what hate,fear and fanaticism does to some.It blinds the compassion that makes us human.It reduces us to

There has been much controversy of these last 16 years as to who or what is responsible.There has been equally many ideas about how it happened.Explosives in the underground garage,cheap construction etc.I saw two planes crash into two buildings going very fast with tons of mass.
It takes not a rocket scientist to understand that much force by that big an object is going to create huge damage in a very short time.

Steel has a melting point which jet fuel would quickly reach in such an oxygen updraft area.There is a term that any firefighter knows and fears.Its when the interior of a room reaches a point and everything flashes into a spontaneous ball of fire.That much heat at once creates incredible amounts of heat.

The information that I would hope one day is brought to light is this..The people who orchestrated and planned the action.Those people in the plane may have been the strategic genius's as claimed.
But would it not be better to release any and all the information if there is any to the general public.After all we,like those people in that truck stop and the survivors of the victims were all involved in a most traumatic way.

We have never been farther into who and what were involved beyond that tiny bit of information the news media seems interested in.It won't bring those victims back who were slaughtered with so much fore thought of malice.It won't un-do the monstrous act that still haunts the world in a moment of silence.
It will let the victims who died rest in peace.It would finally find anyone else responsible.

9/11 May we always let this day remind us of our price we may pay for our way of life and our freedom.

WE THE PEOPLE must remain vigilant and always remember.

Till next time friends