Showing posts with label Elementary school. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Elementary school. Show all posts

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Monsters Who Dwell in Our heads Hearts & Souls

Newtown (Photo credit: jdolan)
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengean...
Justice (Dike, on the left) and Divine Vengeance (Nemesis, right) are pursuing the criminal murderer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are morning the loss of our children.Little ones that  began their morning looking forward to a day at school with the friends and teachers that would grow up with them.Teachers that would bring the world of wonder to their little worlds.The little ones that would dream of Alice in wonderland.Their world was so full of wonder and great joys.

The breakfast mommie fixed,The lunch snack that was so special for that important little boy or girlfriend in their lives.The bus driver they had gotten to know so well.maybe the janitor that always spoke to them as they walked to class .The day was just about to begin in the bright and
innocent lives of a new generation of American children.

The lights of our future that would lead us into a future of hope and prosperity.They could not know the monster that waited not in the closet or dark that stalked their beautiful and sweet lives.The stalking evil monster that was enroute to destroy that which it hated so much because it could never be the innocent  loving creature that it hunted.

We lost a great deal more than our youngsters today.We lost the idea of safety in our lives and in our schools.The place that once harbored the bullies have become the hunting grounds for the hellish monsters that hate and hunt that which can not defend themselves.We have lost our trust in the system that once gave our children the future education and social background to become productive citizens.

The monsters that hunt children and innocent people are the product of evil and corrupted minds.Not worth the protoplasm that a gob of SLIME has.There isno excuse 4 anyone to commit such a hideous and dark crime.

There is also the loss of teachers thaat gave their lives to protect these children that most called "my kids".we can not replace human loss that 1 insane maniac that went beserk, destroyed .we need to design an electronic unit into firearms that can use artficial intelligence tomake it inoperable if pointed at a human.It is technologicaly possible.

Guns will never be taken from our lives.I own a couple of them.I could not bring myself to kill a person only to protect my loved ones.I pray that day never happens.I once hunted when things got financially touch.I hated taking life to live.I hunt with a camera now.I keep them for securty and target shooting.the lesson of these mass killings prove it is a world of chaos.We need to protect those who can not protect themselves.Those teachers that layed down their lives by taking a bullet for the innocent,are angels i transit.
surely that outcome would have turned out much less costly if armed adults were closer at hand.Hard working as law enforcement people are,they can't be everywhere.They are usually there after the dirty deed is done.
We need to be proactive.Blood can not be put back into a body.spirits are fleeting.......

Drug war didn't work.Prohibition didn't work.opium wars didn't work.There future war on guns,worldwide wont work either.It will just drive the owners underground , making law abiding,citizens fear becoming criminals.that will only  put thousands of people into prisons.Then after a generation or so,guns will be legal due to peoples need to protect themselves.The criminals will have had guns.Booze was never,drugs and guns,prostitution have been outlawed for  centuries.Laws do not change the industrious criminal mind.It is even more difficult to outlaw a determined mind that is twisted by dark and evil thoughts.A mind that is so far from what is mainstream normal,even remorse,regret or life means nothing.

we need better controls on the minds that could pull the .Triggers cant act on their own..Guns,knives or whatever tool is handy and become a lethal weapon have no ability to do anything,but layon a shelf.The mind is what planned, stalked,and killed all those future Doctors,Presidential possibles,The future teachers,moms,dads,soldiers and a host of wonderful beautiful imaginative dreams.

Sandyhill is a sorry example of your politicians pocketing funds to monitor the mentally jill.The places that were once there to provide help were un-funded and later get what you pay for folks.Turning the criminally insane out in the street will [and is]going to return at some point to bite us.They just don't assimilate into the social scheme and get well. Even with constant supervision,they may be dangerous to themself and those closet to them.Ie:your over protective mommie......

please note a loved one,or whoever....if you see someone acting or talking of a violent threat to another person talk to authorities.It may save you the burden of remembering that oumay have preserved 28 formerly living precious lives.

 keep the faith and may the good Lord bless and protect you and yours,

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