Showing posts with label News. Show all posts
Showing posts with label News. Show all posts

Sunday, May 10, 2020

They showed the freezer cars being loaded with Bodies of the victims.....

Workers wearing white hazmat suits and protective gear were taking the bodies from various sights to the freezer units, The bodies in body bags had a person on each end of a portable canvas unit with poles affixed to each side. There were other such workers waiting with many more bodies at this site. It appeared to be one of many such freezer units line up as far as the eye could see. It obviously was a terrible plague of some sort tearing through the area...Then I changed the channel from the andromeda strain to the news.

For a tiny moment, I wondered if my set was not changing anything, That was my first day to realize that reality is stranger than fiction. It is the day my world ended as I had known it to be this many decades. These last few months have been un "needenly"(My word).stressful.I stood outside and beside an elevator waiting to go to my floor to my apartment.

A person pushed out on a walker and said wheres your mask and stand behind the line. I think I said B***s***. The sign clearly said beside or at the line in front. My N95mask had just popped its rubber band n my ears were still stinging. I had already faced a lady in a store parking lot that was 50feet away and yelled such demands. I was surprised to see a rather old well-dressed man who thought she spoke at him. I won't repeat his reply, The lady muttered off to her car. I have no virus nor apparently did I.

This Virus has a second enemy which is its greatest ally. Most are not aware of it because The Nightly news uses it to increase it, viewers. It creeps into our minds every waking hour we live now.
Each time we turn on our favorite radio station. Each time we watch our favorite show it squeezes in as commercials. It seems that every single moment of our lives is wrapped in the feeding frenzy of this virus.

I wonder how many people have developed health problems from the constant flow across the bottom of the screen of death. It is like the media just bathes in the carnage. Reveling in the darkness of the moment. I know they have a job to do. But is it so important to smother us in the situation like crepe hangers?

I went to the park to hopefully get a mental change of thought, yup the people were all cloaked with a mask reminding I figured I would go get a nice warm soothing cup of coffee maybe jazz it up with cinnamon. Sign on the door: no one admitted without a mask. Reluctantly I put on my mask and went inside. I was pleasantly surprised to find Myself the only customer wearing one. I got my coffee and made it to the counter to pay.

I looked for the stand behind tape on the floor. Missing! Thank you God, I am back in America. where when the politician says crap, I don't have to say where and what color sir. But again I digress. I ask the young man behind the counter who wore a rakish bandana to match his pierced bottle cap ears if he knew how to tell the good guys coming I from the bad guys since they all wore masks. He said he did not know.
I said the bad guys wear ski-masks. We laughed. A moment away from the durge we are now living.

I don't mean to diminish the weight of the situation. There is a point in time where the stress of the overload is going to bust lose all our self-control. People can not remain in isolation . Locked into a situation that makes us watch all we have worked for crumble into dust. Our families become stressed. We start having arguments based on our own fears of what's to happen next.

It is that fear that has the equivalent destructive power to bring down our Nation. It is the constant droning of harpenture of death and destruction that is doing as much or more damage than any virus

Even those like myself who probably won't get the virus are bombarded with the constant volleys of
statistics that we are starting to hear are vastly exaggerated. I guess that movie I was watching won't be so interesting in the future just to Jazz up the death and body count. 

 I am hoping we can one day get some other things to once again not hear the beating drum of the death count every minute of the day, In my youth, the media plastered the Vietnam war and the body count. Every day we were told of the losses. In the Irag conflict/war we had the same thing. Now we are in another war.I truly hope it is not the war to end all wars because we all become extinct from the childish bickering of our elected leaders, Maybe Leaders is not quite the word for them right now,

Many who are suppose to be working on solutions to keep our country running are home hiding under their beds with their stash. Safe and sound.

Please contact your congress member and your senator to voice your ideas start a partition to voice your do have the power to change the madness. Funnel all that fear and rage from your loss into action that is useful. Get people talking about getting us out of this rut. 


That said dear readers, It is still WE THE PEOPLE who must survive and overcome, whether someone sitting in the safe warm taxpayer home they have with food on the table.No doubt looking out the window and saying, they are hungry and have no bread, let them eat cake.

Whether we live or die in the coming days, everybody dies at some point in time, if You have your choice of hiding and dying in Isolation low on food nerve-wracked from worry with kids left behind and ignorant, then hide under your bed and pray like hell when your world explodes.

I prefer to be free to fight this from a standing position. Death is a fact of life just as birth is. You can fear it, you can sometimes cheat it for awhileBut it is always, always inevitably patiently waiting.
Have faith and don't fear, live for the moment you are in and to the fullest you can. tomorrow is promised to no one. It is just the way it is.

Till next time friends, Keep a lite thought in your heart and a prayer on your lips.


Sunday, April 19, 2020

Coronaviris is Not the End of The World or Even Close to It

-The news of the day and past days has droned on in length about this latest reason to Acoust our minds with another media drama. Hour after Hour we are drilled with epic tales of the fatality numbers of people dying.Newscasts showing the results of cities clustered into small areas. This scene could be from third world countries.

Generations of mindless planning a new project to add to the clustering of places to live and work. It just proves that those who refuse to learn from the past are destined to repeat it until they learn the lesson properly (to Paraphrase).
People building living quarters on top of each other with streets jammed with moving bodies of humans. It is not a third world country at all. These cities are in 1rst world countries with modern technologies. These cities boast the most modern things to make life good. These cities for all their modern things still have people living in ridiculously close proximity to each other as was the case in the dark ages.

The most populated areas of Europe in the dark ages were desolated by the Black plague. Fleas on rats which ran rampant after cats were deemed evil by the Catholic Church. Many cats were tortured and brutally killed to appease the Pope's whim. The rats took over and were uncontrollable. Plague ran rampant. People were ignorant. Most were not even able to read or write at that time in history.

The difference I draw here is not the people's knowledge or is the fact that there are too many people living into small space. The chance of a major pandemic is getting greater as these cities grow into Megacities.

Imagine a future city of 100Milion people. They are at the peak of technology. They have developed a society of peace and prosperity unknown to mankind's past. One day this technologically condescending city is struck by the tiniest living thing known to man, A virus. Able to mutate as nothing else imaginable.the technology would not be any difference between the dark ages and the modern or the future.
A virus is a virus is a virus.

Our cities are just too big to prevent thousands of people from contracting and killing each other. Our world has gotten too crammed together to prevent this type of disaster from happening. It will accure again, Perhaps in a more mutated and deadly form.

We must prepare our world for another more deadly virus whether or not it happens. The option would be to spread our cities out over the empty places in the world. That is very unlikely to happen any time in the future.No habitual places on this earth are not owned by someone or something.

The only preventive solution is to power up the ability to mutate a deadly virus to a helpful virus, Perhaps genetically engineering the RNA to be more adaptive to other causes.make a negative into a positive. I would hope to be studying what makes a virus so very deadly in the future. It seems to be a weak link in our genetics. It is a problem that may kill us one day if we don't find a solution.

There is one index that I have to solve the problem of big companies stalling to find solutions to our problems. During the COVID-19 lockdown, people from all walks of life got together and manufactured facemasks and worked on homemade ventilators in home workshops.

How about a Seti type research network that will work on disease cures.Home computers working in off-hours as one mass processing unit to work out solutions to our threats that are becoming our daily routine. Seti has not found intelligent life yet to my knowledge, virus infections are not intelligent life as we know it. It sure is giving our lives a run for the money.

Till next time friends.
May God Smile on you and yours.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Children,Politicians,Socialist What common Denominator Exists

Remember when little Bobby and Ralph couldn't seem to play nice on the swings. They always seem to be at odds. Both kids were in the same classroom, Had the same teacher, went to eat in the same cafeteria. All the great facilities that made up their education and provided for their lives were identical. So why couldn't, they share what was there. What made one kid's Ideas so much more important than the others. So much more than it leads to conflict. Why couldn't they just"get along"? That playground was the best in the city by most standards. Why? Flash forward to adulthood.

Let's look at these kids after they are grown up and into a lifestyle. Let's say they become Oh, I don't Know...How about politicians as one example.Not too hard to be. Kiss a few  Um, Er, Babies, Yeah that's it and get people to believe in your overblown ideas. In reality, they are pipe dreams and deep down you have no real idea how a distant future will reflect those pipe dreams but they worked on that long past playground to have it your way. There's no teacher to but in and mess it up. Those kids that stood and watched are still only standing by and watching.

This brings up an interesting question. That playground is transferred now into that which pounds our very souls and centers. Every day we hear the same old irritating fighting in the nations Playground of  Um, Er, shall we say the Baby kissers, who are sounding more like those brats on the playground who feel their ideas are more important than others,

The coup that has been and still is being attempted has led to our infrastructure suffering, our political enemies made emboldened by the subterfuge in our government. This all due to the same playground antics that kids play on that long past juvenile playground. It has to stop.

The United States is one of a kind in the world and in history. It's not perfect.No where that humans exist has ever been recorded as utopia. That's an observation and not an opinion. History regardless of how much it's polished and the images are destroyed. History and hard facts will never change what actually happened. This country has had mass exterminations of original populations.

This country was built partially on the backs of slaves. This country has had concentration camps for citizens. This country has had separate exceptions for some people. We are not perfect. We will never be that utopia that hundreds of thousands invade our borders for. That's because it is a dream that does not and never will exist.

The only reasons that this country has remained that dream is the fact that our leaders have at least tried to work together as a team. The President has never had Press who drone a mantra of the negative dribble. Propaganda like a third world communist party threatening an attempted take over. I remember listening to Radio Moscow and various shortwave radio stations as a child. The situation in this country is looking like that in the future.

The separations that lead to great empires throughout history falling only to become the domain of the vulture culture who stand by and watch the carnage like those on that playground.

I remember the voices of those who begged for help on those last free amateur radios to save their freedoms from the socialists who were killing them if they didn't conform. Then one day those voices stopped, The newscasters who had been whipping up the public to join that socialist movement went silent or was each day giving a script of the party propaganda.then they too fell silent,

Many became slaves of the state, others were simply killed along with their entire families. Still, others who attempted to flee with their lives either made it to safety or were captured and killed. Some serving years in re-education camps, A living Hell instead. Russia used gulags in Siberia where many were tortured starved and never seen again.

The propaganda that allowed the rise of those socialists were folks like you and me losing the fact that once in power "they" had already taken control of travel without special ID.The freedom to come and go as one would please. They had already taken control of things that would and could make life better. What you eat, what you say, what you think,

What values you hold dear, The ideas and dreams that make your life worth living. every aspect of your otherwise normal life. How you think, what words you can say, what your children are forced to learn in school, and what God you're forced to pray to if any at all. Many places will Kill you for any of the aforementioned things. Is this what WE THE PEOPLE want for the land of the free? Think it over carefully. Your lives and the lives of the future citizens/your children depend on that.

The Washington Playground Bullies scuffle continues adding more nonsense to what crap in already in the media. Were this a Socialist country with a more politically prejudice population, That population would be clearing their troubled children into the room (gulag, Prison, Re-education center)of regretful conduct. Oh wait, That is our wannabe socialist party thats doing just that to OUR political environment, isn't it?

Written awhile ago during Last "impeachment" Idea that didnt worrk.Proving that this Congress has Got to Go Next Election.We need to get our Priorities in line.What Play ground do you want your children to play in the future?What kind of country do you feel free in.

Once again friends

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Is It Time to Rethink Fraternities an Sports Departments at Colleges

This story may seem disconnected at first but there is a point to this whole scenario if you care to read it all.Think Before You Decide...

The news this week is disturbing enough when things happen that we can doing little to prevent.A woman walks up to another woman who simply stopped to get a little peace and quiet while eating her sandwich at lunchtime..The victim was in her vehicle in a large parking lot to a mega store.

She had chosen the spot because it is in a parking lot that is away from the other cars.The store is also far away from her parking spot so no one will be bothered by her presence.This was  a favorite spot to just get away from the madness in this world.To find a peaceful moment away from things.

Another women,A complete stranger, randomly walked up to this the peaceful woman's car and pulls up a pistol and fires 2 shots into that woman's head.Killing the woman as she sat there.

No reason can be given for the shooters actions.She had just picked out a victim at random.The victim leaves  a husband and two children.She had no enemies and many friends.The shooter will be either tried as a murderer or found to be incompetent to stand trial by reason of insanity.The victim will be dead and lost to her loved ones and friends forever.

The shooter was caught after this incident holding that gun on a nearby store attendants head.Again,No reason but that near victim lived by reasons unknown.The shooter had 2 pistols when caught later.She knew neither person she picked as victims.A life was lost who we must now equate with another. That murderer we will support and take care of for the remainder of their life.Perhaps to soon be released to live free as a bird.Perhaps to become insane again to shoot someone.Will the bullets match the fatal one.Trial by a judge and  jury to follow...

The next article was about Penn state university.An institution that was in the news a short time ago for UN managed abuse of university situations.A coach that was well known had been  abusing children.
It went on for years with knowledge it said in the news by university officials.This was mentioned to reflect a past event of problematic moral proportions.

Now that same university is once more in the news for another well published incident which resulted in a death.A death which is being passed off by the courts as just sports kids doing what they do.That foolishly lost  life apparently meaningless for the judge. A judge  who has dropped pretty much all responsibility for forcing a hazing "pledge" to drink so much alcohol  then allowed him to fall down a flight of stairs.The good frat brothers pledged to stand together. They did.They left him  where he lay for helpless hours injured,dying and alone.No one had the decency to call 911 for help, so he died.Just as if they had put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger.Were They also insane?

Being a child of a lessor god His family apparently was looked on as less important to the judge. Justice is not really worth their sons life?So in his honors infinite wisdom dropped a majority of the charges.What would make this not ,Not worth anyone else who might copy cat.

Boys just having a a little fun with the newbie.A Fraternity,Frathousegood time.

Was the Judge a former Frat boy?Was he just seeing how it was.  A slap on the back for the good ole boys?Thats how we frat bros used to do it to those newbie worms we made crawl as pledges,right?The judge may have thought.No doubt the defense may have also been thinking?Should that be taken into a closer look?Would that cloud an attorneys sense of thinking?

The perpetrators of this hazing are all athletes?The Television showed them in various uniforms that were team oriented?Readers need to ask themselves this question:Why are team members boozing it up on a  State university in the first place.Where is the The university's  dean of students?Finally,

Where is the other parents who pay this place to hire degenerates and allow students to kill other students.They seem to also be okay with hazing to death students.Highly insured Children policies?

Where is the person who is in charge of this frat-house?Why are they not held responsible also?What kind of team rules apply there if these guys actually are on a university team playing sports with gallons of beer.This is sports season for many sports and alcohol is in use with these supposed reps of the university?Drug and alcohol tests all round and often...

Readers may also ask themselves if this college/university needs to have whatever funds yanked until they get their "stuff" together for a lot of rule enforcement.Maybe clear out the deadwood that seems to run(is anybody running this place?). Sounds like the animals are running the ZOO.The inmate running the asylum.

The community around the university never seems to  mind all the bad publicity I guess.The trial is right there and no one seems disturbed with that judges decision. Maybe, except the parents who raised a son to go to school and be murdered.It is not Columbine is it?Or is it?

This is not the only school with problems.I know about bullies and peer pressure as a child. This is just one of the more advanced versions.Peer pressure out of fear from those in mobs

I have a personal example for you.

My old cub-scout patrol leader Frank Jefferies (6years my senior)Pulled a Knife on me every morning at the school bus stop.I had cut my finger on a scout trip with a scout knife I got for Xmas.I was 8yrs old.When I got to high school years later, Jefferies.and his older friends, on the football team would grab me and hold me while he would threaten to cut my sideburns with a 6inch pocket knife at my throat asking me if I was a "bleeder.The other kids I had gone to school with all my life stood and did or said nothing.He couldn't grow sideburns in the 1960s.still can't.

It became a morning ritual with him.I know about ,peer pressure,bullies and mobs...I ended up walking 1 mile to school and a mile home. Through snow and rain.My parents both worked.The local cops said my word against the mobs wouldn't hold up in court.Told me it sounded like a personal problem and they didn't get involved till did he cut me or killed me.

I believe it was a famous author who stood before a judge and said ,"the law is an ass"The writer   served time  for that remark...But I digress.

This college students, parents paid big money to this place to allow bullies to kill their son in an institution that again and again shows a need for major/radical changes.The Judicial system feels this guys life is not important enough to punish the killers/bullies who killed him.

They may not have physically pushed him down those stairs drunk (OR did they?),but they bullied him into doing so out of fear of the mobs actions.The "boys" who were suppose to be responsible men murdered that student just as if they had the pistol of the first murderer.There is no difference.
Had they not been there and done those actions,That student would go on to become a useful part of the world. 

Fraternities type situations don't need to have such Membership nonsense. Universities need to assign the student to the places Student and institutions are link with. I really don't see any real reason to even have Fraternities.Either you are living there or your not.The excuse to be a Member is no permission of abusive behavior

There are too  many such things that are allowed to happen in peoples lives that should never happen.
To try to fight a mob legally is practically useless when it comes to defending one self.Its no different in school as a student.The student becomes the victim because it isn't happening to the other students. SO No ONE gets involved to avoid the mobs attentions.Thus the person becomes like those we read about when it seems hopeless .That's peer pressure by a mob.The frat bros.are that same cause and effect that's not acted on by another force.Institutions that fail to regulate the actions in a situation they know is not right.Like those Frat bothers and the kids at the school-bus stop.

The flip side of this, is some people enjoy picking on and singling out individuals.
They join the mob.It make them feel empowered.It makes them feel powerful for their inadequacies.

Jefferies couldn't grow sideburns for lack of?maybe male hormones. He had been embarrassed by this little boy who cut his finger on a camping trip.He was supposed to show me how to make a fire but sat in a corner that night..The other little boys had to help me put a band aide on my cut.Jefferies sat by himself and refused to help.He held that in his heart for the next 6years.I never got my merit badge though we had a nice warm fire that night.

Those Boys that helped me always remembered my incident. Those who were there at that students death, will remember the events leading up to it.If they were too drunk to remember then, whats the next thing they will be too drunk to remember?Vehicular homicide?is there any difference At Penn State University?Death the results of drunkenness, is still Criminally Negligent Homicide anywhere in the USA.I guess the exception would be a mob with the judgement of a judge clouded judgement.
WAS the judge a frat brother?What would be the cause of this judicial blindness?

The system as it always has, protects the mob on their word against the victim.When the victim is dead the mobs story can become law.Ask any lynch-mob what happened. The judge at Penn state just did.
Ask any rape victim after a court trial about the mob inside who listens so intently.Would the court room people have gotten help or would they have just watched?

The law is something WE THE PEOPLE hold as our tool to keep us under a system that is supposed to be one equal for all people.Human nature is not any different in many cases than the zebre getting killed by the lions.The other animals just run away and watch.We are supposed to be above that.We often fail so terribly. There are so many times when the law is bent and corrupted to the will of a few against the one.The law is supposed to punish those who would do another harm.

Where humans are involved there's no way to make it perfect.We are an imperfect species at best.Those who have been know to walk on water are short lived among the imperfect majority.
When the time does come to make thing equal and right we often fail miserably.
Your honor I do not rest my case...

Till next time dear readers Please pass on what ever some one has done to make your life better to someone you don't even know.The people in Louisiana and Texas have nothing and even a little wil go so far to make their lives a little better.PASS IT FOREWORD dear friends. Maybe its one of the small things we can do to be better people and make the word "MANKIND" less tragic.