Sunday, May 10, 2020

They showed the freezer cars being loaded with Bodies of the victims.....

Workers wearing white hazmat suits and protective gear were taking the bodies from various sights to the freezer units, The bodies in body bags had a person on each end of a portable canvas unit with poles affixed to each side. There were other such workers waiting with many more bodies at this site. It appeared to be one of many such freezer units line up as far as the eye could see. It obviously was a terrible plague of some sort tearing through the area...Then I changed the channel from the andromeda strain to the news.

For a tiny moment, I wondered if my set was not changing anything, That was my first day to realize that reality is stranger than fiction. It is the day my world ended as I had known it to be this many decades. These last few months have been un "needenly"(My word).stressful.I stood outside and beside an elevator waiting to go to my floor to my apartment.

A person pushed out on a walker and said wheres your mask and stand behind the line. I think I said B***s***. The sign clearly said beside or at the line in front. My N95mask had just popped its rubber band n my ears were still stinging. I had already faced a lady in a store parking lot that was 50feet away and yelled such demands. I was surprised to see a rather old well-dressed man who thought she spoke at him. I won't repeat his reply, The lady muttered off to her car. I have no virus nor apparently did I.

This Virus has a second enemy which is its greatest ally. Most are not aware of it because The Nightly news uses it to increase it, viewers. It creeps into our minds every waking hour we live now.
Each time we turn on our favorite radio station. Each time we watch our favorite show it squeezes in as commercials. It seems that every single moment of our lives is wrapped in the feeding frenzy of this virus.

I wonder how many people have developed health problems from the constant flow across the bottom of the screen of death. It is like the media just bathes in the carnage. Reveling in the darkness of the moment. I know they have a job to do. But is it so important to smother us in the situation like crepe hangers?

I went to the park to hopefully get a mental change of thought, yup the people were all cloaked with a mask reminding I figured I would go get a nice warm soothing cup of coffee maybe jazz it up with cinnamon. Sign on the door: no one admitted without a mask. Reluctantly I put on my mask and went inside. I was pleasantly surprised to find Myself the only customer wearing one. I got my coffee and made it to the counter to pay.

I looked for the stand behind tape on the floor. Missing! Thank you God, I am back in America. where when the politician says crap, I don't have to say where and what color sir. But again I digress. I ask the young man behind the counter who wore a rakish bandana to match his pierced bottle cap ears if he knew how to tell the good guys coming I from the bad guys since they all wore masks. He said he did not know.
I said the bad guys wear ski-masks. We laughed. A moment away from the durge we are now living.

I don't mean to diminish the weight of the situation. There is a point in time where the stress of the overload is going to bust lose all our self-control. People can not remain in isolation . Locked into a situation that makes us watch all we have worked for crumble into dust. Our families become stressed. We start having arguments based on our own fears of what's to happen next.

It is that fear that has the equivalent destructive power to bring down our Nation. It is the constant droning of harpenture of death and destruction that is doing as much or more damage than any virus

Even those like myself who probably won't get the virus are bombarded with the constant volleys of
statistics that we are starting to hear are vastly exaggerated. I guess that movie I was watching won't be so interesting in the future just to Jazz up the death and body count. 

 I am hoping we can one day get some other things to once again not hear the beating drum of the death count every minute of the day, In my youth, the media plastered the Vietnam war and the body count. Every day we were told of the losses. In the Irag conflict/war we had the same thing. Now we are in another war.I truly hope it is not the war to end all wars because we all become extinct from the childish bickering of our elected leaders, Maybe Leaders is not quite the word for them right now,

Many who are suppose to be working on solutions to keep our country running are home hiding under their beds with their stash. Safe and sound.

Please contact your congress member and your senator to voice your ideas start a partition to voice your do have the power to change the madness. Funnel all that fear and rage from your loss into action that is useful. Get people talking about getting us out of this rut. 


That said dear readers, It is still WE THE PEOPLE who must survive and overcome, whether someone sitting in the safe warm taxpayer home they have with food on the table.No doubt looking out the window and saying, they are hungry and have no bread, let them eat cake.

Whether we live or die in the coming days, everybody dies at some point in time, if You have your choice of hiding and dying in Isolation low on food nerve-wracked from worry with kids left behind and ignorant, then hide under your bed and pray like hell when your world explodes.

I prefer to be free to fight this from a standing position. Death is a fact of life just as birth is. You can fear it, you can sometimes cheat it for awhileBut it is always, always inevitably patiently waiting.
Have faith and don't fear, live for the moment you are in and to the fullest you can. tomorrow is promised to no one. It is just the way it is.

Till next time friends, Keep a lite thought in your heart and a prayer on your lips.


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