Why is it that popular people have a need to support enemies with hostile intent?
When ever the craziest of leaders developes a yen to attack,pillage,blowup or threaten the peaceful existance of others,a mindless popular person attempts to say what a great guy/gal the maniac is.The awesome kid that rodman refers to is building nuclear medium range missles that can thereticaly land in the western hemisphere.
Does anyone know the coordinates for mr.rodmans neighborhood?Why would a person visit a hostile country where from all the input from around the world,their leaders seem bent on mass death.
The popular
reason is...WHAT???.What would be any rational human being reason for killing huge amounts of population?
I have tried to rationalize that its, beyond the control of some folks to have behavioral self control.
I have labeled it an evil force,A problem in those peoples lives.Leaders without regard to any country have everything we all can only dream of.I must assume its either something in the Genes or in the water!
The mentally disabled in the USA are being blamed for every act of depravity in mind.Take away all the weapons from Americans,Our Emporor of NewYork has decreed that all weapons are"BBBBAAAD"
while way over there "Fat Wong fu to u" plots the destruction of millions.innocent people that were not even born when the war/police action happened,anymore than he was.
We in the USA are probed,patted
down and scrutinized even on buses.I hope the New York Emporer soon realizes from the peoples reaction to his decreed laws without constitutional considerations is really giving his partys reelect chance.
The same chance as a snowball in hell would have
So while good ole dennis is sleeping or schmoozing or whatever, with the enemy many politicitians are planning to leave us as naked of rights and constitutional opportunities as South Korea has been left in the shadow of a nuclear bomb terrorist leaderWe will have no chance of self defence or freedoms as those in Korea do
We really cant kick the little jerks ASSets in Korea because we are so in hock to China.Even if China wanted to change the situation in Korea,They TOO are now in the shadow of this flea on the back of two giants
So getting back to my original Thought,What would get a celebrity to visit a hostile land that plces their people as pions,slaves to the elite controllers.Perhaps because he has not looked into his own history.
The struggles that allowed him his freedom to even speak about a monster in charge would have served him
up in a much different headline only 35plus years ago.times are changing and terrorists are protected,while good people are penalized for the same reason that celebrities visit hostile countries and support the monsters running them.
Power corrupts,and absolute power,corrupts absolutly.
Break down the walls as we fight for freedom.All people deserve the freedom to live without fear.
When ever the craziest of leaders developes a yen to attack,pillage,blowup or threaten the peaceful existance of others,a mindless popular person attempts to say what a great guy/gal the maniac is.The awesome kid that rodman refers to is building nuclear medium range missles that can thereticaly land in the western hemisphere.
Does anyone know the coordinates for mr.rodmans neighborhood?Why would a person visit a hostile country where from all the input from around the world,their leaders seem bent on mass death.
The popular
reason is...WHAT???.What would be any rational human being reason for killing huge amounts of population?
I have tried to rationalize that its, beyond the control of some folks to have behavioral self control.
I have labeled it an evil force,A problem in those peoples lives.Leaders without regard to any country have everything we all can only dream of.I must assume its either something in the Genes or in the water!
The mentally disabled in the USA are being blamed for every act of depravity in mind.Take away all the weapons from Americans,Our Emporor of NewYork has decreed that all weapons are"BBBBAAAD"
while way over there "Fat Wong fu to u" plots the destruction of millions.innocent people that were not even born when the war/police action happened,anymore than he was.
We in the USA are probed,patted
down and scrutinized even on buses.I hope the New York Emporer soon realizes from the peoples reaction to his decreed laws without constitutional considerations is really giving his partys reelect chance.
The same chance as a snowball in hell would have
So while good ole dennis is sleeping or schmoozing or whatever, with the enemy many politicitians are planning to leave us as naked of rights and constitutional opportunities as South Korea has been left in the shadow of a nuclear bomb terrorist leaderWe will have no chance of self defence or freedoms as those in Korea do
We really cant kick the little jerks ASSets in Korea because we are so in hock to China.Even if China wanted to change the situation in Korea,They TOO are now in the shadow of this flea on the back of two giants
So getting back to my original Thought,What would get a celebrity to visit a hostile land that plces their people as pions,slaves to the elite controllers.Perhaps because he has not looked into his own history.
The struggles that allowed him his freedom to even speak about a monster in charge would have served him
up in a much different headline only 35plus years ago.times are changing and terrorists are protected,while good people are penalized for the same reason that celebrities visit hostile countries and support the monsters running them.
Power corrupts,and absolute power,corrupts absolutly.
Break down the walls as we fight for freedom.All people deserve the freedom to live without fear.
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