Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Island and Liberty Island, Manhattan, in New York County (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
his employers.Forget his first ammendment right.
A 12year old kid saws off a 20gauge shotgun,takes it to school and injures and kills other children.The media imediatly blames every other gun owner in the country for this kids family not paying any attention to his daily activities.So where was that gun kept and when did this kid do his remanufacturing of the barrel.
This kid was adult enough to commit premeditated homicide along with illegally modifying firearm...for the use in a crime.
All the laws in the world Will not prevent a murderer from hi/her nefarious deed.
This same state of mind was responsible for the first murder....No gun involved there so it is written..
The court made a ruling to end (inter)net neutrality.The exact and dramatic changes are to be vital to Internet choices.There are articles on Bloombergs website for the details of the Internet changes.
The Safe act.regarding New York State and other states Have many more laws coming to make ordinary folks into felons.The various Police agencies have filed as friends of the court,but are not in agreement with the law.Still the incrimination's are coming.
Meanwhile Pot is OK now in the eyes of the lawmakers.HMMM!Will those in prison for prior possession be freed and compensated for loss of freedom and violation of a constitutional right.Pursuit of happiness might be invoked.What happened to the so called war on drugs that we spent billions on?Can little Johnie visit his 60's generation pot convicted dad in the penitentiary.and share a refreshing weed,legally now.
A Congressman in Hawaii wonders the street with a sledgehammer assaulting those he deems homeless and attacks them.The media states that no one has defended themselves or filed a complaint.It is only because those assaulted would be held for assault on a federal official.The lawmakers are committing a vicious attack.Who do you call when the law is committing the crime?
The court rulings allowing Territorial monopolies for Time Warner Cable,Verizon,com cast to be the only systems in protected areas will force you to have no choice of carriers in your area.The further as I have understood it is that the slowing down,peeping into and doing pretty much what they please will no longer be protected by rules.You need to read about this if you have not.
You are no doubt asking what this all has to do with each other.We are slowly losing the ground that our forefathers gained with their efforts and foresight.Each time something like this happens we are pushed farther from our task of prevailing over those who believe they can dictate laws. Impromptu creations of contorted rules made by people in power.People who know there is no one minding the freedom store as in the past.A very good example is our countries leader who has made announcements that the Senate and Congress are no longer needed due to his much wiser abilities to decide for the entire 250millions USA citizens.WE THE CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD???
The Health insurance that many of us had was not perfect by far.The insurance was at least there for us.Mine notified me that it was no longer available.They were pulling out of the system.I was notified 2days before it did.The mail took 3days to reach me.A Old lady was standing in front of me at the prescription counter.I was next in line to receive my script.The poor lady was easily in her 80's and was asking how she was to get her life saving meds.The pharmacist look at her and could only tell her to go to the office for the aging.
The elderly lady could not pay for her scripts and left the counter nearly in tears.I felt helpless and angry that such things can be orchestrated by our government.The same meds would by given to those overseas for pennies on the dollar.Are we any less a loss?.
Our country needs to bring changes alright.We need to sort out all those who are in ANY position of abusive power and impeach,fire or remove by legal force those destroying our Constitution.We must get off our dormant backsides to fire up a move to make changes that safeguard our right,punish those who abuse those privilege's and make equal the laws for everyone.Not a proverbial Witch hunt,A collaborated effort based on the same performance as anyone else on the job would have.You don't measure up and we find a better choice.
It is about time that there are changes due,But those changes are supposed to come from the Democratic Process.All people should be included into that process.Freedom of speech,Right to protect...Those rights might be of interest to you.They directly effect your every waking moment of your day.Try going all day watching what you say,bending no rules,and staying in the confines that would exist without those rights..Then reflect on how people have lived that come from oppressive societies that now seek freedom to be free.
We are on a run away railroad track headed into a dark tunnel with no one looking ahead to know if the track in still out ahead...These unfocused sidetracks are radical changes in an otherwise pretty solid way to run a country.
The trashing of the writer,Trashing of the Constitutional rules,Judges overriding safeties that protect individuals from corporations.Constitutional rights over ridden by a few individuals in legal positions.It is just a couple tiny hammers chipping away at the Lady Justices Ankles.
Even that which is said to be written in stone is able to be brought low in time if not protected...
There must be a force to protect that justice or it will inevitably fall into the dust as have the other great societies of history.WE THE PEOPLE are the force that has the responsibility to keep those rights and equalities in balance so everyone has the opportunity to be enpowered.
Ours has been to become the greatest society in the history of the world.We have inadvertently effected more Humans and their way of life than any other in the history of the world.We are far from perfect and have many human errors to answer for.I would hope that there is more good deeds than dark deeds.
There is still time to work together and build on those better deeds...We can't just let it be trashed.
Get involved with those better changes in any Productive way you can.Your voice is so important.Everyone is important in this
Move to build a better country and a better world for all of us.No matter of your non destructive beliefs or lifestyles.We have one world and all of our countries are based here on this pebble in space.
Will you join the fight to preserve our great country and extend a hand to those who are struggling everywhere to join in the cause of freedom.
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