Showing posts with label KGB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KGB. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Dear Mr. Putin,Regarding Putting Innocents in Front of Your Invaders,This Aint Your Daddys Conflict&Drones Can Attack Behind Those Sheilds

English: THE GRAND KREMLIN PALACE, MOSCOW. President Putin with Iranian President Mohammad Khatami. Русский: МОСКВА, БОЛЬШОЙ КРЕМЛЕВСКИЙ ДВОРЕЦ. С Президентом Ирана Сейедом Мохаммадом Хатами. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
The headlines being printed today are just so rosy and light.Putin invades a sovereign country when one of his puppets strings break and then he[putin]has the audacity to thereaten to place the very folks he feigned concern with in the line of fire.Now our KGB hero is stating that he will place those said,same innocent folk in the line of fire?I rather thought The recently separated Mrs.Putin saw something or knew something we could not prove...till now anyway.

I am no expert on the rules of warfare.That is saying there still are rules to what is death,destruction,chaos and general mayhem mandates.Isn't it against the  so called rules of warfare to use human shields in combat situations?I think I remember the leader of one of those Muslim countries doing so in the past.I believe we attacked his domain and hanged him,did we not?

I also have read reams of articles on robotic operants in a battle situation.Does our outdated and obviously not worried about rules Russian leader realize that we don't have to send boots on the ground to spank him...Those robotics are getting better and better as time goes on.

I am not a fan of killer robots and covert ops.The only hopeful thing if there is any at all,is that Those folks can be differentiated from the troops in the rear.The troops  hiding behind the skirts of innocent women and children.Lets throw in some old folks just for effect.

The big question here is can the robotic warriors be so precise as to hit only what is targeted or is there just splatter patterns?Can the High tech sights lock on to the shivering/quivering humans in the high boots crapping their uniforms in the rear[no pun intended/ahh heck pun intended anyway] .

The so called free eastern block countries will all, at sometime be the subject of our antiquated KGB
hero.There was never a time that Mutha Russia had it in mind to let those people free for ever.

They at some point in time will all fall back under the Hammer and sickle of Russia.It is the leaders dream to have a Russia like he grew up in.I recall a leader swearing he would bury the USA and its allies.HE is dead and buried.We are struggling to stay a free country as those who lead stray from the original ideas of freedom.But we are still free as compared to the Ukraine people.

I would like to see our space program be brought back onto the United States shores.At least place our technologies where it would be less able to be compromised by a man who is obviously out of control.This not a Qaddafi,ETC,ETC.This a man from a former?? enemy land that once was ready to annihilate the rest of the world just to prove a tainted philosophy.
That mans country is a major nuclear power and he has conquest in his heart and mind.Do we really want to see just how far he will dare to go with that idea?Obviously our  ideas are not of any significance to The Russian President who must believe he has become invincible as the Russian Leaders of old thought.

Where is the great and powerful United Nations that most generally attempts to talk their enemies into submission before sending supplies that can end up hijacked.Where is the Nations that talked up a storm when it came to  East block Nations breaking away to what they thought would be freedom.How many nations are involved with the united nations now?Just curious how many united Nation Countries does  it takes to screw in a light bulb.One to veto against helping and the rest to hold the ladder....It is an old joke,but it sometimes fits the scenario.

This world needs to come together as a whole.The nations that are able to work together need to
push forward into the future and dump the deadwood nations that are stuck back in the cold war era
WE THE PEOPLE are not just  the USA.We are folks that just want to be free to build a better 
free  society for all to live in.The censoring of our INTERNET.The deprivation of people around the world is a good cause to fight against.The holding back of things to make life better.

WE THE PEOPLE need to speak up and let our thoughts be known.Our leaders may be good but i do not believe they can read minds yet.Write neat and thought out letters to your leaders.The more we
involve ourselves,the more we can change the world we live in.Even a little at a time is better than nothing at all.

Regarding mr.Putin and his dream of world monarch,There is only time that fixes things.
If you believe in a deity,Pray for change.I personally think The creator has set into motion a mechanism like a pendulum.Good on one side and darkness on the opposite side.The pendulum  swings to the dark side for awhile until it can go no more then to equal the motion,The pendulum
must swing to the opposite side for the same amount of time.You might test that theory if you use a timeline of warfare in history..All things work this way similarly.Mr.Putins world is temporary at best.

I think if we work together,that pendulum will have a little help in the time and momentum of its travel....All together people 1,2,3 PUUUUUSSSSSHHHH.

till next time Dear readers,Kind and open mind and a song in your heart.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

President Putkins Wife Has a Need for Freedom From Her Presidential Husbands Anarchy

2006-Not-Free-Countries (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Map of Freedom House (2008). free country
Map of Freedom House (2008). free country (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Vladimir Putin - Caricature
Vladimir Putin - Caricature (Photo credit: DonkeyHotey)
I recently read of a major split in the czars....err,I mean Russian Presidents Putin marriage of many years.The former KGB man seems to not share her ideas anymore.Freeom of a over controlling Pardner  is bad enough,But when he or she imparts the tyranny on a whole nation its got to be worse.

The world is changing in radically opposite ways.The free world is clamping down on its folks with spy drones,wire monitoring,and war machines to hunt an remotely kill the living.Our laws no longer need the say of yay or nay from anyone but the covert leaders.The Constitution be damned and full speed ahead.All of our blood that was shed by women and men like my Uncle Lee Stahl that Gave his life in Italy during WWII,are long forgotten.The regulations that have guarded us for these past 2plus centuries with  the ghost warriors who still charge into battle screaming freedom now in vain.

Many Free countries are struggling to keep their rights while balancing the fanatical Madness that seems to be growing in many parts of the  world  Australia, South East Asia and China  has clamps on what can be on the Net.I have stated this before in Past Blogs.Mr Putin  has stood out in the news with his past involvement.Rock groups who use poor Judgement,a noted Blogger that tried to open the freedoms up in the Net.Putin also is instrumental in booting out the ambassadors that speak freely
of the abortions Putins labels his laws.

Can you place  in your mind having to live with a person that  is so controlling that
even your thoughts and speech are dictated and edited.Your very individualism is mandated by Your unqualified masters.Most people[?] who keep servants or slaves eventually find just how dependent they have become.The slaves that are forced to learn the labor become better qualified  for that job than the so called "Master"I would bet the Former Russian First Lady will be watched closely for the rest of her life.She knows far to much of the masters closet skeletons .I say to her," live long dear lady, breathe free and seek freedom from your old  Master .You have the power and leverage  to change the world now.Use it wisely....

As always to you my readers,may God hold you all in the Palm of his hand till this world is finally a place we can all share with out fears or suffering.

I have been focusing on my future website that will help those living under the radar of society.I actually toasted[Burned out] another computer which put my writing out of commission for a couple of months.
This one was donated by a salvage yard and revamped to clean the last users info out. They have my thanks an gratitude.

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