Showing posts with label Boston. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Boston. Show all posts

Friday, April 19, 2013

Hollywoods Fantasies Have Become Our Realities in a world that doesnt need more chaos.

Car chases,bombs,grenades tossed at police in pursuit.Automatic arms fired by  foreign agents.
Exploding Fertilizer Plants.(An Ingredient for powerful but crude explosives) in the great state of Texas.Homeland Security hunting people on our shores In manhunts front house to house in Bostons suburban Cities.

The future is upon us with a vengence that seems to say we are under direct attack by insurgents from elsewhere.People that became citizens and swore to defend our freedoms.

I am watching the  very efficient workings of our people that are living in the shadows of our world to find those that would do us harm for reasons unknown.The reasons for the things happening are without explanations.
The bombers that killed are being hunted by law enforcements and others have locked down the areas that are under suspicion.The other bomber is refusing to surrender and will probly go down the hard way.Fanatics are rarely individuals that think beyond their own brutal acts.

Please stay calm and watch for anything that may be out of the ordinary.WE THE PEOPLE are
the only eyes that know what is Going on in our neighborhoods.The people doing these things to our
country are the enemies of our lives and people.We are the only leads that the Officials have to say what is  ordinary in our neighborhoods.We are the eyes and ears of our freedoms.If we allow foreign agents to run rampant in our homeland,then we are as much the blame as they are.

Lets protect our freedoms from those that would jeopordize the things we love and treasure.

If you see anything  and save lives,it makes you a heroe and there is no harm in trying to do the right thing.It is easier to apologize for trying to do right,then to ask permission ands fail to save a life.

Lets protect our freedoms and keep our eyes  open to the events that are shaping our new and disturbing realities.

Much as I hate to admit this,Maybe we do need armored vehicles inside our country for just this
kind of thing.I really do hate the thought of our country becoming and developing into a armed camp
with martial law at the drop of a hat.That is a trend that will never revert once it begins.
Or perhaps breaking down that wall will be when mankind realizes how foolish they have been with their brothers and sisters....Or perhaps it will be to late for all of us.

Thats all for now I am watching the events now unfolding around our country as many of you are.
The world is watching us to see how well we continue with life.true allies will root for us and true enemies will glory at our lossses.We must persist and overcome the fear and chaos they intended to create among us.We will overcome as DR. King once said.WE THE PEOPLE will overcome those that would terrorize our lives.Lets pull together.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Terrorisim Hits Our Homeland Again,are not Bombs Illegal In This Country,is it Another UnEnforcable Law?More Lives Lost to Evil Minds

Monday A great many people were spending a day at the best of sporting Events.The Boston Marathon.
The Marathon is a test of endurance for the people who love to push their physical abilities to the max.It is an event that truly is beyond most peoples abilities only because their minds have never been pushed to that mental barrier that says ,

I  can do that, the mind says .These are very special people that have overcome many mental walls that many of us will have a lifetime to try the same.They have broken down the walls of their minds...Their Spirits have broken the barriers of limitations.

The Runners in this Marathon are the people that set examples for us on how powerful a will can be,to overcome the bodies laziness and resistance.

The Runners were aproching the finish line.I would imagine they were near exhaution and focused on seeing their loved ones that waited in the cheering crowds.Only moments to the finish line and another of lifes dreams for the runner

.Suddenly their lives were completely devestated by the deafening explosion and blown off their tired legs by the compression of a madmans bomb that detonated only yards away.

A little boy of only 8years old was killed and a little girl was severly injured.Many others were also injured and taken to the hospital.

There Are laws that monitor and prevent the building of explosives in this country.These Laws have been in effect for decades.There are checks and balances that monitor the ingredients to collect and build bombs.There are agencies that keep tabs on the people that have Fanatical ideas that would pursue the death of innocents.There are federal and state laws to prevent the distribution of information to build bombs.Heres the problem in a nutshell.(Absolutly No Pun Intended).

The youth of most countries are indoctrinated into military and taught how to Qoute:Blow s**** up and Killed whatever moves.The information is taught by those who have been invovled in warfare to others.Countries around the world have training camps that teach  warfare.

There are organizations that believe anyone disagreeing should not exist.There are those that believe Genocide is ok if you don't except their complete thoughts on life liberty and their ideas of happiness.
The societies,clubs,fanatics camps,and generally warped minds that sorta skipped the parts of rules for living , corrupted by folks like themselves.

You may have heard of rules that say we all belong to the same creation and really should see each other as brothers regardless of our appearances or philosophies.

The Laws of mankind are only as functional as those who that are willing to follow them.There are just too many in this world now that simply are so twisted mentally that ,to keep order is impossible.
We are reading in the Papers and on this net that even  polical leaders at many levels are bending to corruption and bribery.

It is predicted in the philosophies of long ago by those much wiser than ourselves.Those times were no different in terms of the people and ideas of bigotry,philosophical oppression and weapons capable of chaos ,killing and mahem they caused to innocents.
It is just that the technologies have made our lives far more easier to spread violence and death around in the 21rst century.

WE THE PEOPLE are the controls that enforce the safety and freedoms that make life more worth living.Those injured by what is said to be a bomb that spewed out shrapnel and Nails into living flesh and bones are changed forever.They will always be the victim of the maniacs that thought of,planned and constructed a devise that does not belong in this world.

It is no different than the landmines still lying in wait in countries that wars have  left decades or days ago.The bomb waited and was the evil hatched in the mind of some one that had no regard for those folks that were challenging theior own abilities.I doubt the bomber was even capable of understanding those  runners in the Marathon.I further doubt the bomber,when found will even minutely measure up to the last runner to finish at the finishline.

I hope the people are tried when caught in a place that all of us can see that justice prevails and not behind closed dioors where deals can blur justice.

I am currrenty looking to see where the readers of this can help the victims to cope with the terrible medical bills that will try  to rebuild their shattered lives.

The shame of it all is that those of us that try very hard to stay in line with the rules set down by law makers are the same ones that were caught in the bomb blasts that occure daily around the world.
The weapons that are used do not have the capablilities of building themselves or carrying out a plan of attack on inocent victims.Children which seem to be the new lambs to slaughter in the country.
That has come home to us in the USA.We are no longer a long ways from the mental midgets that
find some stupid reason to destroy lives and kill for their own paramoia delusions of reality.

Our laws to restrict the ideas of the bent minds are not going to save us from those who have no regard for those same laws.Society is breaking down in corrupted bytes of order.

I wished that I had read of some master plan to revamp our world from this sort of thing happening.
So far there are only Ideas and counter argumnets that go nowhere except to more chaos and frustrations.Maybe we should backwards look for words from a much more distant past....We
still faced the same madness with fewer folks and laws to protect them that only good people followed...... More can be read on historical laws if you wish to check it out.

We are the only controls that we we can truly look for as a way out of the chaos plaguing our world today.WE THE PEOPLE are the ones that can keep our world safe from those that have no regard for
laws,beliefs or anything else that exists in our troubled world.
WE are the problem and WE are the solution......Which one will you become as time forms our new reality.

That is all for now my dear friends.Please monitor this and other situations to see if you can help or send support to thes people that became victims on a day they only wanted to see a dream realized.
The Bomber was the only broken mind that wanted nightmares....Problem or Solution,That choice is yours....You decide.