Showing posts with label Edward Snowden. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Edward Snowden. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mr. Snowden Still On a Hunt List for shedding light on Dirty Deals,Meanwhile Back in the Free world,3 Journalists that "broke"The Story Win Writers prizes

130716-M-DP650-024 (Photo credit: U.S. Department of Defense Current Photos)
WikiLeaks (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many people both in and out of uniform that would lay their lives down,and have done so for this country.They would sacrifice for the ideas that allow folks to live in a free society. Those same people are the ones that have a sense of what is right and what is completely wrong for all those concerned. They are not blind and deaf to the way the world should be as some can seem to be.

I read an article that I really found to be rather disturbing in the way it completely missed an important point. It wrote about the Three Journalist that broke the Snowden story and did interviews
regarding leaked documents of the highest "secrets" order/it went on to say how these guys had traveled around the world to get the stories. The various ways they stayed under cover and eluded any folks following them.

OK, I have no problem with that part of the story. It did take guts and a huge risk of losing all the rights to a future. I do not have a problem with the reporter/journalists receiving all or a portion of the notoriety for the stories.

I am in fact grateful for being informed of things not proven but just whispered by those previously labeled paranoid nut jobs.I guess They had eyes open wider than most of us...Perhaps
they might stand one day as madmen or visionaries that do not see the world as flat. The future will decide what Mr.Snowdens Title will be when it all plays out one day. Probably still buried under bureaucratic fertilizer as things hidden in the dark corners of our world have a tendency to do.

What I do have a problem with is the fact that if those documents had not been leaked, None of those
guys would have had any of the glory. The story was published by them and not Snowden.
Kinda like the Private that was apparently privy to secrets and was also the target for buggery on the
high seas of politics. The others danced off smelling like a rose and the private took a lifetime hit in the shorts.

I am rather confused by all this contorted reasoning. The guy who could not find sources to publish would never have been able to publish those documents. journalists publish government documents usually don't win awards. Just ask WIKI leaks folks. Yet the American with a conscience is hiding in a foreign country wondering if he did the right thing. Condemned and hunted as a fugitive. while awards are giving to those publishing documents are sleeping safely in their own beds tonight and are rewarded. This is the most puzzling.

Would any of us now fighting the illegal bugging of our lives have known if that problem even existed? When do you think any of us would have found out we no longer have any private moments.
Since most of us don't or have not been too concerned with what folks know about us, maybe never.
a life long file of our every move. I remember the ancient rule of war. When a courier/runner arrived at a friend or enemy encampment, there was a rule that you never killed the messenger as a return message could be sent back with the same messenger. Kill the messenger and the enemy knew they
should prepare for hostilities. We would have allowed our messenger to be hunted down and killed..

We need to place a little more attention paid to those who are trying to help us to stay free and not be so intent on a nice quick and clean lynching so we can just go home to mama and some good home cooking. They may just be trying to do the right thing when we do not have anywhere near all the facts.

Keep the Faith Friends

PS. Snowden's broadcast from Russia was censored from the U.S, citizens and has been pretty much
      erased as to it ever existing. The other countries were better able to watch a program from a country invading another than from the country that claims to be free...There is something wrong with that picture.I would advise anyone looking for other videos of Assange/ Snowden to have some really good firewalls and the best antivirus(s) you can swing for the money. It appears that These folks are hunted with some reason that is spreading......Perhaps it was something THEY said?

PSS: Yesterday this is 0/5/17/2019 The witch trials of  President Trumps Election was stating there needs to be more transparent Governmental disclosure. The Democrats were and would have chased Mr.Snowden into a Black site or had him killed for trying to bring that transparency to tell of the spying planned into our private lives.

WE THE PEOPLE now find that the Democrats are also responsible for storing tens of thousands of the same types of classified documents for any hacker to see. Yet, There's no national death sentence, no driving the perpetrators out of the country.

I guess it is like the wildlife programs state when that lone zebra goes down by the lions. and others stop to watch. There's safety in the pack. Many who have read those Snowden papers say there really nothing dangerous in them except the fact that there is some factions that are P, od because the population found the dirty little secret out.

Meanwhile, an American that wanted that transparency is living in exile from what supposes to be the Land of the Free and the Brave.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is the Internet a Little More Sensitive to Our Input Lately

OUR FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS - NARA - 516307 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Wikipedia censored"
"Wikipedia censored" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Screenshot of first finnish site censored by i...
Screenshot of first finnish site censored by internet censorship in finland and Failed with domains. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
YouTube is blocked by a court order in the cou...
YouTube is blocked by a court order in the country of Turkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have noticed that when I am trying to write an article that is a little bit sensitive I have problems staying online and get to restart my blogs at the line that it drops at.The computer will say that I am still on line but a problem is indicated on the screen.Could we too be censored in the good OLE USA?Does the providers and browsers do a little watching over our shoulder to see if they agree with our ideas of life?I have written
about the censorship in other countries of the world.I would hate to see that happen in this country.
Now take a moment and think of whats happening here in the USA.if you live in the states that like to control your activities.the states that feel  a yen to save us from ourselves are the Places that are the most oppressive with any freedoms.Examples of these rules/Laws are helmet laws,Seat belt laws,Bicycle laws,sidewalk use by skates/skateboards,Gun bans,ecological overkill bills that feed the political machine and kills commerce,
or how bout the law that puts taxes on out of state workers,The INTERNET is just a little more control on people that really don't have need to be further monitored by desk generals.

Our lives are monitored as never before in history.Machines flying overhead with instant death on board.
if you travel then there's a paper trail that follows you.if you use a credit card,a paper and data trail follows.
Whether by land or by sea the monitoring is non stop.when you write an E-Mail to gramma or a personal letter to your loved one there's always someone or something that is watching you.If you think this is the ranting of a paranoid individual,then you are allowed a uninformed opinion.I invite you to download every
anti-spying anti tracking anti monitoring add ons you can find.barring the fact that many browsers like to keep tabs on you for sales and directing you to their advertisers sites.See how well the expensive PC now works to
get you on the net.The trackers will stop you dead after awhile out of shear frustration to your actions.
the INTERNET is far from free anywhere there is society and its watchers.

WE THE PEOPLE of the world are the last to know the people or machines that watch our common goings on.I personally have warned the watching things(people or machines) that they will fall into a deep and non recoverable comma or whatever.They will succumb to extreme effects  of the boredom due to the exiting life I live.

 I do urge you to experiment with the anti-Phishing,tracking,spying,ETC.add ons to limit the Sopa type monitoring of our freedoms.

Yes there is people who do need monitoring in this world,People who apparently
are using the net to plan stupid and destructive activities.There is always that element in "man kinds"domain.

Killers_agents is such a group of morons.using the net to Extort ,blackmail and terrorize people for money.

Try  some experiments and see how much you hear from the complaining factions that will insist on monitoring your life.

Till we meet again on this material/virtual pane,Keep the faith and keep working for the goals of freedom.

Its much easier to lose your freedom than regain it when its allowed to be taken away.ask any former iron curtain countries resident.or any former POW orNazi concentration camp survivor.You might ask any Native American that could still be living free and hunting tatonka.(Buffalo/Bison).What the Reservation life did for their culture from about 1880 or so...Make sure you look into their eyes when they begin to recall that dark time.

This was written a while back in time,Way before  before the Russians invaded and claimed Crimea.Way before Edward Snowden freedom of speech,was censored from speaking freely from his exile in Russia.This world is becoming more and more Smoke and mirrors to those of us just trying to actually find solutions to our world.

Find the reason inner cities become War zones and work your way to the political world.The so called reasons for the violence remains the very same...Fear,Greed,and hatred.
The Biosphere Earth really does not have problems till so called Mans,Civilization as we know it arrives.

 .We have the power to overcome our problems if we work together...We need to learn  to extend a right hand as the old world warriors did when meeting another warrior.
The reason for this custom was because most people are right handed and it very difficult to pitch a spear or wield a sword,with the left hand.Your right hand shaking the other warriors hand met you wouldn't kill him/her.There were female warriors even though this world thanked them by killing them when they succeeded in winning.NOTE :Joan Of Ark,Thanx :)
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