Statue of Liberty (Photo credit: Sue Waters) |
Statue of Justice - The Old Bailey (Photo credit: Ronnie Macdonald) |
During the time of the first clashes of rebel and Empire troops,numerous wealthy citizens got together and decided the rebels could use a bit of tweaking and training to enhance their strategies.
The ideology of the wealthy merchants was to create a more free and open society.They also saw a tremendous financial boost to all their business ventures.True to the goals of business corporations.
They did realize the value of those rebels finding the thought of freedom to be a vision that would drive them onward.The businessmen did not give thought to their slaves that run their business with the dawn to dusk manual labor and other horrors..
The rebels eventually earned their freedom and for about 2centuries plus the slaves were free to go about their life's.They to fought a hard Battle for freedoms.The rebels and their wealthy leaders allowed the people(now descendants of slaves and rebels) to believe elected candidates were actually elected to be leaders.This was at first true as there was elections by ballot which made one voter cast one vote that went directly to be counted as their choice.Later a system was devised called the electoral college made that impossible and money became more important than voters choice.
The leaders had not acknowledged the pseudo voters choices in many years due to the collage.
They put judges in offices that followed the rich businessmen direction.Those leaders paid no attention to the peoples anger or disagreeing.The masses were no longer important to the businessmen.They were no longer listened to as pertinent or important to the machine the businessmen had built over the centuries.They were expendable if money was to be made.
One day the judges got together in a kangaroo court.They quickly made a decision that changed the
efforts of all those rebels and slaves had made throughout history.The decision disregarded and negated all the lives that had been given by the rebels and slaves over the centuries.Centuries that far
exceeded this country's exceeded history back a thousand years to 300determined souls who died for the idea of freedom.
The judges past judgement to allow the freedom of the country to die and made its free elections a thing to be purchased.This group of judges in a single stroke became the pimps to Lady Liberties and Lady Justices virtue.These judges have made these have turned our most precious ladies into women who will go anywhere and do whatever for the highest prices.
The have opened the doors to become the New Empire the rebels fought and died to banish.
The Empire has been reborn.....Are the rebels who believed in freedom all dead and gone?
Tune in again for a further episode:Rise of the be experienced soon in your lifetime.
You Decide...
Supreme court Judges disallow limits on political funding