Thursday, August 25, 2022

640,000plus Americans Leaving Their Homes

 This is a blog of things observable by myself , like so many others around the world, recently. The headlines for quite some time were and, are with headlines filled with  stampedes of emigrants over the southern border or other countries borders. Another migration of  folks to states or places  more likely to favor their beliefs. Still other places in the world are people fleeing for their very lives from monsters in power who have fantasies. Believing they have superior powers to recreate everyones world and caring not for the harm it does to anyone elses life. Delusions of grandeur of the world during a dream or from childhood memories. There seems to be herds of humans migrating to someplace else. Once there were thousands. Now many millions of displaced souls.

That trend isn't  really anything new. It is a situation that has existed for millennia. People have always been forced to pick up from where ever they are and wandered to another place. The reasons have been as many and differed as anyone could name.

Wars force migrations to escape the butchering and atrocities that seem to present themselves in any time period. Places showing the term “mankind” to be as big a farce as the word civilization. Human nature, but still listed as an animal species which  can better plan the butchery of others through an  alleged higher intellect.  

A very good example in this country is the amount of human beings whose lives were Destroyed and have no way to recover a  social standing of any kind. Those who are living in  the wealthiest country in the world at (one time). Those who ARE  the homeless and living in filthy conditions on the street. This is proof of mankinds passion to drive People/human beings into controlled environments . That created negative enviroment is meant to destroy and take away everything they had.This includes thier Dignity. Its so very easy to fall from social grace these days,Credit history,Social history,and so on. 

 Can you imagine what aliens looking on our world would think to see the morally bankrupt goings-on in this carnal world? I doubt Vulcans would ever set foot on this planet in that reality.

Other times, the herd is moving to find food or water. The Starving African Children We have seen on the television for decades are a good example of mismanaged governments plagued by greed and wars. 

The commercials of the elderly Jewish folks in the cold, freezing and starving begging for help is another example of “Human-Kindness” of People who did escape the hellish places of death camps. Now only to suffer and die. Their own people, rich with history, not paying much attention. Much of mankind's suffering is caused by obsessive individuals who do not really need that other persons(fill in your own blanks on this).

I lived by a man for fifty years who was so obsessed with owning the little 50×75 foot piece of land My parents owned that he spend every moment trying to drive my family off the land. His obsession then transferred to his daughter. Even after his house was sold and he moved.

He returned to that house and the new owner to poison the people who had not met us. The current Ukraine situation is like that. A single person who has dumped reason for greed, He will do whatever possible no matter the costs. My family dug in and refused to migrate. I would fight that kind of obsession to the gates of Hell. Bullies have a tendancy to bring out the warrior in me.

There is another type of migration going on in America with the unrest of political and social disagreements in the country. The lock-downs that destroyed many lives. Then the political buffoonery That shut down our country's ability to be independent. After an “election?” that has shaken our country and the world to it trembling knees. The destabilization for the last 2 years have left broken lives and broken dreams. 

Many have lost everything as the jesters in power shake their jester bells, dance foolishly with slogans printed on the ridiculously priced costumes they model. Meanwhile, WE THE PEOPLE, decide not to say thank you Please sir, may I have  some  more sir. So we  do our best to adapt…

I was blackballed from my apartment awhile back, I wasn't diverse enough, I guess. Another renter was up at 5:30 every morning. Not so bad, right?? But every morning he wandered the halls with the landladies blessings throwing bottles of condiments(mayo, ketchup etc.) at the doors and in the hallways that Renters had to walk through. He tore down and destroyed my deserderata poster (a beautiful for peace)that was one of a kind collectable worth $600,A mistimeanor/felony along with his others.After that he toosed a brick though the front window of the appartment.

Nothing was ever done to him. They simply moved him each time he chalked up another misdemeanor or felony. The sheriff  told me he was instructed not to do anything to the guy. I later was told the guy was quoting LG XYZ or whatever and had left his other. They wouldn't prosecute, and he didn't have to reimburse any of the dozen people he had destroyed the possessions of.

The landlady had a soft place in her heart and when my lease came up said I had harassed him, and it was not renewable. I had never even known he existed till I walked out to goto work with food all over.

At this point in my article, you are asking,” So what's that got to do with the above things. 

Read on and it gets explained.

This is  how some of what I write is happening. About that other migration, It is in my country. The USA.

That economic dumping of many of our lives has made many of us very creative in our lifestyles. Much to the chagrin of those still locked into the” nice lil houses with nice lil picket fences and 2 girls n 2 boys with a job you hate, neighbors like my parents had ETC.ETC.infinatum. In an old cliché, Barf me out with a spoon! I found myself sleeping in the cab of my pickup truck, not able to get an apartment. Black balled with nowhere to go, money in my pocket. Hey, wait a minute. Money in my pocket from no rent. Money in my pocket from no Cable bill. Holy mackerel! I went to a library. The place that holds all the knowledge and experience of the world. Where better to get advice. After a few days of looking up survival advice, 

I came across an article called RV Nomad. You might check it out. It leads me to build my own home. Actually a DIY slide on camper for my pickup. I found I could build in it all the comforts of home in a tiny space. I have Free electric from wind, rain, sun and of course landline when I can. It has a sink, hot and cold water, fridge, 2 burner stove,tiny collapsible oven,microwave, and cupboards above my kitchenette.I have a double size bunk.Batteries with a 110volt unit. Toilet and showers are easily found in truck stops and fast food places when I stop for a bite to eat. My camper has a propane fireplace. Nights when it is 17 degrees outside, I can rest assured it's 65 inside. Those experts at living on the road free saved my life. So I did more research. Remarkably free and very, adverse in staying out of trouble. Not homeless and living under a bridge, defecating in public. These are not vagrants who are locked out of society. Many are better off than most of us in many ways.

There are more than 640,000 people who have retired, quit, been laid off from work or their live have been turned upside down by any number of events. They one day looked around and said, screw it, left somebody else do it. Not worth it anymore. They see that family or that school bus  that now houses a person or family. It is sometime crude and thrown together. Other times it is an absolute work of creative genius, having everything a tiny house would have. All or most of the comforts of home;

I met one of these folks in a hard wear awhile ago, just after my apartment nutcase episode above. She was looking over PVC piping for her home/bus. I found her to be congenial, and I was impressed by the fact of her independence. She told me her journey was forced on her as other RV Nomads. A term I had never heard before. I have learned much since. I told her about my own DIY camper that had made the internet and was causing me to be an almost local personality. It to be a forced event as I have been blackballed on a national organization out of Massachusetts that lists bad risk in apartments. It is apparently nationwide, with no recourse to the individual. So you're in the street after 5yrs, no problems.

Some of these folks are products of a broken life. Some are leaving for reasons like myself. Others are retirees that neeed some rest from raising a family. Many are creative people who live extremely well somewhat off the grid. These are the folks that don't throw up their hands to fall down that slippery slope that ends up in a cardboard box in an alley,mumbling to themselves. They look around at what they have. They then study the needs to what they hope to obtain. Thats really all I did.Looked at my situation,realized what I lost and used what remained with a bit of thinking enginuety. Anyone can live free with a lot of study and preporation.

These nomads are living free and still making ends meet financially,  they may start out living in the seat of their autos. They rarely stay that long in this situation. But many find the life of freedom they like and stay that way. Most now have some money and in time buy a bus or whatever to install solar panels, A stove, fridge or cooler, pace to sleep. Maybe a TV or TV projector. I live quite well in my tiny home. I have battery powered power tools to repair and rebuild. I am not homeless, I am house less, not homeless.

Not only that, but I have already been approached by police asking me what and where I was doing there. I tell them I am not a vagrant, have money and a job. We shake hands after I show them my solar array on my roof, propane fireplace inside, kitchenette, big TV and stereo center (Mini sized). Internet with a fold against the wall desk to write on, 3 terabytes of disc backup a microwave coffee maker n 40lbs o propane. The last trooper shook my hand and asked if I would help him build his boat like my camper.

I am always asked how do you support yourself. Where does your mail goto. There are tons of ways to make money out here. I would advise you to not think we are outlaws. Nothing so stupid as selling guns, dope, yourself or whatever is not worth losing your freedom. The new sunrise in the morning and a sunset at night is indescribably if you don't ever get to experience it when truly freed of your chains' society lives in. As to how to support yourself if you're not retired with that income.

The internet which I also have onboard allows you to work a store online to sell Amazon as an affiliate or just start your own among a thousand others like it, if you write, for yourself or as a ghostwriter. Travel with craft people and make things, write an E-book to sell online.  Many folks just write about the things encountered as the ride progresses. You must have some interests to make a profit on.

Every time a nomad encounters another, it is usually a friendly trade of information. Each time it will build your knowledge base. There are many sights to look at on the net.  No computer smarts needed, just goto a public library and punch in DIY camper or RV  nomad or Pinterest for ideas.  I have found that the Things that you own is a fiction. A trick of society with your mind.All those things actually own are the stuffs  Prisoner. 

 If you dont believe this,Remembe the first item you bought for your home or apartment.  If you can remember that then add the things you had to buy to add to it later. Most folks  cant because it became your lifes possessions or it became what you had to work and slave for to exist. A trade for your freedom that you will never know. A trap that is redundent to your death.Then another slave to society buys your stuff and carries on the march of redundency and so on and so on. redundent,isnt it.Think of this negative for a moment folks. 

What if you now buy that stuff and sell it to some one over the net.Your not burdened with it and your  Making a living from anywhere.A negative your making into a positive for yourself.

Theres a huge network of apps on your cell phone with camps,stores ans places to enjoy life,Things to see and places to go. 

If your capable of working theres also many places to work for awhile to earn abit of money along the way.These too are listed online'

Maybe for the first time in your life ever you find the fears you had are only a shadow you can walk thru and see courage and freedom on the other side of fear.

So many intelligent and inspiring folks moving about the country of all ages. Some with kids who are better educated than conventional schools. "Children" of all ages can get online to go from prekindergarden to PHD.Much of it is free to find and use. If your a teacher,mentor or blogger,counciler Etc. You can make money coaching virtually.

Those people who I mentioned above in this article,Have left most everything behind to live free. Excess baggage that is. There are things that can happen soon enough to force life to become a burden. 

I find drinking a cup of coffee with camera at my side beside a river,with wild life and fresh air is something I have missed for too long. I sit here typing my articles in this free atmosphere. Still unwinding from the insanity I am hoping to one day see fade to a memory. I have often heard that anything you survive and live through,makes you a stronger person. Most of those out here can affirm that, with a qualified experience to tell.

It is all in the way you think of things. All the things you have is all the things that hold you prisoner till you die. The experiences you trade for that which is really your keeper. Join The Nomads  in Quartzite, Arizona at the huge rally of RV Nomads,I think you may find that life in the truly FREE world is a refreshing way to live. It does take awhile to get the hang of it,but its something no one can actually describe.

When you vacation and then go home is never going to be like when you take that job and home with you to places you dreamed of vacationing. Currently I am schooling myself to trade some stock at some point in time. That too is a learning curve you can get online. Billioaires love to talk about how they got to be billionairs. Theres millions of folks on chat sites dedicated to thier passions.

Whether on land or sea,a nomad is a pioneer as in days of old with space aged technology that those early explorers would think to be witch craft. But there is a learning curve that whips you into ways to servive by some hard lessons travelers encounter.Learn from those already there and avoid the whole stress scenario. All in All its a good life.

Till next time folks, take care and seek what truly makes you free, and happy.  Lifes just too short to be so chained. Learn to live in the moment with a background of pre wisdom onboard ,the rest will fall into place in time.

God Bless and take care


Friday, February 11, 2022

New York Tyranny Continues

 For months those of us living with the crap of masks,crooked politicians driven out of office and a long list of covid extended tyrannical/draconian demands  with extreme paranoia mixed in.It was a temperary bit of relief from all the coumo/hocal mandates.

First we can then we can.Then The determination for the Places changed.Then the way we had to don our Paranoia masks to fend off what many like myself felt was a passing wave of illness. Other sheeple for two years have made our lives a nightmare to just try to shop without some fatheaded accolite of the great and powerful Doctor Faustus/Fauci.My laptop tried to correct the last name to faucet...Maybe it AI?

Yesterday The new Governor dropped the Masks for most places that were not medically  associated.A few other places like some schools etc.It was a real breath of fresh air to be able to just shop or breathe without some jackass attempting to control your life or mine.Inflicting fears of mob rule from the paranoid sheeples who follow blindly anything that allows them to command another human being.Much like you would a dog.

I erroneously thought ,"oh my! maybe were going to be alright soon.Maybe the sheeples have finally gotten the word that we all can just get on with our lives.Free of two years of tyranny that has made us fight for any little bit of freedom.Caged up like prisoners in a 3rd world country. I thought ,Soon we will get to actually go shopping or go to the public library with out big brother looking to slap us down for just needing to breathe.Our children will once again be able to walk and play in the sunshine without being wrestled down and forced to wear a mask.

There's never been a reasonable explanation for those masks except for very ignorant sheeple fears  driving the whole charade.Anyone who cared to actually research the Mod us apporandi of a virus knows that

It either makes you sick or doesn't.If you are well,you have life to worry about.

If you get sick,You have two things to worry about

Either you get better or worse

If you get better,then you have life to worry about

If you get worse,you have two things to worry about

Either you got to Heaven or Hell

If you goto heven you have nothing to worry about

If you go to Hell,then you Probably will be in a place that is wearing masks directed by people who can not give actual reasons for the punishable dictates.Those dictators will have endless sheeples to enforce those unexplained mandates.

I have seen this state change from a happy place with people who lived and played here.There's lakes and streams here to fish and swim in.many of those places are closed still.Our restaurant's, Many that have gone out of business  for no other reason  than the mass paranoia that spread out across the state.

This was once called the playground of the finger lakes.Families have always been able to enjoy themselves and live free and easy with work available to enjoy people are leaving in herds.

Its becoming nearly impossible to even rent a U-haul doe to them all going south one way.

If you make the mistake of going into a library like the one in Clifton Springs then you will have to still wear a mask to appease the librarian' She randomly will squeal and is usually talking in an animated hi pitched voice.Ear fones with a favorite tune to focus when you work is mandator


I was working quietly on my own laptop today.trying to focus on my work amid all the manic yacking,when twice I was told by that person to put on my mask or leave...The first time I was there with no one else in the library bu the 3 people working there,All the distance of 12feet to 20feet away.


You can change things with this as a start.The Library in Clifton Springs New York Is in the fone book and online through the OWWL library network.

Most times the noise in there is beyond belief. Thus earfones in what used to be a quiet zone to work.That s except able,but don't  You dare sit and work quietly without that damned mask or the librarian will tell you to leave.Then go back to her loud noisey carrying on.

Just another day in the life of the empire

Till another time thats happier.