Showing posts with label Hunting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunting. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

This is Possibly Your Last Chance to Observe A Ghost Deer,The Most Uniquely beautiful creature Since the Unicorn of legend,

The Last Unicorn (film)
The Last Unicorn (film) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
White deer
White deer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many legends of the White Unicorn throughout history.Biblical accounts and mythical writings of the gentle magical creature.Many times the unicorn is pictured proudly standing or playing in a wooded area with the milky white coat standing out among the velvety green living forest.The legends all agree that this creature is pure and good amongst a world that is contrary to that trait.It should be enough to stop this here but that is not the cause for such magic.

The goal is to catch or kill the last unicorn to steal and use the alleged magical powers supposedly possessed by the death of this stunning creature.Man"kind" seems always to feel a need to extinguish that which they are not or do not take time to understand. That in mind there is a creature that you may never have see before in a single forest in upstate New York.

These creatures lives are going to come to an end soon.The Army base that supported and took care of them was deactivated and sold to a Corporation and the area people apparently do not want these rare and unique creatures around anymore.These creatures are Called The Ghost Deer.
The coats are pure white which makes it fatal to be out in the wild and outside the old army compound.They have no natural protective color to allow them to hide.Like the Unicorn they are not albinos.They have brown eyes and are labeled leucistic.Which means they simply lack skin pigment.

These majestic creatures are absolutely stunning to see.I journeyed there this last fall with the same sorta thought you have at a carnival side show.The  phrase,"yeah right,white deer"!
The sight of these creatures took that thought right out of my head.I was breathless as I watched them in silence.If you search for the sight of White Deer,there are pictures to prove what I say.If only to see
something that shortly may be gone forever.

The Army folks that took care of the deer are all gone now.The new owners apparently have now plans to help or support the small herd of Ghost Deer.The fate of the last white deer is on the table.
A handful of noble people with limited funds are trying desperately to find people that would like to
support this threatened species of wonderment.Would you have saved the unicorn if you could?
This is as close to the mythical creature as you will ever find yourself and it is doomed...

There are 10,600acres of land these Ghosts roamed during the Army Base Days.Now the locals are attempting to limit the acreage to less than1800 acres.This will in effect leave the deer open to hunters/poachers and predators.They will be penned in an area that Denys them  a large enough to run and hide.Remember that that the smaller space makes hiding impossible for something living with pure white colors.IE:the unicorn found standing in the green forest.

This scenario is a shooting gallery
setup.This would be akin to the so called sporting ranches where rich Neanderthals who have no ability to actually hunt in the wild,Pay enormous dollars to go and Slaughter a confined and helpless
Animal.That bozo then has the corpse stuffed and mounted  to later tell what a great white/Whatever hunter he/she is.Please note that I have hunted for survival and use what little I am pushed to kill.
I would never hunt endangered creatures or unique things a these...It would keep me awake at night to realize what I had done.I have not hunted in many years though.

If these deer are not protected,then once again the legends of the noble Unicorn will be only a story to read to your children.The difference is that as you look into the eyes of that child,you will have to
hide the fact that:

Once upon a time in a place safe and protected from evil and danger lived a few  mythical creatures.They played and raised their young amid the magic woods that were nowhere else in this world.The man things had worshiped them since before memory.This protected them and allowed their beauty to radiate from them in a snow white vision.

They were called  Ghost Deer.That is what the man things called them.This was long ago when The man things had skin like the color of  a dark leave in the season of antlers.The time when proud bucks grew antlers.Now the man things have many colors of skin and no longer worship the forest.They no longer worship the Ghosts of the forest.

Pure white radiance was not important to the new man things.They did not worship or care for that magnificent magic creature.The ghosts was no longer thought of as  magic only"useful". It came to pass in time the man things who only knew how to destroy and kill.The Ghosts were  hunted in the safe and magic woods.

They were  hunted to the last Ghost Deer.Till they were no more White and radiant magic ones left.The beautiful coats would never be seen again anywhere.Like the legends of the Unicorn before them,They would be gone forever.The picture of the creature standing in the velvety green woods is an empty  strangely silent place now.The man things can only remember what they could have saved...They didn't see what would be lost forever.

I would urge you to see these truly magical Animals while you can.There seems to be a few folks working hard to save the last  herd of these Ghost Deer.We need to see more folks that are interested in saving  part of nature that comes only once in a lifetime.

When you see them there in the natural surroundings  it is the closest you will ever come to what you imagined in childhood to be a unicorn.
You may be saying that there never was a unicorn.Since There is no evidence there ever was one.
That is probably true but,Will that same thing be also said about the Ghost deer  disappearance   in a hundred years .You decide...Its your earth too.

                                                        Ghost Deer Prophesy
                                             By The Le nape Tribe Native Americans
It has long been predicted,That there would come a time ,When a white Male and female  Deer would be seen together.
That would be seen as a sign for people to come together.

Please take time as my last couple blogs have to get  away from all the manufactured stress of the"real"world and look around yourself.It is later than you think and we have only the moment...

Google the Seneca Army Depot in New York State,
The Seneca White Deer Inc.:Working to save the Ghost deer from falling victim to the man made modern world.Contact them if you wish to help and find out more about these noble and fading mythical Deer.

PS.Update:These magnificent creatures are once more in the news.The next year(2015)is a deadline for saving a endangered animal.There are only 200white dear in the world like these.This next year the Army Engineers pull down the protective fence surrounding the ten thousand acre.The old military base is closed and sold to an industrial coop.There will be no where safe for these creature.There is also 600 normal colored deer on this land.

A man name "Money"has a website try to save the deer from slaughter.
Please help us save this land as a park or refuge or anything that makes them safe from extinction.


Update: I have been out to the site of the White Deer. There seems to be a sudden change in the deer I used to see grazing behind the tall fences in this huge enclosure. The gates that once safely held those beautiful creatures inside were left open for weeks. I have not seen any white deer in many weeks inside or outside the fences. I would urge the readers of this article to pursue the answer as to what has happened to the once plentiful rare and endangered White deer. Have they been exterminated like many other victims of short sightedness by humans.

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Does it Matter What the Political World Proclaims to the Masses

English: Edo period 1800s Japanese (samurai) c...
English: Edo period 1800s Japanese (samurai) chain mail or kusari samples, 2 types of..(4 in 1).....chain pattern. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Each day we(to describe the masses from here on for simplicity) are barraged with what this guy or that woman is saying in the run for political  office.Its not what they once said b4 they get elected to that political office.The media calls it spin.Candidates call it the truth as they know it from the information given to them.Most of us that actually have a life,just call it political BS.You can use your imagination on this anagram.That is not calling those honorable folks all liars or crooked or whatever label your hearts desire.Most are really no different in their beliefs than most of the population of this country.They start out will a real honest dream to make changes for the better.The dream is real in their hearts to begin with....The dream is very real that The sheep electing  them to office would rally to their cause like the Great Armies of old.Raising their shields high and banging their spears on the polished shields.The Romans  legions charging into bloody battle for the honor of  the God Caesar.  Onward to over whelm the non believers of Caesar. If I may mix my meta-fores :et tu Bruti,et tu.( Its Latin from a great play,and not the Brutus from Popeye,Google it).

My own belief is that they may honestly believe that they can make the difference when the primary promises are made.Then when money and support starts rolling in.Mankind and easy money are strong inducements to see things differently than before.The staff is increased to help bolster the campaign,increase the cash input.The legal mouthpieces are hired to keep the spin from crashing while the political machine is being built preparing for the future Mud-wars.These wars are the test bed for the major battles that use the internet to hunt with its robots and crawlers for the slightest hint of corrupted past life.The machine intelligence has ramped up the abilities of opponents to hunt for everything from a bad photo that would be damaging to the
domestic life not being the norm.Whatever normal is or has ever been in Man-kinds world.The Spin-masters then take this  &make what may be as harmless, sound as negative As possible.All is fair in love and war.Right?nI the political arena I would imagine the oldtimers already deep in the political m uck have long been converted to the "ways thing have always been run" system of doing thingsCan you see this poor dreamer all desheveled and sitting by himself after a day of the established elders shooting hole in his ideas? .I can almost imagine the elder politician walking up to the newbie.  Putting an arm around the Jr. Politician in a fatherly jester (or is that jesture?).Telling how he was the same fire-brand years ago when he got there.Son,You might better just relax now and it wont be so hard for you.You can decide to do this hard or just let things happen so you  can give you and your family an easier life.Life here can give you everything you ever dreamed of.We can give you the world.I hope that young firebrand remembers the very old and wise phrase about that..You can gain the world and lose your soul.The world is not yours to give.

The world of politics has got to be the most powerful incentive to not hold true to your faiths,whatever they are.The people we send to office are just like you and I.Its the world they enter that changes them.The wheels of power are astronomically huge and powerful.They political circles that exist are circles inside of circles.Each circle of power being connected to another and another.These circles each support a chain of offices that work to hold the system together.The effect would be very similar to chain-mail in armor. a good example of this linked system is national security.Its said to have over 300-Known-links.That was on Cable TV about a year ago.General info.if you look for it. The problem with chain-mail is it grows to heavy for the users to wear after awhile.Perhaps if we abandon the extra chain mail political system we can move ahead with greater speed and and agility.The chain mail was abandoned by the horse backed knights of old because the unarmored barbarians pulled them off their horses and slew them.The armor had become an obsolete detriment to the knights.Even crossbow weapons would penetrate the armor.

Like the armor and the crossbow,the political system we have could use an upgrade.Limit the time of office.Make that office a part time job.limit the time that arguments can just go on and on and on ...
Then let the people of the United States vote by internet or ballet.Its called a democracy after all.Next lets make the competition for office a bit more polite.I really hate the rhetoric that now has grown into a verbal bloodbath.The elections used to be just a few months and now its 24/7 with the media dogs barking all day and all night.Even a hunting dog knows when to keep quiet.Next lets actually create a more transparent Goverment.Most secrets are really not worth their secrecy.Ask any former member of a secret society what was so special and usually it will not take long to want to plug you ears and run away.Its mostly propaganda,member control,dues,money and hokus-pokus  rituals.More control...A unified controlled unit.
We are a Nation built on The individual efforts of people.Creative,inventive,intuitive.If we send preople with visions to office,we need to apply the crowbars given the population to make those dreams a reality.For the people,by the people the majority needs to speak up or remain silent forever in their dark corner of despair.
You will never have a nation that you now have if YOU dont dictate you choices in this world.

You may enjoy my other Blog-site at wordpress.rjpickerings/

That's all for now see you soon.RJP
PS.My thanks to the person that I will not help to excel, that made  some rather nasty,immature comments on me.Thank You very much! Your negative comments have radically increased my readers.Karma Happens :)
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