Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

There Is A Growing Facination To Martian Real Estate

I remember the excitement of the first 1960s Star Trek. The 1rst space shot into the outskirts of space to return to Earth.That was so shocking that Mankind would perhaps make it into the void of space.Traveling on Adrenalin based adventure to places unknown.That was the dream of my childhood friends and I."To boldly go where no man had gone before"(James T. Kirk/W.Shatner).

Flash foreword just a couple of years,okay a couple of decades...We/Mankind stand on the edge of space travel once more.Our resources strapped by drought,fires,weather patterns and the usual morons that create war and mayhem that causes disease and starvation with the darkest evil tossed in to make the misery more defined.

Lets define a little about space if you will humor an ordinary earth-man for a moment in time.Space can not feed the hungry.Space can not clean our Air or water sources.Space can not save us from nuclear devastation.Neither can space stop a devastation of germs created in the minds of the demented in their dark hole in the ground hideaways.

Cities in space can support the very wealthy who escape there.But the time will pass and sooner or later what goes up will come down.What is the point of this blog you may be asking?Okay read on if you will.

There is roughly going to be 9billion of us in the world in the next decade or so.That's 9billion mouths to feed.6-7billion homes to be had on land that belongs to governments around the world.
That scenario will quickly turn ugly at some point when all those new ideas get pushed into whatever the next generation deem Normal. I wonder if those in those floating cities will mind sharing resources and space(no pun intended)?

The Idea that we have explored all of this home base we live on is a falsehood.there is more things that we humans don't know about the space ship called earth.It is already hanging in space with a complete set of recirculating systems that clean,purify and renew the resources we need to thrive.It/The earth is in a state of rapid change as has occurred for more time than we can guess.It is a nature change as the planet ages.

The biological soup we call oceans for the moment has given us the highest protein with the most severe misuse.
Yet it returns as much to us as it can.Like a crippled servant who takes a beating from its master and still tries to serve while crippled by the beating.That servant may turn one day to reclaim it's dignity.
That is our oceans.The oceans are our survival and support system.Without the oceans we will perish.

The oceans are vastly unexplored.Yeah we got sonar patterns of the valleys and mountains under the surface.There's are all the cures yet to be discovered.Many of the sea life in the depths are unknown.That may be for the better.If you don't know its there I guess you can't hunt it into extinction.IE.the woolly mammoth...Then when science could re animated it back to life.....we debate 50years if it was okay to "kill them all" and just leave m dead.

The ocean is closer than space.There is proven intelligent life there.Whales have larger brains than humans.Dolphins can and have occasionally shown compassion to put their lives on the line to save humans from sharks. most humans stand around yelling shark,shark!There has been no such intelligent life yet to be know by the human race from out there in space.Space is beyond reaching anything that might be smarter than a rock.We sure have brought enough rocks back from the moon.So far under intense study and interrogation.....No rock has uttered a single intelligent sound.

The oceans and forests have so much to teach us,If we move our cities into the ocean.WE can plan the recycling of what we use filter out the minerals to use and return that which is food for the oceans brine.Re breathers to use the oxygen in the water.domes made of the silt of the oceans rich bottom.
Farm the areas that need the most protection.

Power the cities by the salt and waves of the oceans.
Farm the sun and wind above the surface.

WE MIGHT EVEN learn to communicate with each other.Maybe even learn from the natives what makes the ocean their home and how to survive there.After all to my knowledge those citizens of the deep have never to mankind's knowledge had a major war.Most bloodshed there is of a survival food nature.

All the science that is used to rocket off into the blackness of space is truly wonderful.It is a credit to those who dream of meeting the Vulcans or Klingons one day.The hard working scientific folks who have such dreams are to be commended.I would never try to demean any of them.They are among the truly remarkable brain trusts on earth.

Think of what that focused brain power could create for our world to explore the oceans of our own world.Maybe if WE THE PEOPLE get,er,SELVES together maybe if there are greys or reptilian kings or a Mr. SPOCK out there we would be worth a closer look up close and personal.Don't you think?

Atlantis will never rise out of the sea.But we do have the abilities to build a pretty good facsimile
of the place.Maybe even improve the idea.It won't save mankind from desolation by itself.We seem bent on self deletion.It could give us reason to rethink our world and each other.

We could use that time to think and contemplate a possible future.

This has been the first of a Blog direction away from politics and things that seem a circus of errors and fools.

Till next time dear friends.Keep the faith and pray to that which you believe in for guidance and peace.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Russian,s President Putkin is Persecuting A Major Corruption Exposing Blogger

You May want to read the Hidden article of the blogger in Russia that is going toe to toe with Russia's President.This man is exposing the massive corruption over there in that country.It's made him the target of a future trial that may send his fact finding self to Prison for more than ten years.

He has still been blogging and keeping a strong heart about the whole thing.One blog even lists what he hopes to bring to prison.He has bent a lot of corrupted officials political noses by simply doing what is right.

Tellin g the true about what goes on in his country.

I wrote a past article on putkin and his rather primitive ideas of freedom.They could not publish my blogs for over a month there.Can you imagine the flak if I had been a citizen.

Google this brave guys name and blog the crap out of this before he is sentenced and the truth gets buried in a goolog forever.We have to fight for internet freedom when it is trying to break thru the walls of corruption

Google the name of ALESEI A.NAVALAY  and read his Blogs.

We can make a difference if we stick together.


Thats it for now friends
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Monday, September 24, 2012

vietnam joins? the worlds crackdown on internet speechh

Vietnamese Navy Torpedo Boat (HQ-311)
Vietnamese Navy Torpedo Boat (HQ-311) (Photo credit: GlobalCitizen01)
Without freedom of thought there can be no suc...
Without freedom of thought there can be no such think as wisdom & no such thing as puclick liberty without freedom of speech, Benjamin Franklin (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The small article in the New York Times  caught my eye as I read about Bloggers going to prison for their freedom of speech abilities.They were stating a few problems their government was experiencing.They were little problems when it can to a democratic nation.Most countries would just say," yeah so that is your opinion and everyone has one."Thats a probable democratic reply...This article is about a Southeast Asian country that has not know freedom for many centuries.It has fought for freedom and lost many times.The people like to be monitored and directed.

50,000  Soldiers from many countries died trying to induce freedom to a people that were caught up in a philosophy that they could not understand.The French nation tried to bring freedom to that part of the world.That didn't work at an earlier time in history.Freedom is a thing they would never rise up and take over the rules.They wouldn.t because it would require a basic right they are not allowed.
It is the right to freedom of speech.

These bloggers will serve prison time for simply trying to rally their people to change their governmemts ideas.Those in power see the changes the internet has brought to other world nations.
It scares the Bajeebers out of those leaders.They would lose their cushie,easy and no doubt corrupt government jobs to all those oppressed  peons the control with fear.

I wrote an article to the Russian people urging them to not pass laws that would plunge the world back into a cold war type atmosphere between nations.The Blog was based on their new Conspiracy by offensive speech to the Russian Government  Law.It was polite and precise to request peace without conflict.I see that the 50% of  my readers that were from Russia no longer can read my Blogs..The freedom of speech is a crucial right even for those that abuse that privilegewith abusive language in the media.It is still a right.These people will lose their families,to serve time in some of the worst prisons in the world.Ask any vietnam veteran about their treatment in a POW camp!
Please ask a vet that Wants to remember that experience and get out of the way...It ain't pretty.

I urge Bloggers and Readers to write the Russian Ambassador as well as the Vietnamese Government to  allow freedom to bloom in their countries.The world must become more open to the populations in order to prevent mass chaos like in the North African countries.Oppression is a terrible thing to control the masses.The internet is the most powerful tool in the history of mankind.
We The People,living in the free world can change the world without ever firing a shot in anger.
Our wmd (Weapons of Mass Destruction) is our Minds set into a free the people mode.

Within you lies the power, to seize the hour, and live your dream. Free the people to live as they can!
Get involved with Human rights groups.Get involved with organizations to educated people.
Get up and out of your couch and live for freedom.It is a rewarding per suite.You will feel more alive at the end of the day than you may have felt in any day past.Write,Blog,Phone,go and patricipate in any help ypu can to better the life of another human being.It is usually rewarding to you in ways only time can make known to you.Even a religious organizations charity drive is a help.
anything to help another is  a work of greatness.could you do any of this without the basic right of Freedom Of Speech? Now imagine being arrested for trying to help another person...You just put yourself in those Bloggers Shoes...Freedom can not be allowed to be silenced,,,

Without the world seeking peaceful means of  dwelling together,we are truly doomed in this nuclear destruction age.Get involved,make a difference.It will change your life.

 Take care for now and please keep the dream alive,or lose it forever.

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