Showing posts with label mental illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mental illness. Show all posts

Saturday, September 30, 2017

New York Association of Phychiatric Rehabilitation Services Convention in The Catskill Mountains

Nyaprs for short.I attended the convention for the third year to see what I could learn from the folks.The people are from all walks of life.They arrive from all over the world to hear the workshops regarding Mental and physical health.The atmosphere is always light and friendly there.The workshops are generally for those who have had a hard road out of some mental or physical situation that effects them.Many are like myself that have fought ourselves out of a very dark place in our lives.My own story is one of a physical nature.I had a blood clot pass through my brain and temporarily

Blinded my sight.The time before that is for a couple years sorta a blur.I was to the point that I didn't remember where I was.I would be a mile from home in a car someone else was driving.I was headed for a nursing home soon.For the first time in my life I was truly terrified that I would be locked up in a place they put people waiting to die...

For the grace of God go I.The Clot broke up and made itself known.The doctors put stents in my heart and opened my arteries to clear out gunk.I am still balancing on a very narrow tightrope.The changes in my life lead some friends to arrange my transportation to my first convention looking for ideas.That was before my clot broke up.

My younger sister went with me as she had been a member for years.Her background in social services and elder care was known by people at nyaprs.I didn't want to go out of both fear and embarrassment.Hey I said to myself,"hey those people have some real problems,I am not like them".

I arrived to some warm and loving folks who were understanding enough to tell me I had need for fears because everyone there was fighting their way back from something.

Pop foreword to my trip this year.
I went with a clear mind that has still some problems that won't let me come out of a forced retirement do to that clot.But I walk without my cane most of the time now.I still have to catch a ride but I have learned to ride public transit so it is not so bad.

Enough of why I attend.Let me tell you what I learned.Did you ever wonder why you were afraid of things your parents were also afraid of.There may not have even been a life experience involved.
or perhaps abuse from your parents in childhood by their parents transferred to you?
Okay not to say your being compared to rats but that is where the discovery came from.

Lab rats were fed what they loved most,Sweets.They loved those sweets.The scientist then connected a tiny electrical charge to the sweets.Now every time the rats would try to grab some sweets they got zapped.Well after awhile the rats would not even try for the sweets.Even after the charge was removed the rats wouldn't touch or go near the sweets.Conditioning like Pavlov's dog you might be thinking.Perhaps that was also the scientists thoughts till they went abit further.

The shocks in the past would have been called conditioned.Pavloks dog got a treat each time a bell rang.The rat got zapped.Incentive and reward.Reward/punishment.Conditioned reflexes...?
The scientists ran test to determine anything else that would be showing up.They were surprised by what they found.

The rats genetics had been changed by the conditioning from fearing the sweets.The gene that craved the sweets was switched off.It was why the rat no longer wanted the sweets.That was very surprising to those researchers til the next series of tests came back to the lab.

Not only was the test rats gene craving sweets turned of but so was the rats offspring gene turned off.
 They also found by further tests that the gene can in time be switched back on in the future.It did not explain how.

you may be asking yourself how this is anything to do with mental illness and I will explain in a tiny example.

Any condition that a human goes through for a period of time the researchers are discovering has a direct effect on the human genes.That is the same for sweets,violence,abuse,trauma,stress.A list that would never end if it were even tried.

Those researchers found that our very genetics are effected by every point in our day and night.Every point of our lives.My trigger as lifestyle and stress.I have changed my life to hopefully switch that death dealing gene off for as long as possible.Life is tough even the strongest of people haven't made it out alive.

The stress and craziness around us is changing us each heartbeat of our existence.The more we learn about whats going on right there in front of us behind our backs,The more we should look at changing our lives.Changing our ideas to take away stress and violence.It is being sewn into the very genetics of our being.

That has seemed to be the our destiny till now.Our job as humans who claim to be the top of the food chain.The top of the intellectual totem pole standing on all other things,is to find a way quickly to switch those genes that are the nuclear trigger of existence the triggers that can finalize our chances of any future for ourselves.

That is what I learned at nyaprs convention.The damage or switches that are either our friend or Nemesis is within us all.we have the power to change even the very genetics of ourselves simply by re-enforcing the things that need to be changed.No electric shock required...

WE THE PEOPLE  can change the world if we just start withourselves first.



Monday, July 21, 2014

The United States is Now Using Local and State Jail Facilities to house Those Who Are In Need Of Mental and Medical Treatment Some in Holding Cages Without Facilities.

English: Former school gates on Garscadden Roa...
English: Former school gates on Garscadden Road This was the Drumchapel School for the Mentally Handicapped. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Human brain illustrated with millions of small...
Human brain illustrated with millions of small nerves (Photo credit: Ars Electronica)
I was browsing the net today and came across a most disturbing article.The photo showed a man in a cage sitting there with his head in his hands.He was being interviewed by a specialist on mental health.He stated that he did not have his medications only when he could get them.His stark cage was a holding cell with no toilet facilities or food or water.It only had a bench seat to sit or lay on.The front of the holding cell was as those in an animal shelter.Many times the holding cells are filled with the worst of society.This would leave the mentally ill as victims of those types of folks.This cage is inside police facilities around the USA.

This is a growing trend in this "civilized country".We are slowly letting more and more folks become threatened by the pressures placed on them by our High pressured life styles.The everyday pressures that hammer us everyday have knocked more and more people out of the social picture.More folks that end up out of work,out of a lifestyle,or out of  opportunities for change.The many reasons for being in a position of health decline is very easy to strike the best of folks.

Imagine that you are getting up in the morning as you usually do.You get up,shower and dress to face the day.Maybe grab a quick breakfast at the local fast food stand.the morning is a quick stressful drive thru angry traffic with cars cutting in and out of line while texting or reading or trying to eat breakfast behind the wheel.You reach your work only to find that you have been replaced by a machine that does not need to be paid.Or you are replaced by a person who can be paid less.The machine wont take lunch,breaks or sleep time.You then spend weeks under the threat of repo on your life from credit card debt.The family has placed even more pressures on you to find a job.You begin to lose sleep and the doctors prescribe meds for stress and sleep.Your friends now seem to avoid you Those once smiling bankers simply sneer  saying," good luck and when can we expect our money you owe"?

The weeks drag on and you lose your house from non payment.Your family is forced to move into a car that is filled with a minimum of your belongings.The stress by this time is bringing cluster headaches.The doctor says your medical insurance wont cover anymore help from his/her office.You pay with your last few bucks for your own expensive drugs to kill the stress and pain. The choices become eats for the family or calm for your tormented brain and overly wired system.

The Family contacts a relative and one morning while you are away trying to find a job or borrow money....You return to find a note the family has left you to live with your in laws.You are now completely alone without any support group.Despair now joins you already overwhelming health and mental demons plaguing your overwhelmed faculties.YOU ARE ALONE BROKE AND SOON TO BE BROKEN.Your health is now failing from feeding family first.Your beginning to look the part of the homeless and look in the mirror one morning.The once well dressed and respected person has been replaced by a pale,haggard looking hardened face.

The life style you now live is a legal problem.You are homeless and vagrant by law.You have no ability to hide the obvious lack of hygiene upkeep.You will at sometime or other be a noticeable police rousting item.This man in the picture has his own story.

There is More and more folks that are fitting this scenario.The push to live is driving the decline in peoples abilities to simply live a life that is healthy and simplified.
Mentally handicapped people are being shot dead if that label in on their record.
The folks who have become homeless in addition to their other problems are being beaten to death by everyone from street punk gang to Hawaiian politicians armed with sledgehammers.(Google either of these).

The shooting example I speak of happened a short time ago to a man that was just sitting in the desert with his backpack.The police converged on his location in Arizona in many cars.There was many officers standing there.The video showed that he had a tiny knife that he had been using while he sat there by himself.

They ordered him to show his hands.when he raised his hands the took turns shooting him with pistols and shotguns.When this man had fallen,They all continued to shoot his already dead body.One of them remarked that he might be alive yet.They then shot him again with what was probably a 12gauge shotgun.

This shooting was only perhaps 20feet from the victim being death.The man being murdered by those protected by laws .The usual procedure would have been to use the training they supposedly go thru to disarm an armed suspect. Question here is suspected of what,to require such an armed encounter on a single solitary human being in the vastness of the desert???

If you are labeled as mentally ill then you are denied the right to protect yourself,property or family.Those returning from the Overseas Hell of Warfare are automatically listed as mentally disabled.They are disarmed on returned home.Personal and military weapons of any kind.This is the reward our valiant veterans are rewarded with.Many of them were force by law or duty to goto a war.

The stigma of the mentally handicapped is one that can be applied to most anyone.
An elderly person is easily denied all they ever had worked for by various new labels placed on them.Senility or Alzheimer s,is enough to remove the ability to take care of themselves.They are disregarded after that as being unable to think rationally.Who listens to the mentally "insane". They are not any longer focused in reality.Isn't that right????

The start of simply turning those out into the street when they need meds and treatment is the failing of our society.No one can except the thought that anyone can become a mentally handicapped person.A fall in the bathtub,an automobile accident,
A stroke,is a possible reason for a brain injury to bring the mentally handicapped label into anyones life.It happens when you are not even thinking it will.It happens fast and unavoidable.

We need to find ways to help prevent the problems that are taking so many people down as mentally ill.Killing or putting the ill in cages is not the answer.Everyone knows someone that is either beginning to show stress or mental failings.It is not a problem of those"nut cases"It is a problem of our worlds social progress  to find ways to

Hoping you have a better day than others are,Maybe you will share that better day with someone who needs it too.