"NYAPRS" is to meet again this year in New York State. This is a huge deal that normally addresses the services offered to the folks that are looking to having some interest in Mental health.
The people have either a work-related compacity or have been a person affected by some aspect of problems in their lives which created a need to know.
My story is in my past blogs that are free to read. The people that put these together have many involved interests due to personal experiences or knowing someone who does. They are dedicated to making people first in recovering their lives from whatever.in the years past
Last Year had many workshops to enhance one's experience adding knowledge. There were many different things to learn and do, Hundreds of people with provided meals, rooms and activities.
I signed up for several workshops that looked interesting.
A couple that I remember was a workshop on social security and disability. The gentleman who was the instructor took his time and explained how the SSI disability system was set up to serve people who had the misfortune to be disabled. I later spoke with him extensively to clarify details of the program. It was a real learning experience.
The other workshop that I remember was not so pleasant at all. I went to this workshop to learn. I got something else. As is the case these days, older people who are willing to listen are finding themselves ostracized. We are often being singled out for being very much traditional in our thinking.
I listened for much of the workshop while photos that I have used on my blogs showing a male afro-Americans back. It was deeply scared of a severe whipping. Then another foto of Japanese internment camps with detainees standing inside the fences. I have used the same foto there also on my blogs. The Instructors tone was caustic to anyone who differed in her opinions. She told one person that her family was interred in a camp. She told the workshop she was half Japanese. She seemed intent on blaming all the wrongs of this country on "White males who have all the privileges"
This struck me rather deeply since I have worked hard from the time I was in primary school. At age 5 my sisters taught me to make potholders then took me around to sell door to door. Age 16 saw me with the largest Democrat and Chronicle newspaper route in my town. I have held jobs from washing tubs in laundrymats to learning to bake to running million dollar presses to make auto parts.
The secret is when you make up your mind to move ahead, Tell yourself I will, not I am gonna. I will say to your subconscious that is going to happen, Gonna, means someday if I can. Educate yourself for the job and move to learn everything you can in life. That is what I truly believe. I have proven it many times. You are your own worst enemy if you believe there's no way to succeed. That tells your mind you are already defeated in your own mind first. Pigmentation color is a door other's close. The saying goes like this: when one door closes, Look for the other two that have opened.
I raised my hand and asked a very simple question, I know that things may not be perfect in life. Don't you think the positive would help here? If people talk they can work together better. Hostility never did anything but create more hostility. She immediately called on a lady across the room who said she was organizing rallies to protest the past. I was not allowed to ask any more questions after that. The instructor said if you want to change "This Kinda thinking you need to take it into the streets and MAKE them hear you"I wondered exactly who "THEM", were?
I wondered how it was ALL MY FAULT for those in the room who were quite obviously full of hate and discontent. They actually Physically turned their backs to me.
The way to help another understand is not that way. They did give me a fairly good understanding of why far-right groups rise to up and recruit folks who did not have those thoughts, to begin with. That workshop did make me understand what it might be like to be the only Black person at a Klan rally. It made me sorta feel like the only White male at an all Black church. It is as I have said in the past, Racism goes both ways. Fear and hate have no particular preferences. There certainly was enough in that room.
After the workshop, I walked up to try to ask why this workshop even was set up to be an exploration of the differences of our societies, She said that "people like me would never understand". I realized a large male was now approaching me from my left and a bit behind. He said,; "The class is over and we need to leave, Thank you for your comments but the workshop is over now. I left with that in my Heart and mind still. It definitely changed me. I sincerely hope that kind of "workshop" does not return. to the coming NYAPRS.It was a first in my experience and this will be my last if it continues to develop into a hatefest.
On a happier note, the social security workshop helped me to point several people to more precise areas and information I got there. I truly wished the NYAPRS folks could bring in a representative from the Social Security Retirement people. There's a Huge amount of retired folks who gather there yearly. It would be so helpful to get the information to help folks through the labyrinth of rules and legalize that is involved with retirement.
another problem that has been solved is the place NYAPRS is to be held at.while its an hour farther from NYC, its more towards mid-state. That's slightly more convenient for more upstaters. I suspect that alone might increase attendance.
The hotel last year has since gone outa business so it is rumored. The new one is, bigger, more modern and from the internet photos are gorgeous, More elbow room all around. There is more information on the net at the NYAPRS website. It's worth a look.
The workshops in past years have been fun, and extremely informative. People have a chance to tell their stories of their past. there's plenty of time to make friends and communicate with those who can help or just listen. There's a comfortable room to retreat and reflect at days end.NYAPRS feed you like a king. The place bustles with folks communicating and learning.
I truly look forward to attending this year if I can. It is always a learning experience to hear others speak. Sometimes it is a bit hard to take if it can not be explained. If reason escapes into anger and hatefulness. So bring your best ideas of why learning is what you need and a positive mind if you show up. This is a changing world we live in and every one of us is an important part of those changes.NYPRS has helped many with information to help themselves.
How I became connected with NYAPRS is a short story in itself.
My health crashed 8yrs ago and was on a collision course with a nursing home due to a blood clot in my brain. It gave me the symptoms of Alhiemers. That was the most frightening time of my life. I felt alone, Homeless, and helpless to go on. I lost my ability to write. Blogging became nearly impossible. I could get lost in a place that I lived all my life. The skills that made me happy became a task filled with frustration.
I was taken to a "club" for people recovering from physical and mental problems. I refused at first to admit to even having a problem. As time went on I began to realize that the people there were all there for the same reasons to try to recover what had been lost in their lives. A little dignity.A little bit of what they no longer could grasp. To feel less vulnerable when around other people. In the words of the old singing group "The Grateful Dead"To give me just a little light.
Years have passed now. Surgery and some medical magic from Some truly fine people have me back on my feet. If I were an old car<I would be firing on all 7 of 8cylinders.Nobodys perfect!My first visit to Nyaprs was A fuzzy memory due to illness. I do remember the people there were kind and caring to everyone. The workshops gave me hope to maybe to get back someday to where I was.
That's what NYAPRS is really. Its hope fired by information. Its people who are using the system to pull themselves out of a very dark point in their lives.It is also people who are improving that same system by the voice of their experiences. Working with those in charge to fix and tweak all that might be not quite right in the systems. Those systems that are set up to aid those in need of a boost back up.A system that is not perfect by far. It is made better by the voices of those who have been there.
If your someone who is in distress from a mental or health issue NYAPRS might be something to look into. Google it and find out if you or someone near and dear to you could use the dear people at the organization to help out. The folks are sweet and helpful for anyone needing information or direction. The support of that information can help to rebuild lives. There are mountains of information which leads to more doors that you can open. You just need to follow the information path.
Contact them on their website for information on a ton of informative helpful ideas and directions. Also any activities and things to attend in New York or elsewhere.You will find that It will be informative.
Remember this regarding my experience with the workshop that I mentioned in the beginning of my blog. Sometimes when your thinking has been shaped by your personal environment, the views of others seem alien. You do not feel a need to think in any other way. When you find yourself in That which is alien to you, You become the alien.
It is a form of tribalism. The feeling I got in that workshop was alien to me. I could not identify with those in the workshop, so the tribe turned their backs on me. You may have other thoughts on this.I believe I learned a very interesting lesson. I may not fully understand what That lesson was,I do know this though, It is deep in my psyche. The workshop did change my thinking and thats what they are there for. TO MAKE YOU THINK
Please look into NYPRS even as a thing to know. It is a worthy bit of information to put in your brain for future use.
That is my story and I am sticking to it.NYAPRS is worth the efforts to find and investigate.Theres many facets of the Organization.Its kinda like a diamond in the rough.It might not be interesting till you start working with it to increase its value to yourself and others.
Till Next time Dear friends. WE THE PEOPLE have the power to change our world for the better. That better is a matter of our perspectives and what is right. Keep the faith.
Thoughts and comment on things WE THE PEOPLE can change if only we have the courage to see it and insist on change.This might be called the philosophical blog of changes. You the reader are introduced to thoughts and things that are part opinion and part fact.I always attempt to bring subjects into a sharp focus with a bit of entertainment for the thinking person.WE THE PEOPLE are the true power of this ever shrinking planet.
Showing posts with label SSI. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SSI. Show all posts
Monday, May 13, 2019
Thursday, August 23, 2012
President Barack Obama saves a life from Red Tape Execution
English: Seal of the President of the United States Español: Escudo del Presidente de los Estados Unidos Македонски: Печат на Претседателот на Соединетите Американски Држави. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Official photographic portrait of US President Barack Obama (born 4 August 1961; assumed office 20 January 2009) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
My Father Passed away in April of this year after a long stay in one of those old age facilities.
The place had squeezed out every asset the man had till even his life insurance was forfeited.
An annuity account was left to my disabled sister to help her living expenses.Dad didn't tell of this
good deed to any of his kids. He had no idea the vultures at Social Security Insurance had rules to take anything a disabled person could use to help with expenses.This rule says all extra income goes back to SSI.I thought SSI is what we paid into, with every paycheck???We owe what we paid into for years??
This needs to be fix asap or sooner.We are being robbed of the "Security"we invested in.
Dad was taken to the funeral home & My sister found herself left as Executrix of the will.She decided to use the tiny annuity to bury dad instead of keeping it.It was the decent and moral thing to do.We followed dads wishes to the letter.His Life insurance and every monitary asset at this point was sucked up by the Facility he was at.( a blog about the cruelty of nursing homes when I can think about it without screaming).
Within very a few days,My sister started receiving Demands & threatening letters from the local ssi office.She would have to report to the office and present her "case" as to why she had not given the money to ssi.Yes this is a small set of ssi letters.It fits...The letters Stated that because this money was used by her it was an income.(She used it for the funeral).It's very expensive to bury a loved one.There wasn't anything left but a little change of that money.The funeral was what dad had in mind many years ago when my mother past away after battling cancer.He never would have dreamed a long term facility run by a hospital would hold him against his will till he died.Or take everything in his retirement and insurance he had worked for.But I stray from this point now.
When the Appt. day arrived,we sat for an hour waiting to goto the ssi receptionists bullet proof glass to explain her "actions("The retirees and the disabled are very dangerous folks.I am surprised theres not guard towers and machine gun nests outside these offices's.)Hmmm.to Explain her actions! Interesting...I sat there in the waiting area.The interview area has an armed guard at a desk and is about as private as a public telephone conversation.We heard many such complaints as we sat there listening with others in waiting.These conversations should be where they could be private.
When it was my sisters turn and her Number was called out,she took the receipts up to the window.
The receipts were copied by the receptionist and we left.
The person that demanded my sister report to this ssi in Geneva NY. refused to even speak to her. Another day of waiting went by and another letter from this cubicle bound gestapo from ssi.
The ssi person said in the letter that nothing had changed and that my sister would lose everything she was covered for.Her life saving medications,monthly check,and any other benefits allowed.
She was devastated by the cold and callas attitude of this person.Her doctor tried to tell ssi that meds were mandatory for life.No deal.A Professional arbitrator went to the next meeting with my sister and
still no change.
I had lost my dad to a hospital/nursing home.lost my sister to cancer from insurance based care/neglect.I was not going to lose another family member to someone like the person behind the
bullet proof glass at ssi.I sat down with my best friend.My computer.The problem was,Who do you ask for help[ when the IRS,SSI,or any of the other ominous lettered entities are involved.It takes a lot to make me angry,but I was angry that day.
It's not surprising there is armed guards,etc at these offices. It makes you feel as though you are nothing but a pesky insect to talk to these people.
It is our investments they deny us and make us feel as though we are criminals.This is why they need armor in a place that shouldn't be anymore worried about speaking to us than a common bank.There is no money or vault in these places and the nasty attitudes are what make them targets of the very people that should not have reason to be threats to anyone.
I sat there for the longest time in front of my keyboard,going through various sites and government sites.I really didn't know where or who to even talk to.My sister was terrified by a desk bound terrorist in a government office.Who do you call when your own agencies condemn you to death?
I came upon an address that almost stood out in the print.It said The Office Of The President Of The United States Of America/Barack Obama.I said if he can't do it,no-one can.I began to write.
A day later I got an E-mail from the White House saying that the President had received my letter and was looking into this problem.Suddenly SSI offices were calling to say the White House was telling them to Find out what was going on.The letters afterwards were less caustic and more business like.
Many SSI offices called to inform my sister that Her life saving meds would continue and benefits
would be returned in payments to SSI.(Note the larger letters!Rules,Yes but at least it's humane).
I still don't understand why the benefit system wont let people earn as much as they can.It' called commerce.Keeping people permanently poor solves nothing in a society.Disabled persons and retired are looked down on because they are forced to limited amounts of money to live on.It is not right!
I have since sent a letter of thanks to President Obama.The president took time to have some one look into a matter for a nobody in this ocean of nobodies.You may say that it's because this is an election year and that the reason.I don't care the reason...I was helped by the President Of The United States...I will never forget this wonderful deed.I Have my differences with many politicians.The President is no different.I like some of his ideas and hopes he tweaks other ideas before they are 'rules"..
Thank You President Obama from the bottom of my sisters and my heart.You Sir do not deserve the BS dumped on you.and I hope one day that people will see that.Sir,We may never meet you in person,but thank you for taking the time to care for those of us out here.
That is all for now,Well be talking soon, I hope.Feel free to comment on my blogs.Love to hear your comments.
That is my story and I will stick to it.
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- Supplemental Security Income (SSI) (socialsecurityhome.com)
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- How often Social Security disability is reviewed depends - Business - Ohio (ssadisabilityandyou.wordpress.com)
- What Disabilities Are Eligible For SSI Disability - And Other Questions (pattidudek.typepad.com)
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