Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Mr.President Please Don't Defeat Our Confidence in You

Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Administration B...
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Administration Building (Photo credit: jimmywayne)
United States Marine Corps Memorial
United States Marine Corps Memorial (Photo credit: Adelaide Archivist)
The past few months have so very traumatic with the events of the mass killings that we seem to have fallen into a world written by some Hollywood Director.It makes no sense to the average intelligent thinking creature.The the only thing for  sure is the fact that  insanity has not what got a preference for victims.That is what the media is pedaling anyway.It is just not any place for the things that would be just beyond our realities.The the things that kill are not unknown to our species,It is ancient and unforgiving.It is unredeeming .
It has no regards for life in our realm.

There  are events happening around the world that are important to those close to the event.The Souix Citizen that was at the Pine Ridge assault by Federal Agents Has served 30+ Years His Name Is Russell Means You might research all sides of this case to draw your own conclusions.The evidence that this man Killed agents was at best now conclusive.Anyone But a NativeAmerican might have the modern resources of the latest forensic DNA,etc.would open the case to find truth.Orhave we forgotten what equal right mean?

The otherthing you might be interested in is the US Marine that was told by  Customs authorities if he could
take an ancient Firearm  toCosta Rico.He was detained and is still being held in prison by the Mexican Government.His Life is being threatened and there is no one from the USA that seems to give a damn.This guy has fought for this country.I think we need to sign the petition at the Human Rights Organizations website.

We need to move on with the things that can be fixed."Crazy" folks is just an undiserved label to those folks that never did anything but struggle with task of living.What is going on is a strong case of  evil.Yeah I know its redundantto say.Guns dont kill,Mentally effected folks don't kill....The dark places of the mind kills from influences we have yet to admit the existence of.

The people that died are an undeniable loss to history and our world.They can never be replaced.Their deaths are undeniably a question we have noanswers for.We never will have any thing but theories.None of the theories we come upwith ever be accurate.There are no answers for the darkness of the possessed mind.

We can work to ease the loss of those lives fractured by the Unreasonable losses from that which kills without reason or rhyme.

Taking tools from those us that have the control of our minds and souls are never going to work.The people that are effected by that darkness of mind and soul are undetectable to our world.There is no solution to outlawing  all tools when we have them.If this were possible ,we would already have no use for the nuclear arsenals that dominate the political arguementsof the worlds population. Youcant close pandoras box,once you have let the evil out of the box.Like Pandora,All we have is hope left inside thebox.

Live Like it is your last moment of life.

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