Showing posts with label bad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bad. Show all posts

Monday, November 26, 2012

If the World Ends Will You Still Have Things to Do

Grab your shotgun,food,water,survival books,Backpacks folks it is the end of the world as we know it!The world has been forecast to end on (let us see here,latest predictition is 12/21/2012).It didn't end as the radio minister said.It didn't end on Y2K.
You remember that fatal date of 12/31/1999,don't you?The lights were to go out forever and plunge us into the new dark ages.I just hate it when that happens.It is so...
so dark  age!Then there was those people in white sheets that stood on a mountain top,freezing their daryaires off.They were waiting for the mothership to do a drive by pickup.Personally I thought of it as a drive by fruitcaking! The idea of an intelligent society that obtained interstellar flight picking up goofballs in sheets on a primitive warring planet....yeah right,about the same time when elephants fly and pigs sing...
If aliens can laugh,I bet said dupes could hear the space giggles from the hilltop.

Now we have a more scientific prediction source.A society that sacrificed each other to
gods that didn't save them from their world ending.In fact,their world is now a series of
unexplained who done its and many say that population was the aliens that left.

Imagine standing in line after giving up all your worldly,(Everything you ever worked for.) goods in the cold drafty breeze.
Aliens wont pick up those that cheat and wear long johns,I've heard.
you then learn the aliens had already picked up at the appointed mountaintop.With most peoples luck it was a mountain down the road.Don't worry though those ships probably have google or whatever gps.

Then there is the super believers that are willing to believe any hogwash dumped into their brainpan.IE.,move to the jungle and then after a great deal of control,abuse,sex,(Oh yeah the reverent needs healin!).They all agree to just say a devotional prayer at gunpoint VIA gods person bodyguard.After which the leader orders everyone to show that they are willing to give up the greatest gift they will ever have.The offering is as all those apocalyptic devine societies.If you really want to prove your faith,then you will croak yourself for the leader.The reverend grand pooba then realizes that people will hold his warped and bent beliefs accountable for their BS.So of course they also
off themselves.Perhaps if reincarnation exists the leaders will return as a blowfly.

The end of the world...Why do we spend so much time worrying about the end of the world.Do you suppose it actually is a given event.Or is it just a greater power,Stating what happens when earths Children continue to misbehave and bully,beatup and abuse
each other in the name of dogmas and doctrines setup in primitive times by those using the same BS that leads the impressionable to do things as above.What if there was an end to the world.So What!Yeah,I know it is a run on sentence.....

Would it not be better to know whatever the day and time of this predicted end.
Wouldn't it be great to know that you had done all that you could to make this life a
better place for all that you effected.Perhaps being prepared for the unexpected is a good thing(I believe it is).But to be sucked in by a super whackjob is not the way to
paradise.Terrorists,please leave your bomb belts at home with the safety switch on disarmed.The virgins that await your eternal paradise are currently taking their meds and being returned to the age home for a nap.

There is the extreme head cases also.Those are the ones that neuter themselves on order from the head whackjob.Cover their heads with a purple clothe(why purple?wouldn't blue or stripes be better?what about polka dots to match the mood?).
again I digress.....

If the end of the world really does happen on whatever day,for whatever reason,I will
be prepared.I will hope that the things I have done for this life have been worth leaving behind.That is all that we can do.Live each moment as if it were your last moment in life.The last breath that will send you on the journey after this earthbound life.

But you will never gain the fact that you have done the best in life that you could from a head case spewing dogmas and doctrines.If the world ends,will you still worry about what you did or didn't do?I really doubt anyone will have the time to bend over and kiss their butts goodbye.if it is to be,it is said to happen in the wink of an eternal eye...
That point in time is already to late...

Keep the faith that we can overcome the powers that destroy and live as one people.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Does it Matter What the Political World Proclaims to the Masses

English: Edo period 1800s Japanese (samurai) c...
English: Edo period 1800s Japanese (samurai) chain mail or kusari samples, 2 types of..(4 in 1).....chain pattern. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Each day we(to describe the masses from here on for simplicity) are barraged with what this guy or that woman is saying in the run for political  office.Its not what they once said b4 they get elected to that political office.The media calls it spin.Candidates call it the truth as they know it from the information given to them.Most of us that actually have a life,just call it political BS.You can use your imagination on this anagram.That is not calling those honorable folks all liars or crooked or whatever label your hearts desire.Most are really no different in their beliefs than most of the population of this country.They start out will a real honest dream to make changes for the better.The dream is real in their hearts to begin with....The dream is very real that The sheep electing  them to office would rally to their cause like the Great Armies of old.Raising their shields high and banging their spears on the polished shields.The Romans  legions charging into bloody battle for the honor of  the God Caesar.  Onward to over whelm the non believers of Caesar. If I may mix my meta-fores :et tu Bruti,et tu.( Its Latin from a great play,and not the Brutus from Popeye,Google it).

My own belief is that they may honestly believe that they can make the difference when the primary promises are made.Then when money and support starts rolling in.Mankind and easy money are strong inducements to see things differently than before.The staff is increased to help bolster the campaign,increase the cash input.The legal mouthpieces are hired to keep the spin from crashing while the political machine is being built preparing for the future Mud-wars.These wars are the test bed for the major battles that use the internet to hunt with its robots and crawlers for the slightest hint of corrupted past life.The machine intelligence has ramped up the abilities of opponents to hunt for everything from a bad photo that would be damaging to the
domestic life not being the norm.Whatever normal is or has ever been in Man-kinds world.The Spin-masters then take this  &make what may be as harmless, sound as negative As possible.All is fair in love and war.Right?nI the political arena I would imagine the oldtimers already deep in the political m uck have long been converted to the "ways thing have always been run" system of doing thingsCan you see this poor dreamer all desheveled and sitting by himself after a day of the established elders shooting hole in his ideas? .I can almost imagine the elder politician walking up to the newbie.  Putting an arm around the Jr. Politician in a fatherly jester (or is that jesture?).Telling how he was the same fire-brand years ago when he got there.Son,You might better just relax now and it wont be so hard for you.You can decide to do this hard or just let things happen so you  can give you and your family an easier life.Life here can give you everything you ever dreamed of.We can give you the world.I hope that young firebrand remembers the very old and wise phrase about that..You can gain the world and lose your soul.The world is not yours to give.

The world of politics has got to be the most powerful incentive to not hold true to your faiths,whatever they are.The people we send to office are just like you and I.Its the world they enter that changes them.The wheels of power are astronomically huge and powerful.They political circles that exist are circles inside of circles.Each circle of power being connected to another and another.These circles each support a chain of offices that work to hold the system together.The effect would be very similar to chain-mail in armor. a good example of this linked system is national security.Its said to have over 300-Known-links.That was on Cable TV about a year ago.General info.if you look for it. The problem with chain-mail is it grows to heavy for the users to wear after awhile.Perhaps if we abandon the extra chain mail political system we can move ahead with greater speed and and agility.The chain mail was abandoned by the horse backed knights of old because the unarmored barbarians pulled them off their horses and slew them.The armor had become an obsolete detriment to the knights.Even crossbow weapons would penetrate the armor.

Like the armor and the crossbow,the political system we have could use an upgrade.Limit the time of office.Make that office a part time job.limit the time that arguments can just go on and on and on ...
Then let the people of the United States vote by internet or ballet.Its called a democracy after all.Next lets make the competition for office a bit more polite.I really hate the rhetoric that now has grown into a verbal bloodbath.The elections used to be just a few months and now its 24/7 with the media dogs barking all day and all night.Even a hunting dog knows when to keep quiet.Next lets actually create a more transparent Goverment.Most secrets are really not worth their secrecy.Ask any former member of a secret society what was so special and usually it will not take long to want to plug you ears and run away.Its mostly propaganda,member control,dues,money and hokus-pokus  rituals.More control...A unified controlled unit.
We are a Nation built on The individual efforts of people.Creative,inventive,intuitive.If we send preople with visions to office,we need to apply the crowbars given the population to make those dreams a reality.For the people,by the people the majority needs to speak up or remain silent forever in their dark corner of despair.
You will never have a nation that you now have if YOU dont dictate you choices in this world.

You may enjoy my other Blog-site at wordpress.rjpickerings/

That's all for now see you soon.RJP
PS.My thanks to the person that I will not help to excel, that made  some rather nasty,immature comments on me.Thank You very much! Your negative comments have radically increased my readers.Karma Happens :)
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