Showing posts with label ARRL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ARRL. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

How to Communicate Even after the Grid Goes Goes Down

A more visually and appealing image of the mor...
A more visually and appealing image of the morse code (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
with a buzzer for a little morse code translat...
with a buzzer for a little morse code translator that we did. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am currently attempting to learn a very easy language called Morse code.It was a set of dots and dashes created for the transmission and receiving of long range communications between land points.It was originaly sent by electronic signal thru the air.later for convienience telegraph used this code for its telegraph wires line.

Morse code is used mostly these days by the Amatuer Radio Operators to send communications around the world to other licensed operators.The license is easy to obtain in most free countries.The frequencies are regulated for the sake of conformity to a standard.That is,so every one is on the same page when it comes to communication.If this standard was not in force,a chaotic bunch of non-regulated signals would never be found as useful.TV channels are a great example of regulated signals.Amatuer or Ham radio frequencies are the same.

The easiest  of class license  can be obtained by a simple knowledge of electronics and learning the Morse code at a very easy level can get you conversing with people from all over the world.
Radio transmissions like this can carry to places around the globe with very little power and only a few components forming the transmitter.Building a transmitter is a real challenge for anyone.Kits include all the parts and plans to start you on a new hobby

There is nothing so fulfilling as hearing a friendly voice from acrossed the world on a bunch of wires and tubes or silicon chips.Voice transmissions are later and need more training to obtain a more advanced radio operator class.Think of how much will be learned from those you share mores code with.

When the power goes down in bad weather,your cellphones don't function and all the internmet is to crammed with users,That morse code unit will still have the ability to "talk"to those like yourself.
You will have an avenue above the rest of civilization.It is like a special batfone for you and you alone.You will have become an elite communicator for thr world.You will be the newest "HAM" operator.Try it and find yourself in a lifelong world of making friends in places that only have a solarcell and car battery in the jungles hooked to a tiny morse code transceiver.That is all ist takes to run many morse code units with a long antenae attached.

Information on Amatuer Radio can be found in the local library or on the internet at American Radio Relay League's website.Radio operators are always looking for new folks to increase their Hobby.

If You do find yourself on the radio frequencies one day,give me a QC(First time lesson,find this definition) and say howdie neighbor.
I am going to be a while b4 I can get that far along,but I will prevail oneday soon.

The ARRL has been breaking down barriers for a hundred years as individuals and then as a organization.

Take care and talk to you soon.
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