Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Censorship. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Is the Internet a Little More Sensitive to Our Input Lately

OUR FREEDOMS AND RIGHTS - NARA - 516307 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
"Wikipedia censored"
"Wikipedia censored" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Screenshot of first finnish site censored by i...
Screenshot of first finnish site censored by internet censorship in finland and Failed with domains. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
YouTube is blocked by a court order in the cou...
YouTube is blocked by a court order in the country of Turkey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I have noticed that when I am trying to write an article that is a little bit sensitive I have problems staying online and get to restart my blogs at the line that it drops at.The computer will say that I am still on line but a problem is indicated on the screen.Could we too be censored in the good OLE USA?Does the providers and browsers do a little watching over our shoulder to see if they agree with our ideas of life?I have written
about the censorship in other countries of the world.I would hate to see that happen in this country.
Now take a moment and think of whats happening here in the USA.if you live in the states that like to control your activities.the states that feel  a yen to save us from ourselves are the Places that are the most oppressive with any freedoms.Examples of these rules/Laws are helmet laws,Seat belt laws,Bicycle laws,sidewalk use by skates/skateboards,Gun bans,ecological overkill bills that feed the political machine and kills commerce,
or how bout the law that puts taxes on out of state workers,The INTERNET is just a little more control on people that really don't have need to be further monitored by desk generals.

Our lives are monitored as never before in history.Machines flying overhead with instant death on board.
if you travel then there's a paper trail that follows you.if you use a credit card,a paper and data trail follows.
Whether by land or by sea the monitoring is non stop.when you write an E-Mail to gramma or a personal letter to your loved one there's always someone or something that is watching you.If you think this is the ranting of a paranoid individual,then you are allowed a uninformed opinion.I invite you to download every
anti-spying anti tracking anti monitoring add ons you can find.barring the fact that many browsers like to keep tabs on you for sales and directing you to their advertisers sites.See how well the expensive PC now works to
get you on the net.The trackers will stop you dead after awhile out of shear frustration to your actions.
the INTERNET is far from free anywhere there is society and its watchers.

WE THE PEOPLE of the world are the last to know the people or machines that watch our common goings on.I personally have warned the watching things(people or machines) that they will fall into a deep and non recoverable comma or whatever.They will succumb to extreme effects  of the boredom due to the exiting life I live.

 I do urge you to experiment with the anti-Phishing,tracking,spying,ETC.add ons to limit the Sopa type monitoring of our freedoms.

Yes there is people who do need monitoring in this world,People who apparently
are using the net to plan stupid and destructive activities.There is always that element in "man kinds"domain.

Killers_agents is such a group of morons.using the net to Extort ,blackmail and terrorize people for money.

Try  some experiments and see how much you hear from the complaining factions that will insist on monitoring your life.

Till we meet again on this material/virtual pane,Keep the faith and keep working for the goals of freedom.

Its much easier to lose your freedom than regain it when its allowed to be taken away.ask any former iron curtain countries resident.or any former POW orNazi concentration camp survivor.You might ask any Native American that could still be living free and hunting tatonka.(Buffalo/Bison).What the Reservation life did for their culture from about 1880 or so...Make sure you look into their eyes when they begin to recall that dark time.

This was written a while back in time,Way before  before the Russians invaded and claimed Crimea.Way before Edward Snowden freedom of speech,was censored from speaking freely from his exile in Russia.This world is becoming more and more Smoke and mirrors to those of us just trying to actually find solutions to our world.

Find the reason inner cities become War zones and work your way to the political world.The so called reasons for the violence remains the very same...Fear,Greed,and hatred.
The Biosphere Earth really does not have problems till so called Mans,Civilization as we know it arrives.

 .We have the power to overcome our problems if we work together...We need to learn  to extend a right hand as the old world warriors did when meeting another warrior.
The reason for this custom was because most people are right handed and it very difficult to pitch a spear or wield a sword,with the left hand.Your right hand shaking the other warriors hand met you wouldn't kill him/her.There were female warriors even though this world thanked them by killing them when they succeeded in winning.NOTE :Joan Of Ark,Thanx :)
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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Russian Presidents People continue severe crackdown on USAID

English: Bennett Haselton during a talk on int...
English: Bennett Haselton during a talk on internet censorship at Ignite Seattle 2011. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Demonstration against Internet censor...
English: Demonstration against Internet censorship in Helsinki, Finland Suomi: Sensuurimielenosoitus 4.3.2008 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Workers load a cargo net of supplies from USAI...
Workers load a cargo net of supplies from USAID following 2009 Sumatra earthquakes. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A map showing the level of Internet c...
English: A map showing the level of Internet censorship by country throughout the world. Based on Wikipedia:Internet censorship by country and Wikipedia:Censorship by country. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Russian government that uses our Space technology and other American systems in combination with theirs,Kicked us out!The USAID organization that helps promote Democracy in that country was forced to close it's doors and leave Russia.

The new law that has began effecting foreign organizations threatened  to be labeled
as "agents".They must register with Russian Offices to remain,while living as registered Agents,which translates into spys...The law is to  eliminate any chance of democracy as we in the United States from even being spoken about.The recent arrests and imprisonment of a rock group is just the arrest we have heard of.The internet has also been shutdown or filtered to limit the type of
web information going into the new Iron Curtain that President Putkin is building.Former President Reagan is turning over in his grave at the rebuilding of that wall.RIP,Sir.

Many countries are changing the mantel of freedom.The Internet freedom is falling all over the world
It seems that world leaders are realizing the power that is created between people when they bypass
dogma,doctrines,secrecy,and isolation by geography and politics.We find that when we think for ourselves,we are not so far different.Knowledge is power....

The most powerful tool the world has at this moment in time is the INTERNET and the tools to speak with each other.There has never been a time in history when so much is at our fingertips.There has never been a time in the history of the world when "We the People" of the world could see papaganda for what it really is.Smoke and mirrors.We can also tell the people who speak truth by reading the various articles that are available to us.

Those leaders that control the daily news' are terrified of the local Blog story(so far anyway).The net's not easily influenced by a politically convenient  lie.That leader or politician with almighty dreams of being a leader is found out.That kind of exposure is why they"politicians"wish to silence those of us on the net.We talk and figure out what is truth,opinion or just plain BS.The net is a pipeline to the people.It unites those people with people and societies that would never hear anything but what those in power wanted to propagate...Even in countries that are isolating the "ignorant peasants?"The internet serves as the Voice of America did many years ago.I miss listening to that broadcast.The Voice Of America was the First Voice of Freedom before the nets entrance.

We on the Worldwide  Internet must guard well our freedoms on the internet.We are truly the "New World Tribe"The net has even effected who and how we elect the most powerful person in the world.The President Of the United States.Can you imagine the effect on leaders that have oppressed the people of their perspective dictatorships.The past ten years have seen the effects on age old dictatorships that had hammered into submission  their  populations until the net opened formally closed doors of freedom...We must keep the doors of knowledge and freedom open to the world.

The generations after us will have to live in the world we allow to happen.That future world will be a place of free people with the power to live in a open productive society.The opposite is that the children of tomorrow will live hand to mouth.Those people will live under the controls of just a few
elite peoples religious/political organizations.Run by people that only view people as work pawns to hire and fire at will.Those future children will be controlled by the rationing of food,water and freedoms if  the net is lost.

This year is a perfect time to get involved with whats going on in the world.Those in other places may seem very far away.Freedoms we take for granted are slipping away as we comfortably live in this country.A Japanese General upon watching the planes taking off to bomb Pearl Harbor spoke these words,"I fear we have awakened a sleeping dragon"We in the Internet have become that dreaded,Sleeping Dragon......We need awaken before the Dragon Slayers Arrive...!
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