Showing posts with label Hawaii. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hawaii. Show all posts

Monday, April 14, 2014

America The Beautiful Fore spacious Skies,Above The Fruited Plains Crown Thy Good With Homeless Freezing Death,Why?

Homelessness (Photo credit: Todd Huffman)
English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un...
English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un sans domicile fixe à Paris. Tiếng Việt: Một người đàn ông vô gia cư ở Paris Polski: Bezdomny mężczyzna w Paryżu See below for more translations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There is an article in the Internet news today carried by MNBC and other news casts about a most disturbing event in the land of plenty.The Governmental controlled.production of food and water is the most in the world.Google Land Banks And Agricultural Regulations.Farmers are paid not to produce.The land produces and has the abilities to produce enough food to feed the entire world twice in a good year.The land has not even begun to be used to any efficient means.There are millions of square acres called federal lands laying as wasted unused land.

There is 10's of millions of abandoned and empty homes around the USA that were taken by banks and loan companies.The folks once proudly living there have been thrown into the street.These houses and apartments may sit empty for decades till they become a hazard or are knocked down.

Those people could easily be re-established into society with our wasted resources.Eminent domain can force people into the street and bulldoze folks homes.Why not use that same law to force people back into homes when  greedy institutions won't or can not sell....Estates being left for bickering,greedy siblings the same.

The best example of  it is this is ancient :a baby was claimed by two mothers.The King said to take a sword and split the baby,both women would then get half.One women said please ,give the baby to that women.She got the baby because as the real mother,she would give it up to save its life.The other women would have agreed to deny the true mother.

Yet there is homeless people living  in tents in -20degree weather in the snow.Not just a few human beings ,but enough for small city populations in a town.There is hundreds of folks being forced to endure and many are dying of this terrible cold.This is not happening in a remote dictators country.This is happening in the ENTIRE USA. THE USA.This is a disgrace in such a prosperous country.

To add insult to injury there is a rash of beatings by usually young white men under the age of 20 who get into cars with aluminum baseball bats,knives and various weapons.They hunt down homeless folks who are already at a low place in their lives.The victims are usually sleeping when the cowards approach and start beating them.386 have died from these sort of attacks on another human being.The homeless are down on their luck,out numbered,malnutritioned and sometimes cold and sick from living with little.

The attitude of the more fortunate, usually poke their noses into the air and pretend its all
 that person/ fallen angels fault. There is no life situation that these individuals could even imagine,comprehend or relate to..The actual facts is this:every country in the world has refuges for some reason.The other point is this,Until 4years ago I was one of those people who could not even imagine being jobless,homeless and out in the cold.It can quickly happen to anyone.When the slide into social darkness starts,it overtakes you as if your life was hit by a gigantic whirlwind.It can happen to anyone,Even you my dear reader.

Whether economics,Warfare,Politics,Religion,Race ,greed or just plain  stupidity.The greatest victims are those who life has hammered into the emotional pit of life.The jobless.
The handicapped.The uneducated.The socially impaired who are shy,to tall,to short,Black,White, or any other of the "reasons" found to victimize anyone by weak minded bullies.Those Individuals victimizing others are the virus in our societies.They do not belong among reasonable human beings.How much better would this world be without them?

There are organizations trying desperately to help the increasing amount of people to recover their lives.To get back into a situation that makes life better.There is a problem here also.
Homeless is as the label of leper was in the dark ages.Ignorance of those not effected are quick to avoid anyone with that label.Combine the labels mental,homeless,sick,hygiene.

Now place a further stigma on the already beaten homeless that is a social killer.You can not obtain a home,an apartment,credit,a job.Without this item there is a very distinct chance that you will be beaten,maced,stun gunned and incarcerated by the law.After all,who do you report a beating from a gang of thugs.A policeman or the locals who just are out to feel superior to those fallen.A very good example of the abuse of power is the politician in Hawaii that spent his time wandering the streets of paradise smashing and bullying the people
He deemed homeless.Who would you call if you had no way of Identifying yourself.You could not produce any permanent address.and  so called society had mislabeled you with any of the above fantasies of  those living the beautiful life...

The organizations and people who have hearts of the Angels are the folk running soup kitchens as volunteers.The folks trying to defend the down trodden with little compensation.
The organizations that are trying to help are being more and more pressed to find funds.
The world is being squeezed by wasteful political systems that squander our moneys being paid in the form of taxes.The waste is enormous in the governmental black hole of  our lives. If the government was forced to atone for its money as much as we are to ITS collectors.

We must change our ways.WE THE PEOPLE are in command of our destinies as long as we work together.We owe it to our countries and fellow humans to pull each other up as brothers and sisters of our Human race.

Please pitch in and support those less able to rise above the dust as we have.One day soon it may be your turn or some one you love struggling to just find a meal.Some one who has no safe place to rest.Next time you step out of that shower,imagine what weeks without one would make you feel like.Next time you need clothes imagine if you could not chose what would look good and fit well.Imagine the clothes being handed out with a thought of this is all we have for you.

I ride along the streets and see things that could easily be reused by those in need.Then I realize that that selfish individual has smashed the item intentionally so it is UN usable.
My heart sinks to know that person is so self centered and selfish.What matter is it that they paid for it years ago and some one in need may pay pennies on the dollar from a Salvation Army Store.It is no longer important enough to own.So you destroy it?Would you know anyone that would marry that?Heaven help The spouse or pardner That was no longer needed....

The situation in this world and in this country is not going to improve unless PEOPLE decide to change it.The cruelties that are depicted in the movies have been blamed so often,but the nature of man predated movies by millenniums.Reflect on the public hanging of the 19th century when entire towns made it a carnival atmosphere.Look up pictures of beheading in the French revolution.As far as you can go back in history it is the same.

Let the Humans societies Evolve into a place that everyone can sit as the family of man.
Donate to a worthy cause.Volunteer in a church or establishment that helps the needy,elderly,or anywhere it is a place you pray never to be forced to go.I do!

I often return to the church that fed me with what ever the budget allows.I still shop in second hand places and donate my unused unbroken items to the Volunteers of America.
I know that my unneeded things will find a good home.I used to donate the toys out of the claw machines to battered women's shelter till a supervisor threw out 50 brand new toys just before Christmas last year.Said New York State Past a law against stuffed animals due to germs.That ended my donation to children that just needed to hug something outside the battleground they were living.So now I give to the soldier funds every year for their children.
 Don't be deterred from your quest of being a good spirit...Find a way with this rule:
If the path is blocked,There is always a way.Over,Under,Around Or through...

Till next time dear readers
PS.My blog over at wordpress is once again up an running if you wish to read them.rjp
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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Dick Metcalf is fired as writer from the Guns and Ammo Magazine and Sportsman Tv for defending 2nd Ammendment,Internet suffers Freedom hit from 3 judges

Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Isl...
Statue of Liberty National Monument, Ellis Island and Liberty Island, Manhattan, in New York County (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The writer,hunter,broadcaster Dick Metcalf of sports shows and Guns and Ammo magazine was dumped for his view of The Constitutions  2nd Amendment by
 his employers.Forget his first ammendment right.

A 12year old kid saws off a 20gauge shotgun,takes it to school and injures and kills other children.The media imediatly blames every other gun owner in the country for this kids family not paying any attention to his daily activities.So where was that gun kept and when did this kid do his remanufacturing of the barrel.
This kid was adult enough to commit premeditated homicide along with illegally  modifying  firearm...for the use in a crime.
All the laws in the world Will not prevent a murderer from hi/her nefarious deed.
This same state of mind was  responsible for the first murder....No gun involved there so it is written..

The court made a ruling to end (inter)net neutrality.The exact and dramatic changes are to be vital to Internet choices.There are articles on Bloombergs website for the details of the Internet changes.

The Safe act.regarding New York State and other states Have many more laws coming to make ordinary folks into felons.The various Police agencies have filed as friends of the court,but are not in agreement with the law.Still the incrimination's are coming.

Meanwhile Pot is OK now in the eyes of the lawmakers.HMMM!Will those in prison for prior possession be freed and compensated for loss of freedom and violation of a constitutional right.Pursuit of happiness might be invoked.What happened to the so called war on drugs that we spent billions on?Can little Johnie visit his 60's generation pot convicted dad in the penitentiary.and share a refreshing weed,legally now.

A Congressman in Hawaii wonders the street with a sledgehammer assaulting those he deems homeless and attacks them.The media states that no one has defended themselves or filed a complaint.It is only because those assaulted would be held for assault on a federal official.The lawmakers are committing a vicious attack.Who do you call when the law is committing the crime?

The court rulings allowing Territorial monopolies for Time Warner Cable,Verizon,com cast to be the only systems in protected areas will force you to have no choice of carriers in your area.The further as I have understood it is that the slowing down,peeping into and doing pretty much what they please will no longer be protected by rules.You need to read about this if you have not.

You are no doubt asking what this all has to do with each other.We are slowly losing the ground that our forefathers gained with their efforts and foresight.Each time something like this happens we are pushed farther from our task of prevailing over those who believe they can dictate laws. Impromptu creations of contorted rules made by people in power.People who know there is no one minding the freedom store as in the past.A very good example is our countries leader who has made announcements that the Senate and Congress are no longer needed due to his much wiser abilities to decide for the entire 250millions USA citizens.WE THE CHILDREN OF A LESSER GOD???

The Health insurance that many of us had was not perfect by far.The insurance was at least there for us.Mine notified me that it was no longer available.They were pulling out of the system.I was notified 2days before it did.The  mail took 3days to reach me.A Old lady was standing in front of me at the prescription counter.I was next in line to receive my script.The poor lady was easily in her 80's and was asking how she was to get her life saving meds.The pharmacist look at her and could only tell her to go to the office for the aging.
The elderly lady could not pay for her scripts and left the counter nearly in tears.I felt helpless and angry that such things can be orchestrated by our government.The same meds would by given to those overseas for pennies on the dollar.Are we any less a loss?.

Our country needs to bring changes alright.We need to sort out all those who are in ANY position of abusive power and impeach,fire or remove by legal force those destroying our Constitution.We must get off our dormant backsides to fire up a move to make changes that safeguard our right,punish those who abuse those privilege's and make equal the laws for everyone.Not a proverbial  Witch hunt,A collaborated effort based on the same performance as anyone else on the job would have.You don't measure up and we find a better choice.

It is about time that there are changes due,But those changes are supposed to come from the Democratic Process.All people should be included into that process.Freedom of speech,Right to protect...Those rights might be of interest to you.They directly effect your every waking moment of your day.Try going all day watching what you say,bending no rules,and staying in the confines that would exist without those rights..Then reflect on how people have lived that come from oppressive societies that now seek freedom to be free.

We are on a run away railroad track headed into a dark tunnel with no one looking ahead to know if the track in still out ahead...These unfocused sidetracks are radical changes in an otherwise pretty solid way to run a country.

The trashing of the writer,Trashing of the Constitutional rules,Judges overriding safeties that protect individuals from corporations.Constitutional rights over ridden by a few individuals in legal positions.It is just a couple tiny hammers chipping away at the Lady Justices Ankles.

Even that which is said to be written in stone is able to be brought low in time if not protected...
There must be a force to protect that justice or it will inevitably fall into the dust as have the other great societies of history.WE THE PEOPLE are the force that has the responsibility to keep those rights and equalities in balance so everyone has the opportunity to be enpowered.

Ours has been  to become the greatest society in the history of the world.We have inadvertently effected more Humans and their way of life than any other in the history of the world.We are far from perfect and have many human errors to answer for.I would hope that there is more good deeds than dark deeds.
There is still time to work together and build on those better deeds...We can't just let it be trashed.
Get involved with those better changes in any Productive way you can.Your voice is so important.Everyone is important in this
Move to build a better country and a better world for all of us.No matter  of your non destructive beliefs or lifestyles.We have one world and all of our countries are based here on this pebble in space.

 Will you join the fight to preserve our great country and extend a hand to those who are struggling everywhere to join in the cause of freedom.
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Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Lawmaker in Hawaii is Now Openly Walking The Streets commiting Hate crimes and Apparently No One There Really Has The Decency to Stop Him

English: Source: Joshua Sherurcij
English: Source: Joshua Sherurcij (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop...
English: Homeless man sleeping at the bus stop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sa...
English: Homeless man, Tokyo. Français : Un sans abri à Tokyo. Español: Persona sin hogar, en las calles de Tokio. Türkçe: Evsiz adam, Tokyo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un...
English: A homeless man in Paris Français : Un sans domicile fixe à Paris. Tiếng Việt: Một người đàn ông gia ở Paris Polski: Bezdomny mężczyzna w Paryżu See below for more translations. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Homeless person, with shopping cart
Homeless person, with shopping cart (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When I think of our elected officials now in office I often wonder what they actually think of those people they always claim to serve and protect.I came across an article a few days ago out of the place always called paradise by folks never visiting there.That place is the land of grass skirts and hula dancers.That place is the tropical paradise always depicted in stories of warriors dugout outrigger canoes.The original native people who threw lovely young girls into hellish molten Volcanos to appease the goddess.Palm trees and beautiful dancers that moved with the fluid motions of the gentle warm south seas breeze.That's what I have always thought....Til now anyway.

It would seem my articles of the elected having an arrogant  attitude about and towards those children of supposed lesser gods...The Homeless that already are scraping out an existence with only what they can salvage from that which others no longer need.They rarely have the abilities to get out of the rut they have fallen into.
My blogs in the past explain the difficulty that getting back into a life is when one falls outta the society made world.

The last thing the homeless would need is an overpaid  Jackass roving the street with a sledgehammer smashing their goods and perhaps assaulting them with the ability to walk away from what for anyone else would be a Hate Crime.Anyone else would be prosecuted to the full extent  of the hate crime laws.

The article tells how this guy orders the to get their A** of the street or else.He openly has admitted with the arrogance of some one who knows his political buddies will turn a blind eye to the blatant crimes.
The police know of the goings on and report that no one has filed any reports regarding the events.

If you were on the street even as you are now and this happened to you,what would you do?
of course you would call the cops and file a report.Maybe press charges on the bozo and get him some nice quiet time for a mental exam or jail time to reconsider him mindset and actions.

Okay,Now what happens when the perp is a  Democratic representative named Tom Brower and he is above the laws of us mere mortal.Sorta changes the equal rights thinking does it not? Now take that master/slave or elite/peon scenario one step further.You are a homeless person...You are not wanted.You are not protected.You are not a voter because you have no address.You are regarded automatically as mentally unsound on sight.regardless of your actual state of mind.You are regarded  as dirty and smelly even if you shower regularly.

The most uneven of this is the fact that the Democratic Party has banged on the anti bully bills for months. the anti hate crime laws for months also.This is another example of the political views by the elected officials and the true nature of their uncaring and distant ideas of who and why they protect the lesser able people of the U.S.A.

I remember reading about a Night that lesser folks were hunted with clubs and their homes and business,s.
They were believed to be the problems for all the problems of the elite and master race.They were rounded up and transported to places they were never able to bother that "Master-Race"would not be bothered by their disgusting presence again . The homeless in Hawaii have been threatened with transport to the Mainland  until it was found to be to expensive. Wonder what this kind of misfit official will think of next?Gas chambers?
Maybe throwing the homeless into volcanos.Hey it worked throwing  virgins into volcanos long ago..  of course the homeless may not appeal as much as a helpless virgin used to.Maybe after the Godess noticed the injustice,she would  just sacrifice the whole damned place.

So if your headed to  the 50th state of our Free U.S.A.,perhaps you will include the tour bus that will point out the Democratic rep tom brower [ yeah I know,but he really doesn't,t deserve any respect]assaulting a poor little homeless man or the old person just mistaken for homeless that is using a shopping cart to get groceries home.
Yes sir,you have not seen the islands till you get to beat up a homeless person with a Sledgehammer as this idiot is getting away with.

Perhaps this is the future for such individuals in public office.Just go out and victimize people who do not have any recourse if you get your rocks off by attacking those who can not defend themselves.

Do you know what would happen if the jerk actually did get his from some one he attacked?They would be prosecuted and buried with the key under the prison for assaulting a political figure. 

Update:The hammer swinging moron has just promised to stop using a hammer for awhile and say,s he will think about his actions...What goes through a arrogant mindless bullies mind besides green slimy gunk?
Maybe he will get a permit for an assault weapon and do some hunting for more upper class islanders.
After all, the homeless proved to be not much sport and those other citizens would not have any more rights to defend themselves from a duly elected official in office anymore than the Jews in the night of glassin Nazi Germany long ago.

The above photos show that there are tens of thousands of homeless  folks worldwide...They are not organised,but out number the bullies thousands to one....This guy may be waking a sleeping dragon...

Yours always folks

published twice tonight because it really ticked me off
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