Showing posts with label Prison. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prison. Show all posts

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Cannabis Druglord System with absolute Protection from Prosecution

It has been for my entire life that cannabis has been called the doorway to hardcore drugs. It has been the focus on the alleged "War on Drugs".The war that cost billions or more of dollars.The war that has cost many more lives to be taken in the name of drug enforcement. Over those long years, I have friends that were caught and convicted of everything from possession to felonies for possession of lots of cannabis or growing it.

Recently there is a push to legalize the cannabis industry for the general use of the public. Several states have legalized it. Canada has made it national legal with its huge producer being Aurora. Also, a prior country that would bury you under the jail for possession. There are thousands of folks who are still rotting in jail while growers kissing the assets of the politicians prosper free as a bird.

This leads to some interesting questions one should ask. Is this new government "Pot" better than the professionals in prison grew for years before this? Was the war on drugs just like the grower's posters of the 1960s? It read something like"if Big Brother can't tax it and control it they kill it. Another poster read "Uncle Sam doesn't allow competition, smoke a joint and got to prison.

So what was the still ongoing war all about anyway? Though I can honestly say I have never been interested in the use of drugs, I understand the monetary need of the growers. I know one who was the best in this area until he got arrested.

He is forever denied being anything to do with pot, Its processing or sale. He loved his chosen profession and is denied it. The laws are changing but how will it affect those who are still under the past draconian laws. This guy lives on a minimum income instead of the wages he might have made if it was legal back then. Basically driven into poverty by governmental control.

President Reagan was all in and even got his wife Nancy to just say no. Presidents since have followed suit. The war has helped the South American cartels. Cartels will simply upgrade to the harder stuff but, I would imagine they are worried about losing the pot crop to North American legal Pot growers.

I guess  I will break out those old 8tracks of Cheech n Chong again. For those who remember what an 8track is. Yes, I still have my 8tracks n player somewhere in the dusty catacombs next to my RCA cartridge video player(pre Laser unit)When cannabis is all legal they will be considered groundbreaking historic figures. Long remembered as a poke in the eye to those shrinking restrictions. Loved those guys, MAN!

In the meantime, would those professional pot growers inside the walls of prisons be able to help the newbie growers? The prisons are full of the old day's weed heads who were pioneers in the dark ages of draconian law. When herbs were EEEVILLL! And the government had not figured out how to imprison the growers and tax the impounded crops for themselves.

A side note: Where do you suppose the Newbies got their expertise? Probably read it in a book? Can't tell you its a security thing weed Havta...Well you know.

Gotta make ya wonder, doesn't it...Just saying!

For those like myself who never messed with fate to do more than medications when ill,
I think that the recreation of the pot is going to cause as many problems in society as alcohol has since the first clay bowl of mead was tasted.

There are always those individuals who get addicted very easily to gambling, Drugs, ETC.
Then there are the other problems of those who abuse the use of substances and end up in the prisons with the former growers.

My friend is a very good example of the idiosyncrasies of developing societies. My friend, the former pot grower now lives a mile from where the state is going to open a multimillion-dollar greenhouse to grow, yup, You guessed it. This facility is for the growing millions of cannabis plants for"medical purposes".

This greenhouse is built with help from grants, loans n, uncle SAM, will be the size of numerous football fields. My friend is mentally devastated because his conviction is only growing pot. He loves to work with the elderly and can't even do that. Past charges denying him both jobs. A drug growing felony for life.

I have only encountered pot smoke a few times in my life because I may be the only person in the world who is allergic to its smoke. I found that out at my first youthful party which ended in a hospital visit. The Doctor Laughed at this small town boy who smelled like the party smokers around him. The nurses and doctor smelled pot on my clothes. Guess God built a safety switch in some of us to protect us from getting busted in youth.

The future is opening doors for some while slamming those doors on others. It is the way of the world as dictated by mankind. I for one see futures for those who don't feel a need to share showtime with a big hairy guy named Bubba in prison. I suggest that the market is safer by buying your cannabis in a new legal market. You won't be hassled by whoever. You won't be arrested in any state or city. The stock market now sells shares in the cannabis industry that is growing in leaps and bounds. There are numerous stocks available with many more getting on board. It's becoming what those in prison have known for years. A billion dollar industry. Folks are getting in on the ground floor of the biggest legal Drugtrain ever.

Even people who have walked the straight and narrow are getting a piece of the pie. It's legal and it's here. The stocks are rising in leaps and bounds at this stage in time. IF is an important word here, IF cannabis is legalized here in the USA nationally, the skies the limit.

For those who are interested in dealing or buying cannabis, I will tell you the exact place right now without fear from Law enforcement of any kind. The stock market with a little homework allows anyone with some cash and interest to grow rich in time while others do all the work. If your dreams were ever to become a drug lord, then this is your chance to do so.No wants or warrants, no strip search, no incarceration. You don't even have to pay enforcers or hit men. You will never have to wear bulletproof underwear to stave off rival drug lords.

Guys like my friend won't be included on the Cannabis train to riches. Politics have made your rise to legal drug kingpin more than fantasy in the movies.

So for those inclined, roll one if ya got em, light up the bong or Dubie MAN. All the works already being done. All you gotta do is invest. Then wait for the payoff. Just like in the movies

Seriously though, if you intend to partake of anything that you can get addicted to, please be responsible enough to be careful and know when you need help for the situation. You only got one chance in life. There are no retakes or resets.

Cordially your friend.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Will The Opiod Crackdown Denies Insured Suffering From Cancer and Surgery Recovery

A close relative of mine recently underwent surgery to repair a rotator cuff. It involved repairing damage from the muscles tearing off the bone and the pain is incredible. Every movement, every effort to get any comfort sends pain of incredible intensity thru her body. The nerves are all inflamed to the point of no sleep and no rest. There's no way to ease the pain for short.

A specialist did the surgery and was well spoken of in his professional abilities. Everything was very thorough and professionally done.

Two non-metal screws were placed into the bone to help secure the new materials in place,The surgery went well and was done in just a couple hours. Medicaid paid for the surgery,

We walked out several hours after surgery hoping this would turn out well. Hoping that she could heal up, and return to normal life with the after surgery limitations usually advised for such recovery times.
The after surgery instructions said no driving or any stressing of the arm or shoulder.The surgery folks actually immobilized the entire arm and shoulder

I drove her to the Pharmacy for the prescriptions that would ease the pain and keep infection down.
The pharmacist tried for over an hour to fill the prescription for her without even giving a reason it wasn't going thru.

Medicaid was refusing to pay for the needed ability to kill legitimate pain. Not from a dope fiend or user, but from a patient in actual pain from a medical procedure. The surgeon, Pharmacist, and patient have all but begged Medicaid to help out. It all falls on deaf, unfeeling ears. Medicaid finally said the pain meds can only be gotten with paperwork and more forms so they can then say the meds are needed.

I remember them refusing to let my oldest sister have pain meds or treatment to fight the brain cancer she was finally going to drive from her body.THAT sister died a horrible Painful death, begging to die from the pain of cancer which quickly overtook her in days. The insurance companies there too were acting as God to decree treatment or not. They could care less if we had to watch helplessly'

The Pharmacist finally said we will try to fill a few pain pills for you if the Medicaid people allow it.

She is to be healing for the next 6weeks. The pain of therapy and healing will take the next 6weeks.
Medicaid gave her 24 pills to be taken 4-8hours. That's 3to six days of comfort. The pharmacy said the script that should have been filled was for a little longer to take her through some of the therapy pain.

I can understand the precaution of these times for those who would abuse controlled substances..
I rather doubt that cancer patients and post-surgery patients with open wounds are in such a category of dope fiends. Denying meds to the sick and injured is the cruelest a bureaucratic cold-hearted of practices.

This so-called opioid epidemic sweeping the country is peculiar in its doing, to say the least. I remember the war on drugs some time ago. Evil Pot was the beginning of mental ruination.dimentia was imminent. Remember the photos of those poor run down souls that had succumbed to the evil weed?

The beginning of crime, degradation, morality. It was touted for a shear route to Hell and Damnation. Pot is being legalized to buy over the counter now in as many forms as is possible. Even PepsiCo is waiting to infuse it into the products.

Legalized growers and huge companies are making tons of money while those in the past who did the same thing rot in prison or are denied for life to ever do what they did best. It was their calling made a crime until big business could legalize it and reap the profits. America, Land of opportunity as long a the suits run the drugs behind the law.Sooo....what about the folks who desperately need legal those drugs?

 Even Wall street tycoons are getting fat wallets from pot sale in the stock market.No street corner, patrol car,jailcell encounters.Its all so very safe.

This all going on while the lives of those in desperate need are denied proper medical components by the Jack assed suits sitting comfortably in an air conditioned office dictating who will live and who will suffer and die.Its not right.Passing out permission sheets to be filled out and put into a pile while the go out to have a smoke of whatever, on break.That patient waiting in agony for that paperwork.

The war on drugs is chalking up innocents along the way.People who are being caught in the line of friendly fire between the insurance companies and government burueacrats looking to keep it all stirred up for personal gain at others expense.The public mezmerized to hand in perscriptions and turn in grampa for keeping his old meds just in case.Maybe,just maybe Grampa knows something that might be past expeirnce sometime about 1929 orso.I was called proabition.It didnt work,but thousands were caught up in that rediculous reality.

I have a suspicion the next government promo for the drug fight might be,

"Drug cartells need to stop cuz we in insurance and government hate competion.

Or how bout this:"Drug cartels,if you cant beat them,join them and make it legal,if the dugs dont kill ya,the bureaucratic Bullshit, will"

The needs of people being treated for medical care should be the priority and not a check on a ok paper by a non professional in an office,They have neither the skill,education nor presence of mind to deem a doctors care of any patient situation.There needs to be a group of medical professionals to over see the insurance companies decisions.Those insurance decisions that cause pain,suffering or death need to be held responsible for their actions as much as a someone who would murder that same person/patient.

Human nature has a tendency to over look the pain of others when not connected to that person.I remember the lady murdered in plain sight of others on a street in NYC.the crowd either watched or walked by.Those Burueacrats  are no different.We need to rise up and replace them in their comfort zones or just  simply hire overlords who can not except gratuities
to make sure torture and killing by paperwork no longer takes place without someone explaining that decisions consequences

Till next time friends please tell you friends about this blog,positive or negative its something to look into.Take care till next time.


Friday, March 22, 2013

More Cyber Crooks Use Homeland Security Scam 4 Money

Oh man!Here we go with another scam by more jerks that are just too lazy to work at a real job.If they were not so cleverly stupid,they might realize that they will serve enough time in prison if caught,to not be worth the income.I figure the yearly intake will be about $15.00 a month for the next 20 or so years.The high points of this will be the The Killer Agents on,these morons will no doubt have the most modern recreational events to look forword too.

I will quickly mention all perks that these folks will have to look forward too.

First an all expnse paid vacation with prepaid stays at the finest federal holding cells in an undisclosed we find the winners of the losers competition eating the cuisine of the best chefs in the system.
People have commited hideous crimes ,just to supp on the food in these places.The folks patronizes these places are the elite of their societies.The finest felons,rapists,forgers,and a host of others.All professional in their fields.These establishments also have the occasional sex offender among them and the child molesters,
which for some reason have high fatality rates.I doubt it is from the meals though.

Our winners will then be taken to their snug and secure rooms where they may find Their live in companion.
A huge and lovable cuss nicknamed"Bubba",Killer,Sue or whatever...The establishment would ask you to please coperate in keeping the peace as much as possible.Your Roomie is a little touchie about which bunk you sleep in,(or if you sleep alone).He has been know to get very lonley and may have be short a few cards in his deck.Not to mention the fact that his last roomie sorta fell down (numerous times)and broke hiself in various places one night while sleeping.Mysterious and terrible thing.Bubba was broken hearted till the winners of our contest were rumopred to arrive.

The activities that can be expected are the following:
Daily balanced meals with the rest of the rec-reactional hall
intermingling will the elite society of a guarded and walled community environment
controlled and monitored activities to maintain  the communitys social doctrines
The best health care when those little accidents do happen from the conflicts that happen in such places
last,but not least,there is (in the event of sudden and unexplained) death,a plan of funeral arrangements are provided.
While at the establishment, a program of voluntary work exercises are provided to help to pass the time.

Finally if our winners find God and repentense while at the Penaten....ERR I MEAN,our vacation paradise,
We will provide a preacher of our choice at absolutly no cost to our winners.Holy Books will be free also.

So You clowns that are sucking the life support from folks that actually worked for their life to be better,We will all feel bad when you are caught by those you think you can pretend to be.I could almost forgive them if they also throw in a little waterboard sports for you.It is people like you that make our lives on the internet more oppressed and difficult.

Anyone that has the ability to find these guys would do us all a favor by shutting site like this down...
Anonymous.....You could really get some great PR if you.....

LOve the internet and those I have come to know...I would hate to see it become a virtual palyground for those we ignore and except as just one of those things we must deal with.WE ARE BETTER THAN THAT!!!

Please take care of yourselves and get involved to keep the net free and positive for those that are at home here.All of us live in the virtual Neighborhood...


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100,000 Juviniles Tortured in American Prisons?

Prison doors
Prison doors (Photo credit: rytc)
Solitary Confinement
Solitary Confinement (Photo credit: BohemianDolls)
I am reading in the media about children that are serving time in prison as solitary confinement prisoners.The practice is being considered as torture by some people.I can not think of anything worse than a young mind that has nothing but isolation to live with.The hours of empty sensory input ,no learning from human exchange or the human intervention of minds.

Well,I cant think of anything so terrible till You begin to remeber the life among the adult general population of prisons.a place where it is the life of hardened criminals that have very little regard for life.Where there is not any passions that are not corrupted and bent from that which the humans society would embrace.minds that are so dark as to defy reason and logic.Minds so callus so as to have no regard for anything good and right.

Prison is a replacement world for societies worst people with those folks that were unfortunate enough to actually be innocent.Those folks whose only crime was not being able to afford a better,more learned and devoted lawyer.There are actually innocent people behind bars that have only minor infractions that the system builds on until the victim is not able to escape all the extra garbage charges placed on them.They are securely trapped without hope as a fly in a deadly spiderweb.Children are few exceptions.

Those few exceptions to this rule though.What do we do when those sociopathic Killers,Rapists,and perfs.are children?What do we do with those who are not controlable by their own designs?Children killing Children,Children that kill Babies,Parents,Animals to see the suffering creatures for "fun"....What do we do with this Social Abortions that lived to kill.That kill with no regard for any more regard than the monsters that are housed with them.

A final question is what do we ask ourselves when the source of responsibility is our own society that fails these children.Who should we place the blame on for the lost children,lost to themselves and society.
Where could WE THE PEOPLE have failed to notice a blatantly disturbed child in our midst.Where does the line start to see a child that is behaving with malicious intent and out of control and act to correct the
behavior.Who has failed to correct that situation before it developes.perhaps all those that could have.

There is always interviews with so called people who knew the perpetrator.They are ask what that person was like before the incident happened.They give all kinds kinds of ideas and opinions while acting the innocent bystander.Perhaps the newsman should ask the following.If you knew about it,what did you do to prevent this? Did you ask about the odd behavior?in hind sight,Could you have done anything to prevent this
disaster?I really doubt the momentary media fame would be so popular anymore.

Children in solitary confinement in the United States Of America....Who would think this possible?Who would till we realize the laws that penalize a caring parent that would correct the bad social actions of a brat!
when was the last time you were trying to enjoy a meal and the Family at the next table had kids running all over the place .Screaming and yelling like little animals.The parents are scared to death of doing anything but
verbalizing threats.Those little monsters have no fear or regard for authority as children.What do you think they will grow up and develope into..???Perhaps children that we dont know what to do with them.

I was alway sitting at the table at the right hand of my dad.Do you know why?Dad was right handed.
I grew up without the need to prove how "BAAAAD" I could be.Dad was a praticioner of tough love long before it was commercialized and then criminalized.Think about it.There is a very old saying in a very good book and I quote:spare the rod and spoil the child,end qoute.Not beat the kid with all manners of tortue devises,use the hand and the back side.It worked for dad and his six kids.none of them have an arrest record.nor his grand children or great grand children.......imagine that of just one mom and dad!

Another blog is done time has come to signoff and off I run.See ya Friends and may you find a peaceful place to eat .

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