Showing posts with label Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act. Show all posts

Monday, November 11, 2013

National I.D.Cards and the Now infamous National Health Plan,Fats,Sugar,Tobacco,Seatbelts n Helmets,More Plans to Protect us From Ourselves?

Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christm...
Terry Kilburn (right) as Tiny Tim in A Christmas Carol (1938) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Prison 2
Prison 2 (Photo credit: planetschwa)
This Week  and for many weeks before,The folks in the good Ole U.S.A.have been embroiled in another knock down,drag out fight to further control our freedoms of choice.

The news may be a little discomforting when you hear all the arguments both pro and con.The pro and cons are as confusing as to which is which as the health bill reports. It started out to be a real piece of pie promise that would revolutionized health care.

The 2 Political parties began to puff and prance for the cameras.Much as mating Pigeons might be seen to do.Each speaker issuing a long and boring speech that soon put people to sleep While trying to figure it all out.

The weeks of trying to out do each others hot air further complicated and confused the facts of what exactly  the facts were of a forced health care.The countries that have such High priced Health care have always been called socialized medicine.The Taxes eventually have to be raised, and anyone not in the party is criminalized for the need to lead a more independent life.It used to be called freedom of choice for those not reading the Constitution lately.

Many jails and Prisons around the country are asking for funds to build bigger and better places to confine people.I wonder if the requests are a specter of thing yet to be.

The Christmas season seems a strange time to Give the gift of No medical coverage to millions of TinyTims that  will no longer be able to afford that operation. The fines for not allowing Dad to be able to get proper insurance has been decreed You see the government will take all of the money that would help little Tim and .blow it for unaudited federal pork fat uses.This will leave the already  money strapped Tims dad and the Mrs.sorta out in the cold.Perhaps quite literally.

I wished there were Three spirits that would visit the opposing armies of politics this Xmas season.
Bring Joy and good cheer to them.The spirit would show them the error of their ways,starting with the results of those around them planning to grab all their power after they commit political suicide.

The next spirit might appear and show them what  poor Tiny Tims fate would end up as.Having a parent transformed into a criminal from not being able to pay astronomical fees for forced insurance.
Then prosecuted for not  having the additional funds to pay for the said forced insurance.Then perhaps Tim's  dad will be further brought up on charges of child neglect,avoiding a government mandated program.Then if we have the spirit look further the death of Poor little Tiny Tim from not having anyone who give a damn enough to stop the madness.

The last Spirit would appear and take the combatants to a dusty old  gravesite with the name of their political parties boldly chiseled into the granite head stone.The spirit would tell them it was the possible "things that may be".Perhaps a few thunder claps and lightning flashes for dramatic effect.

 Political   sweat beads would roll down Faces and pleas for mercy for unrealized thinking would be heard.It falls on a spirit that stands firm pointing at the stone.The thunder crashes once more and the lightning blinds all.

I wished this last scene was also in the remake of this old Christmas Carol.The scene of a child without medical care in a manger long ago.That child has no governmental insurance.That child was a dependent on his mom and dad for protection,from the then government of Rome.The Roman Legions prosecuted those who did not follow their laws.Those laws also were for the protection of the people under Roman Law.All Hail Casaer?

From those of us who will have family and friends effected by the doppelganger of med insurance,I would say the following as I voted straight Democrat and am now an Independent."ET TU Caesar,
Et TU???.

I am sure the Story will never have a happy ending where all the folks effected will get a free turkey for the holiday and end up with a more spirit filled political system that will share all the best of this Holiday time.I am sure the machine we have built has no emotional attachments to us mere mortals that it will kill by neglect.The wait for a Doctor in Canada and the UK can be Months.

I Lost an older sister to the bureaucratic crap of the current system a year ago.The system had sapped all her insurance and forced her to go onto Social Services.The Brain Cancer had been fought to a
standstill and she only needed one more kemo treatment to kill the cancer.The bureaucrats stepped into the picture and said she would have to wait 30days to have the red tape clear.Even after several Doctors contacted the Social Service folks.My sister was denied treatment.She died waiting for treatment.The cancer killed her in a hideous and brutal way.cancer is as brutal as the effects of this chaotic Health plan will be.We will all be waiting to get Medical care that will never be there in time.

Either we will lack the funds to buy the plan, or we will die from those who would take what little money that will be left for our lives...all from the safety of a jail cell for the first time...
Think it over folks.....

Can you imagine how many will die when no one can get medical help, and few have the ability to save a loved one.The present system is far from perfect,but it usually is usable.The deboggle that killed my sister does happen often.Had WE THE PEOPLE,been able to tweak the current system maybe the people who depend on it would not fear the chaos coming in the future. 

Yours  as always

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