Showing posts with label Historical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Historical. Show all posts

Sunday, August 27, 2017

God Bless Texas Their Going To Need The Help to Recovering From The Storms

The Storm thats hammering the coast of Texas from the Gulf of Mexico is the worst since 2005.Katrina smashed into New Orleans and Texas along the coast.Damage was catastrophic then.

The storm there now will drop a years worth of rain in a matter of hours.3 feet of water or so in that amount of time.There's already that amount in low laying ares.Some homes in lower areas are now 3/4 under waters with people going to the attic for safety.They are being told to take an axe with them into the attic.The axe is to chop a hole in the roof for escape.That warning sounds ominous,but makes very good sense.

Many blocks of area towns have been destroyed by the horrific high winds compounded with torrential rains.These people are in a real bad situation.News casters show themselves trapped on bridges with others because the roads have been covered with rushing flood waters with strong under currents.Those folks are going to need food,shelter, Blankets and water to drink.Many who have health problems will need injuries and medical care,will need attention by Doctors.

I would hope the Government will take quicker with better action than the Katrina fiasco where people are still trying to get help.I mention this because I know that when these folks become homeless without the paperwork to prove they have a residence,Red cross and food-link will turn them away.Been there and got the bitter memories.

I hope the Texas Law enforcement does not open fire on people who are carrying their own meager belongings.They were mistaken as looters during Katrina and shot dead trying to get to safety after their homes were destroyed.I remember Texas as better than that.

I hope and pray the Texas Governor will quickly act to ensure those fine Texans the care and help they will need for a long while to come.Texans are a special breed of humanity.I lived and walked among them for many years.I grew to respect the tough hearted mindset that made them famous all over the world in movies. People  marvel at  the heart of strength that is Texas.

There's already several dead and numerous injuries reported.Many missing.Lets pray for them and hope there is not any more than what is already.My heart goes out to those families and friends of Those dead or lost.

I can almost see Those Texans  in my mind,eyeing the devastation in pain.I know that,that thought  already is thinking past the storm to rebuilding better than it was. Recovery.Not the first invader into Texas.

I was once told the Texas way was to Pick yourself up,Brush yourself off,and get back on the horse.A Texan told me that at a rodeo after a hard fall.Seemed like sound advice.

I would urge anyone who has heart to donate what you think is going to help to the organizations that  Usually help such disasters.Some folks are already organizing packages to go to those areas that will need to be using survival type products.Most Fema,Red Cross,and US disaster websites can clue you in with lists of what sorts of things make the misery seem tolerable.

Churches often get together to render aid and comfort near or far away.Phone numbers also usually accompany those sights to further your efforts.It is the right thing to do.Share what we can to those who have lost all.

The Texans will no doubt show the rest of the United States how things should be among people.My bet is that they will pull together no matter the differences.It is my most profound prayer that they will do just that.It is the way I remember them.Easy going with a heart of fire when things get rough.

Texas is one of several states that could become a separate nation if they so voted.The point is that they do not.The Texas heart is free,but still the largest American State.Like all our United States and her people,

WE THE PEOPLE must take of each other through all the turmoil and strife.It is all we have that makes us who we are.Though each of us are so very different in so many ways.We still have the fabric we call the UNITED STATES.

That fabric is still being woven with each awakening that we share.That includes time to help humans in trouble.This is a time to pull together. It's more historically important than ever before.

Once we lose that fabric,that unity we will fall to the glory of all who would seek to conquer or destroy us because of what we believe in  Texas is a historical symbol of that belief .With the same bright and dark historical highlights as any other place.Like any other place the people still occasionally need a hand to get back up and brush themselves off to get back on their feet again.
 This is that very important time to do just that.

The very first reaction movement to assist and recover.This is anyone's chance to become a Texan from anywhere in the world by lending a hand..It's what a Texan would do.

Helping is a great way to reach out to folks that you may never know personally,but it sure makes you feel the world is a better place cuz you helped make it that way.

Thanx for being here and please take care of yourself.No one can do a better job than you.
God Bless Texas,I hope one day to return for awhile there.It is on my Bucket List.

Friday, September 14, 2012

911, Masacre Was It A "Who Done It?"Situation????

English: Mangrove swamp in Kalba, Sharjah, Uni...
911 remembered was the most solemn day of the year.It brings back the painful memory when all people, had their lives in the U.S.A. Changed forever by primitive madmen .Anyone that looked Arab or Middle Eastern was held in suspicion of being a terrorist threat.India,Indian,Hindu,Muslim,and any one wearing turbans.Dark skinned,brown eyed.The whole profile thing on even more innocent victims in the U.S. and abroad. .

The world( as people my age new it) came to an end.we now find ourselves searched,profiled,patted down,fondled  by complete strangers in ways that would have been against a former world society in the name of security.

The humble bus ride across country used to be long and safe.It avoided the airlines nonsense.Now the terminals are filled with a mix master of Border patrol,narcotics police,homeland security and anyone else that needs a place to be.You can't wear anything that can be deemed a weapon.An officer can steal it in the name of "Confiscation for safety". You will be arrested if you say," no you can't have that".It is not uncommon to see a person who doesn't speak English very well, try to show ID and explain to officers that only speak English,to get taken off the bus and cuffed.

I am aware of the changes that had to take place for safety.I have heard and read a lot of theories on "who done it".The CIA,Chinese,Our Government,A secret un-named society,Or we can just go like this...The one's responsible for 911 was____________.Fill in the blank!The most important thing is that it happened on American Soil.It DID change all our lives forever.Who ever  was responsible were madmen creating and spreading a poison that has spread through out the entire world.I only pray that there is a Karma force to equal what they have done to our everyday one could punish them enough...

Travel will never be free again for those of us never having to put up with interference in our lives.
The internet lists over 300 agencies that monitor our activities every minute of every day.
I wished those people that died were never in the buildings that day.But if wishes were pennies,we would all be millionaires.I wonder what they would think if they knew how much those in power would change our land of the free into the land of the Profiled,Untrusted,Guarded and monitored?
In to the land of "we don't need trials,due process,or legally following the constitutional rights for people.

I hope that one day when the world societies pull their heads out of the political/religious places the sun doesn't shine that we can live free again.It is not to late to save our freedoms before they are no longer ours to have.I dread the day that we only read about the "good Ole Days,when people were free to live without monitoring".We are a land of diverse and free people.It's has cost so many lives to be the land of the free.All of us has lost someone in the name of freedom.That blood can not be returned to those bodies....They should not be negated of this payment by primitive fanatical madmen!

 We need to take out the bullies in our world.They can play nice on this earth playground,or we(civilized societies) must focus on re-educating them on proper behavior.Those countries still living in the 4th century mode never seem to be able to get along with the rest of the world.They apparently don't have anything else to do but riot and kill in the streets at the drop of a hat or their religious masters pushing their "go nuts" button..The media would show  emotionally and mentally unstable mobs of those folks just waiting for an excuse to kill and burn in the streets.It's getting pretty old to see and harder to keep an understanding mind about it

The NPR broadcast said that even the police were casing the embassy before the 4 people were murdered by the Neanderthals in the mob.The victims included our American Ambassador,Christopher Stevens.There is no excuse for this kind of event,religious or otherwise.
The leaders and their  Primative  minions need to be hunted down and punished.They need to be a marked example for those that would dare follow.

I guess what I find most baffling is the fact that those countries that allow such things also protect the
very individuals that make their country look like mindless Neanderthal Goons.Why would anyone want their relatives trying to bring a Super Power of Nations into their Stone Aged lives?

I am always trying to bring people together in this world.I am rather doubtful that those types of "people"??? will ever be counted among the civilized worlds people.They are ruled by outdated,cuel
believes that hold master and slave labels on a population oppressed by fears..Such societies are never going to be able to progress to true freedom from their dark fears.They seem to be driven by dogma,and doctrine to the extreme that mindless actions prevail over common sense,good Judgement and self disciplined intelligence.I am not at all surprised that many philosophies point those lands as the mindless destruction points of the rest of the world.We need to pull the rest of our world together.

If the world just sits back and believes they won't be effected by people like those in that deadly mob,
Then no one need feel sorry for them when it does..Surely as the poison spreads in this world it will
reach you.Chaos,Hatred,fanaticism, or whatever label evil wears these days will touch your family,your friends,and disrupt your lives.It will dirupt it in the same manner that those innocent people that were just putting in another day at the place of work.trying to make a decent life for their loved ones and themselves.It was just another day to work for the pleasure of one day retiring.Watching their children and grandchildren playing and enjoying life.Paying into a fund for that little home in the country they always dreamed of.

Do you think the Evil hijackers  in those planes that hit the twin towers had any such thoughts??? The passengers  on those planes and the battling  passengers of plane forced  crash in order to save lives  in Pennsylvania were also just trying to complete another  day.The monsters on the planes and those in the crowd have no dreams of a normal life.They seem to have only destruction of anyone that does not belief in the archaic ideas they have burdened themselves with.It is a poison that kills the innocent and proves it's worth to the rest of the world.....

Each time this "philosophy raises it's ugly head in this manner we in the rest of the world must bear
the burden of a destructive and primitive society that has remained in a dark ages state of mind.They must decide to  join us in the  21rst century  or be isolated from the world completely so they can no longer murder the innocents for a  oppressive system that belongs in the dust of the 4th century.The world must make the leaders of that part of the world decide where they wish to remain.The cost in lost lives and destroyed futures has got to be brought to a finalized agreement with the world majority.

Isolation of these countries would allow no-one to enter or leave that area of the would be a cradle to the grave existence....just like it appears they like it.Let them practice their  madness on each other and we will try to live in peace without them...

I see no other way that would not involve many lost lives in age old conflicts that will only lead to mass revelations......We have a choice to change those predictions....That is why we were told of such possibilities in many different beliefs.Roughly it hopes we are smart enough to heed a warning of a possible hellish end...Not a is the same as any parent warns of consequences to an unwise action.Those in the street are evils weak minded gullible pawns of what it would love to create...
Forgive them,for they know not what they do,Quote"Jesus Christ on the cross in front of his tormentors.".The greatest historical pawns!.......But beware....beware!

Those who fail to listen to the warnings of wisdom,become the fools of  examples learned by others.


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