Showing posts with label Ham Radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ham Radio. Show all posts

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Children,Politicians,Socialist What common Denominator Exists

Remember when little Bobby and Ralph couldn't seem to play nice on the swings. They always seem to be at odds. Both kids were in the same classroom, Had the same teacher, went to eat in the same cafeteria. All the great facilities that made up their education and provided for their lives were identical. So why couldn't, they share what was there. What made one kid's Ideas so much more important than the others. So much more than it leads to conflict. Why couldn't they just"get along"? That playground was the best in the city by most standards. Why? Flash forward to adulthood.

Let's look at these kids after they are grown up and into a lifestyle. Let's say they become Oh, I don't Know...How about politicians as one example.Not too hard to be. Kiss a few  Um, Er, Babies, Yeah that's it and get people to believe in your overblown ideas. In reality, they are pipe dreams and deep down you have no real idea how a distant future will reflect those pipe dreams but they worked on that long past playground to have it your way. There's no teacher to but in and mess it up. Those kids that stood and watched are still only standing by and watching.

This brings up an interesting question. That playground is transferred now into that which pounds our very souls and centers. Every day we hear the same old irritating fighting in the nations Playground of  Um, Er, shall we say the Baby kissers, who are sounding more like those brats on the playground who feel their ideas are more important than others,

The coup that has been and still is being attempted has led to our infrastructure suffering, our political enemies made emboldened by the subterfuge in our government. This all due to the same playground antics that kids play on that long past juvenile playground. It has to stop.

The United States is one of a kind in the world and in history. It's not perfect.No where that humans exist has ever been recorded as utopia. That's an observation and not an opinion. History regardless of how much it's polished and the images are destroyed. History and hard facts will never change what actually happened. This country has had mass exterminations of original populations.

This country was built partially on the backs of slaves. This country has had concentration camps for citizens. This country has had separate exceptions for some people. We are not perfect. We will never be that utopia that hundreds of thousands invade our borders for. That's because it is a dream that does not and never will exist.

The only reasons that this country has remained that dream is the fact that our leaders have at least tried to work together as a team. The President has never had Press who drone a mantra of the negative dribble. Propaganda like a third world communist party threatening an attempted take over. I remember listening to Radio Moscow and various shortwave radio stations as a child. The situation in this country is looking like that in the future.

The separations that lead to great empires throughout history falling only to become the domain of the vulture culture who stand by and watch the carnage like those on that playground.

I remember the voices of those who begged for help on those last free amateur radios to save their freedoms from the socialists who were killing them if they didn't conform. Then one day those voices stopped, The newscasters who had been whipping up the public to join that socialist movement went silent or was each day giving a script of the party propaganda.then they too fell silent,

Many became slaves of the state, others were simply killed along with their entire families. Still, others who attempted to flee with their lives either made it to safety or were captured and killed. Some serving years in re-education camps, A living Hell instead. Russia used gulags in Siberia where many were tortured starved and never seen again.

The propaganda that allowed the rise of those socialists were folks like you and me losing the fact that once in power "they" had already taken control of travel without special ID.The freedom to come and go as one would please. They had already taken control of things that would and could make life better. What you eat, what you say, what you think,

What values you hold dear, The ideas and dreams that make your life worth living. every aspect of your otherwise normal life. How you think, what words you can say, what your children are forced to learn in school, and what God you're forced to pray to if any at all. Many places will Kill you for any of the aforementioned things. Is this what WE THE PEOPLE want for the land of the free? Think it over carefully. Your lives and the lives of the future citizens/your children depend on that.

The Washington Playground Bullies scuffle continues adding more nonsense to what crap in already in the media. Were this a Socialist country with a more politically prejudice population, That population would be clearing their troubled children into the room (gulag, Prison, Re-education center)of regretful conduct. Oh wait, That is our wannabe socialist party thats doing just that to OUR political environment, isn't it?

Written awhile ago during Last "impeachment" Idea that didnt worrk.Proving that this Congress has Got to Go Next Election.We need to get our Priorities in line.What Play ground do you want your children to play in the future?What kind of country do you feel free in.

Once again friends

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to Communicate Even after the Grid Goes Goes Down

A more visually and appealing image of the mor...
A more visually and appealing image of the morse code (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
with a buzzer for a little morse code translat...
with a buzzer for a little morse code translator that we did. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am currently attempting to learn a very easy language called Morse code.It was a set of dots and dashes created for the transmission and receiving of long range communications between land points.It was originaly sent by electronic signal thru the air.later for convienience telegraph used this code for its telegraph wires line.

Morse code is used mostly these days by the Amatuer Radio Operators to send communications around the world to other licensed operators.The license is easy to obtain in most free countries.The frequencies are regulated for the sake of conformity to a standard.That is,so every one is on the same page when it comes to communication.If this standard was not in force,a chaotic bunch of non-regulated signals would never be found as useful.TV channels are a great example of regulated signals.Amatuer or Ham radio frequencies are the same.

The easiest  of class license  can be obtained by a simple knowledge of electronics and learning the Morse code at a very easy level can get you conversing with people from all over the world.
Radio transmissions like this can carry to places around the globe with very little power and only a few components forming the transmitter.Building a transmitter is a real challenge for anyone.Kits include all the parts and plans to start you on a new hobby

There is nothing so fulfilling as hearing a friendly voice from acrossed the world on a bunch of wires and tubes or silicon chips.Voice transmissions are later and need more training to obtain a more advanced radio operator class.Think of how much will be learned from those you share mores code with.

When the power goes down in bad weather,your cellphones don't function and all the internmet is to crammed with users,That morse code unit will still have the ability to "talk"to those like yourself.
You will have an avenue above the rest of civilization.It is like a special batfone for you and you alone.You will have become an elite communicator for thr world.You will be the newest "HAM" operator.Try it and find yourself in a lifelong world of making friends in places that only have a solarcell and car battery in the jungles hooked to a tiny morse code transceiver.That is all ist takes to run many morse code units with a long antenae attached.

Information on Amatuer Radio can be found in the local library or on the internet at American Radio Relay League's website.Radio operators are always looking for new folks to increase their Hobby.

If You do find yourself on the radio frequencies one day,give me a QC(First time lesson,find this definition) and say howdie neighbor.
I am going to be a while b4 I can get that far along,but I will prevail oneday soon.

The ARRL has been breaking down barriers for a hundred years as individuals and then as a organization.

Take care and talk to you soon.
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