Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crime. Show all posts

Friday, December 13, 2013

The News is Reflecting The Growing Gap In the Social Split in America between The priveledged Rich and Those Who Are Not

texas our texas
texas our texas (Photo credit: jmtimages)
English: A representation of an award bar worn...
English: A representation of an award bar worn by some law enforcement officers in the United States. Made using Photoshop. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
shoplifting (Photo credit: Hailgumby)
An American judge talking to a lawyer.
An American judge talking to a lawyer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The news from Texas,a state I hold as special in my opinion has changed as has the rest of the USA.
The trees have become to short for lynchings and the judges have become to paid for to sentence fairly.

A teen ager shoplifted beer from a store,stole the family vehicle and proceeded to kill 4 people who were just walking along the road.

Lets see now,As a non-lawyer and speaking as a citizen,if it was most folks we know they would bury you under the jailhouse for this hideous crime.That is if you fall under the specter of  being silently  labeled the child of a lesser god.Those who can not buy their way to freedom.A better lawyer,better judge or just be above the usual punishment/reward of all the lesser people.

This kid had a lawyer that actually pleaded that this murderer of several people was just a spoiled child that had never been taught any different.He was sentenced to 10 years Probation at a place his victims probably never could afford if they had committed a hideous crime of DWI homicide.let alone multiple homicide that he actually did without any doubts about it.

I wonder like others that have talked about this if the judge is personally attached to the family.I wonder if the judge has perhaps been in their seat a bit to long.I wonder if the judge has health problems that impair their judgement to reality.I would hope there is no other judgement impeding substance involved.

The families of those killed will be left without their loved one.This is Christmas Season and the families will  be forced to  celebrate the holiday as a funeral.A death that was completely senseless.
The Murderer is protected,The the victims buried without Justice and the families left to wonder where the justice has gone.murdered victims and families that need to fight for justifiable closure.

This deal reminds me of the southern "trials that the good ole boys ''used to call justice.A  privileged [or whatever label you wish] kid kills another human being,in this case several human beings.The
local police take that murderer into custody and the Good Ole  Boy judge does a hearing for justice[wink,wink].The perp is slapped on the hand and forced to hear a scolding and let go.

After all the boy is a poor?spoiled kid that didn't know any better.?I do have a suggestion on this terrible condition.

Since the parents are wearing this as their fault and sonny boy did the dirty deed, don't you think
there is shared guilt here?A set of parents who failed to teach a set of values beyond the holy buck.
A set of parents that failed to correct a child who is old enough to stealbeer and vehicles.a kid who is now 17years old and still acting as a boozed up spoiled brat.a young adult not accepting responsiblity for a crime of murder among other things.The parents actually agreeing with the kids crime by hiring a high priced lawyer to get the kid off after killing folks.The apple apparently did not fall far from the tree in this case....I wonder if there was a pay off offer some where?

My suggestion would be a poetic justice for this individual.Place the parents in the same jail as the boy.The blame game will never bring the dead back to their families.It does not matter Who is to blame or why.What matters is that responsibility has been handed to the parents and the crime is by the murderer. Both are guilt of those now dead human beings.

The time not spent raising a responsible child will be lost when all three can learn the togetherness and general population of prison.Not a white collar vacation,PRISON,but a place for murderers and those similar irresponsible thugs,spoiled or not.It would give the family time to rethink their values and perhaps find the family that the victims families will never regain.

What has happened in the heart of Texas?I think those who died at the Alamo have just turned over in their virtual graves at the injustice taking place in this great state.Where are those voices that have in the past cried foul and unfair for others murdered with Elite characters involved.

It should never be a case of color,race creed,social status,beliefs,color,ETC,ETC.Justice is depicted as a women that wears a blindfold...I do not believe the sculture was thinking justice would turn blind eyes to what is right and proper..

WE THE PEOPLE need to see this sort of judicial injustice is allowed.I would urge you dear reader to Google search for this story and write to the Governor of Texas to demand justice for the Victims.

 Governor Rick Perry
Office of the Governor
P.O.Box 12428
Austin,Texas 78701

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Friday, March 22, 2013

100,000 Juviniles Tortured in American Prisons?

Prison doors
Prison doors (Photo credit: rytc)
Solitary Confinement
Solitary Confinement (Photo credit: BohemianDolls)
I am reading in the media about children that are serving time in prison as solitary confinement prisoners.The practice is being considered as torture by some people.I can not think of anything worse than a young mind that has nothing but isolation to live with.The hours of empty sensory input ,no learning from human exchange or the human intervention of minds.

Well,I cant think of anything so terrible till You begin to remeber the life among the adult general population of prisons.a place where it is the life of hardened criminals that have very little regard for life.Where there is not any passions that are not corrupted and bent from that which the humans society would embrace.minds that are so dark as to defy reason and logic.Minds so callus so as to have no regard for anything good and right.

Prison is a replacement world for societies worst people with those folks that were unfortunate enough to actually be innocent.Those folks whose only crime was not being able to afford a better,more learned and devoted lawyer.There are actually innocent people behind bars that have only minor infractions that the system builds on until the victim is not able to escape all the extra garbage charges placed on them.They are securely trapped without hope as a fly in a deadly spiderweb.Children are few exceptions.

Those few exceptions to this rule though.What do we do when those sociopathic Killers,Rapists,and perfs.are children?What do we do with those who are not controlable by their own designs?Children killing Children,Children that kill Babies,Parents,Animals to see the suffering creatures for "fun"....What do we do with this Social Abortions that lived to kill.That kill with no regard for any more regard than the monsters that are housed with them.

A final question is what do we ask ourselves when the source of responsibility is our own society that fails these children.Who should we place the blame on for the lost children,lost to themselves and society.
Where could WE THE PEOPLE have failed to notice a blatantly disturbed child in our midst.Where does the line start to see a child that is behaving with malicious intent and out of control and act to correct the
behavior.Who has failed to correct that situation before it developes.perhaps all those that could have.

There is always interviews with so called people who knew the perpetrator.They are ask what that person was like before the incident happened.They give all kinds kinds of ideas and opinions while acting the innocent bystander.Perhaps the newsman should ask the following.If you knew about it,what did you do to prevent this? Did you ask about the odd behavior?in hind sight,Could you have done anything to prevent this
disaster?I really doubt the momentary media fame would be so popular anymore.

Children in solitary confinement in the United States Of America....Who would think this possible?Who would till we realize the laws that penalize a caring parent that would correct the bad social actions of a brat!
when was the last time you were trying to enjoy a meal and the Family at the next table had kids running all over the place .Screaming and yelling like little animals.The parents are scared to death of doing anything but
verbalizing threats.Those little monsters have no fear or regard for authority as children.What do you think they will grow up and develope into..???Perhaps children that we dont know what to do with them.

I was alway sitting at the table at the right hand of my dad.Do you know why?Dad was right handed.
I grew up without the need to prove how "BAAAAD" I could be.Dad was a praticioner of tough love long before it was commercialized and then criminalized.Think about it.There is a very old saying in a very good book and I quote:spare the rod and spoil the child,end qoute.Not beat the kid with all manners of tortue devises,use the hand and the back side.It worked for dad and his six kids.none of them have an arrest record.nor his grand children or great grand children.......imagine that of just one mom and dad!

Another blog is done time has come to signoff and off I run.See ya Friends and may you find a peaceful place to eat .

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Thursday, December 20, 2012

Monsters Who Dwell in Our heads Hearts & Souls

Newtown (Photo credit: jdolan)
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengean...
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengeance (Nemesis, right) are pursuing the criminal murderer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are morning the loss of our children.Little ones that  began their morning looking forward to a day at school with the friends and teachers that would grow up with them.Teachers that would bring the world of wonder to their little worlds.The little ones that would dream of Alice in wonderland.Their world was so full of wonder and great joys.

The breakfast mommie fixed,The lunch snack that was so special for that important little boy or girlfriend in their lives.The bus driver they had gotten to know so well.maybe the janitor that always spoke to them as they walked to class .The day was just about to begin in the bright and
innocent lives of a new generation of American children.

The lights of our future that would lead us into a future of hope and prosperity.They could not know the monster that waited not in the closet or dark that stalked their beautiful and sweet lives.The stalking evil monster that was enroute to destroy that which it hated so much because it could never be the innocent  loving creature that it hunted.

We lost a great deal more than our youngsters today.We lost the idea of safety in our lives and in our schools.The place that once harbored the bullies have become the hunting grounds for the hellish monsters that hate and hunt that which can not defend themselves.We have lost our trust in the system that once gave our children the future education and social background to become productive citizens.

The monsters that hunt children and innocent people are the product of evil and corrupted minds.Not worth the protoplasm that a gob of SLIME has.There isno excuse 4 anyone to commit such a hideous and dark crime.

There is also the loss of teachers thaat gave their lives to protect these children that most called "my kids".we can not replace human loss that 1 insane maniac that went beserk, destroyed .we need to design an electronic unit into firearms that can use artficial intelligence tomake it inoperable if pointed at a human.It is technologicaly possible.

Guns will never be taken from our lives.I own a couple of them.I could not bring myself to kill a person only to protect my loved ones.I pray that day never happens.I once hunted when things got financially touch.I hated taking life to live.I hunt with a camera now.I keep them for securty and target shooting.the lesson of these mass killings prove it is a world of chaos.We need to protect those who can not protect themselves.Those teachers that layed down their lives by taking a bullet for the innocent,are angels i transit.
surely that outcome would have turned out much less costly if armed adults were closer at hand.Hard working as law enforcement people are,they can't be everywhere.They are usually there after the dirty deed is done.
We need to be proactive.Blood can not be put back into a body.spirits are fleeting.......

Drug war didn't work.Prohibition didn't work.opium wars didn't work.There future war on guns,worldwide wont work either.It will just drive the owners underground , making law abiding,citizens fear becoming criminals.that will only  put thousands of people into prisons.Then after a generation or so,guns will be legal due to peoples need to protect themselves.The criminals will have had guns.Booze was never,drugs and guns,prostitution have been outlawed for  centuries.Laws do not change the industrious criminal mind.It is even more difficult to outlaw a determined mind that is twisted by dark and evil thoughts.A mind that is so far from what is mainstream normal,even remorse,regret or life means nothing.

we need better controls on the minds that could pull the .Triggers cant act on their own..Guns,knives or whatever tool is handy and become a lethal weapon have no ability to do anything,but layon a shelf.The mind is what planned, stalked,and killed all those future Doctors,Presidential possibles,The future teachers,moms,dads,soldiers and a host of wonderful beautiful imaginative dreams.

Sandyhill is a sorry example of your politicians pocketing funds to monitor the mentally jill.The places that were once there to provide help were un-funded and later get what you pay for folks.Turning the criminally insane out in the street will [and is]going to return at some point to bite us.They just don't assimilate into the social scheme and get well. Even with constant supervision,they may be dangerous to themself and those closet to them.Ie:your over protective mommie......

please note a loved one,or whoever....if you see someone acting or talking of a violent threat to another person talk to authorities.It may save you the burden of remembering that oumay have preserved 28 formerly living precious lives.

 keep the faith and may the good Lord bless and protect you and yours,

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