Monday, May 7, 2018

WANTED: People With Interests in a Website That Shares Ideas on Living Naturally Using Hitech Methods Read on Please.

There has always been in the back of my mind the folks who live as the Amish who are living by the sweat of thier brows.They live and eat extremely healthy lives. Many living into the old and elder(ly) age.I love the food and find many to be quite pleasant people in thier own way. I often shop at the many area places they run.

There are other folks,such as myself that love our hi-tech toys.I still have my first computer which was state of the art then.It is a timex sinclair 1000 with a whopping 16k memory,The addon memory is a huge 16k.  Of course it has a  printer which uses cash register paper.That was a mind blower in its day.But I digress.

I like to begin the brain storming of a website to unite High Tech people and those who love a good home canned jar of "whatever" on the table.People who know how to grow healthy things with state of the art knowledge.I remember My Parents generation even building whatever they needed to progress.We dont do that anymore.I dont know whether its because we have gotten dependent on the system to support us or whether its thinking its all too old fasioned.

Ok,your sitting there in front of a keyboard reading about living differentlty.If I am a dreamer then I'm not the only one.(John Lennon)
Welcome My Dreamer friend to a new world order you wont have to shoot your way out of.You would be outgunned and under manned to begin with.Wrong aproach to begin with.Violence never proved anything and always bring tragedy.

My dream is to find people with a similar dreamfrom all walks of life.  Building a society of folks who are not looking for the end of the world.Grabbing your armory and running for the hills to live in a hole till its over.The "IT" being whatever some have looked for since the first eclipse darkened the earth.Hopefully if that is a future reality then either no one will have time to kiss their backsides goodbye or, you may  have time to do something  leaving  a grin the undertakers cant  pry off your face. Just Sayin..

Read on Dear reader theres method to my madnessEach day you drudge through the routine just to pay for the priviledge to do it tommoro.With enough like hearted people the following is very much possible.So read on and consider the following thoughts.Let it roll round in your brain with each moment you take a breathe and let out the stress to think of the possibilities for your future and your loved ones...

 There are ways to built a home that need for nothing.Not piping,wiring,tubes,hoses,power or anything else making it dependent.I have read so many articles over the years on how its possible to make super insolated homes from straw bails.I saw one on my travels out west.You would never know it from a conventional home.home made concrete for sidewalks or just about anything.

I was invited to a friends home in the midwest a few years ago.I was so apprehensive because he told me it was a house of straw bales.All I could think of was the big bad wolf n the 3 lil pigs story.But I was polite about it.I felt this is my friend and maybe this is the best he could do.

Yhe house looked pretty much like any other house on the outside,so I looked at him and said with a grin,"straw house HUH?"He gave me a stern look and replied yes it is,come inside please and I will show you.The front door entered a short hallway into the house.The inside and out side walls sandwich compressed bales of straw.Wall to wall,top to bottom.

That is till you walked inside and it had a tiny fireplace and was 72degrees all over the house,Those walls were all notty Pine and smelled wonderful.,

The super insulation is the reason for a tiny firepace and the warm temps.Behind the house in the acre lot,  They had dug the field up when the house was built to bury tubing three feet under the ground.The earth itself carried 62degree cool air in the summer and 62degree air in the winter.the super insolated home needed only small fans to force the air into the tubing or into the house.

The fans powered by a battery charged by the sun.The straw is packed so tight it has no air to burn.The inside and outside of the house is finished as any other house with 3feet of insolation.they grew their own food and canned it with the fall tasted great with no artificial things to slow kill a person.this all under many electric lights.

The people who live there had built electric generators that used the wind and a nearby stream which also provided water.The water passed thru a filter and was so fresh I wanted to take a gallon with me,Which I did.The roof water gathered in a barrel and was used on the garden and grass.its called Grey water.

The woods out back was shared with another house for firewood.This home only used the fireplace for company.also for cozy fires on  very bad winter days.To sit and read or watch it snow out the huge triple pane window.

The telephone used in this house are cellfones and skype..computers are satelite.Tv is from antenae or the satelite.People share the harvest,the work,the tech (open Source).Its so great that neighbors get along like that.There is no wires,Pipes power, water or sewer into or out of the house.truly Democracy.

About the sewers ladies...You probly are imagining that cold dark trek to that drafty lil back house with the lil half moon in it.Sitting there listening to all the critters hooting and carrying on...:)
sorry that isnt really needed.They had a modern toilet that after use you close the seat and push a button.there a bit of a noise inside and the poop, its gone.It locked the lid and turns everything inside into ashes.No fuss,no mess,No smell.This is so Hitech sterilization and chic.No pollution.

My website will be  for everyone whether you believe as I or not.Mother earth has been my idea book  since it began.but theres tons more information out there.If your interested Mother Earth Magazine has a thumdrive  now that has every atrticle they have published since 1970 orso.worth the looking its $25 for 40plus years of natural living .hard to beat.not affliliated or paid by them just a long time fan.Its an excellent reference for beginner or pro.

wouldnt it be great to live in a community that was self contained,no bills,efficiently constructed,Maybe in a no tax state,maybe where they understood what was trying to be promoted by those folks.all the money that goes out to every Tom,Dick,And Harry,Sally Francey,Or kawazi,would stay in your pocket to help your family with education,health,and whatever came along.

Such a community could explore all kinds of scientific,social,religious,Health and educational things.
A community of thinkers,independent minds in an atmosphere beckoning to the free thinking spirit of freedom and independence.not looking to bend the will of anyone.not looking to overthrow anything except maybe be a living example of how great people can live.

There are such places in the world.The problem is that everyone must walk in the exceptable footprints to be excepted.EI.Davici almost was killed for not bowing to the church.Tesla was overpowered by the wealthy.Just a couple of free thinkers.

Wouldnt it be great to hear people talking in a logical civil manner about things that can get you shot dead in some places. this website is to find those who are ascended enough to  do just that.
I actually have heard two women arguing at a fair once about whose pie in best.I hate to say it but I tried both pies.....I think they were using the same recipe....They just refused to acknowledge it.This websit hopefully wont be for that type of person.Everythings good in the right perspective.You just need look at it from different viewpoints.

Well think it over dear friends...will let you know as soon as my web people finish.


Monday, April 16, 2018

How Old Ideas Can Reset Your Present Life when you didnt think it could

This article is a long time coming. The world situation can easily grab you and carry you away like a terrible storm. If you survive that force then you may look back in regret to have gone along willingly with that force. You may look back with a sense of acceptance. You may also look back with mixed emotions that you made a bad decision which wasn't as bad, as that overwhelming force seemed to make it at the time. The point is, no matter the thought you survived. I too have allowed myself to be carried along these past few months with so many others. Not using my brain but just going along to prevent arguments.

The news media are still hounding Washington as the show goes on It has gotten extremely old. Each day someone who we would never hear about gets his or her 15minutes of fame by another attack on those in office. I stopped listening to most of the hounds of hell and their continuing howl. I will tell you why.

While the news howls up all the dirt and crap that will not amount to anyone in a short time there are more pressing and terrible things that need dealing with.At least from my own point of view. People are dying all over the world for no good reason what so ever.It is powered by greed, shear simple adulterated GREED.

We see war is going on and spreading to parts of the world that is generally peaceful.attacks on innocents is becoming more common to even the United States by its own people.

One in a million disturbed individual. That's all it takes to inspire more nut-jobs, insane or not. And how do you measure that insane person's competence? I read today there are machines that can read the signals of the human brain to run machines. Its already being laboratories the science newscaster states. Can you find a way to prejudge the insane with such a machine? we watch each night as we sit comfortably in our little worlds and watch the carnage.

I spent some time in Elpaso Texas
a short time ago. The bridge was being closely watched because they were looking for an individual. The people who flee from the states are looking to escape. Those in the middle east are crossing borders to escape. Those in the Korean and Chinese lands deemed Communist are trying to escape.there's people in the USA who are trying to escape. Escape from the chains of human slavery and the demons of the drug culture.escape from the torment of cults and corrupted religious ideas. Escape is the key to chaos in our world powered by greed and power itself.

There are radically different reasons here to escape. Wide gaped reasons to escape drug cartels and poor economies. Reasons to escape the horrors of madmen who rape, rob, butcher and kill in the name of whatever excuse they are gullible enough to except in that pea sized brain. Or escape the stress that overwhelms many in the social order. Even that of a country like our USA.

Keeping up with the Jones can kill you. For some, escape is from living in continual stress brought on by this heaven on earth demands to live as we do. Escape from that' place can leave you needing to escape from being hungry and outcast in the elements to die. Not heaven but it is if you were worse off before.

there is an escape in our USA also those many would see our world as Heaven on Earth. I imagine that would be true to those above as mentioned were not so bad off where they are. The human race is being pushed further away from living to find peaceful ways to live.

I doubt God will save you if your an idiot out there killing his creations. Trust me on that. I would not pretend to know Creator's innermost thoughts.I know I would not have that sort of understanding for such an act.

okay, so your a no believer. You know what the first thing most nonbelievers yell when shot"Oh my God I'm shot!so much for that.

WE THE PEOPLE of this old world could do so much to change things a little at a time. Our countries need borders to protect us from brainwashed people who cross with bad intentions in the midst of the good people who just look for better lives Border laws make sure we are at least somewhat safe. That brainwave insane machine does not exist and I hope never in my life is it perfected. I might be labeled by a machine for all the wrong reasons. Blessed are the peacemakers it is said. But peaceful people who can't defend their ideas usually end up slaughtered in a ditch or worse.
No one deserves abuse.

The answer lies not in walls but in building societies that are safe and prosperous for all people to live as simple and independent or as chic as they wish. There is a need to find a way to negate the power of the greedy. those who invade, kill,use abuse and profit from that which is imagined to have value. The only value worth keeping is the power and minds of all people to find harmony in this world and in their personal lives.  

Most of our books on philosophy say that everything we will need is on this earth for us to use. Many things are already gone forever. War just takes away more and more.

Marching in the streets simply states: if I yell loud enough n hold up my sign or trash someone's property then someone else will do the deed for me. I have watched that drama all my life and seen more bloodshed and violence from it than good. Just listen to the people arguing in the next place you hear it. one person attempting to dominate another. Watch people driving cars...

This year lets all find a way no matter how small. It will make life a little better for someone and tell them to pass it on. WE CAN change the world in our lifetimes. Not to reach stars or the depths of oceans.We can reach a place that is the breadth and depth of the human conscience. Somewhere we should be headed instead of where we are going. There is no FATE but what you make.

I was directed to a singer that I loved when I was Dating a Beautiful Native American gal way back when. Josey introduced me to The singer Buffy ST. Marie. Her latest song fits my is titled "War Racket". Excellent piece of music for our times.I still have all her records, yup  I said records.

till next time dear friends, May God keep you safe in the palm of his hand.