Hannibal Lecter (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Hollywood Monsters (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Pranks that have been original to those now pranking on the unsuspecting few.Deviltry done by humans, blaming an entity for being undisciplined themselves.
The little ones going from house to house,all dressed up as spooky goblins and home made monsters.Little princess's and dragon slayers,cowboys and Vulcans. Or good old fashioned pirates.
That is my memories of Halloween or All Hallows Eve.My folks were very strict on their childrens behavior.My older sisters always accompanied the younger ones for protection from bullies and weirdos that wander on that night looking for children...
The Monsters were disguised as nice people
inviting children for treats.That type of monster still is rampant in our society.Hundreds of thousands of children are victimized each year.Some simply disappear without a trace forever.
Innocence stolen and destroyed forever for reasons that the monsters can't even explain when confronted with their evil deeds.The devil made me do it,just does not cut it.The Professionals that protect and defend such actions are strangely the same folks that call predators sick and in need of help.Kids should be taught to spot the things that are used by monsters to lure the innocent.
Hollywood has produced a plethora of gory bloody graphically sick movies that depict mutilations and torture in high definition.One does not have to use the imagination of the old Black and white monster movies that scared the bejeebers out of us.We had to see in our minds the werewolves deeds
You saw only the shadows of attacker and victim..Dracula were a shadow that attacked with hypnotic efficiency.
The monsters of the past were not teaching us how to be Hannibal Lector or Jason or Freddie Krueger.There is manuals for the followers of such antiheroes.
Demonstrating how easy it would be to mass murder human beings without retribution.The police are
never around and if they show up then they are added to the body count.The monsters in the movies are brought back to "life?" again and again to murder some more.A reward for the evil.
Demonstrating the ease of creating mass murder for no reason ,but the shear evil of the acts.
The real monsters/ predators of humans should never be allowed to remain in human society.
Our children should be able to walk the streets without fear of such things.Predators are a virus in our world.It is not a sickness that tells one they are thinking contrary to what is moral.It is a matter of poor judgement and an inner belief that they will get the protection if they get caught that the victim was denied.
Protection from punishment by the very social structure that they prey on.Predators prey on the children and innocents that are helping and living in that same society.The "catch 22" is that predators are protected by the very folks whole they consider the hunted prey.Even animals would never protect the stalkers of it's children...So why do we?
This Halloween I hope and pray that we all will be a little more civilized as it may go.Please guard your little ones well and examine the goodies for nasty surprises from evil folks.Have the predetermined common sense to go with your loved ones or at least know who is keeping them company.They are irreplaceable to this world not one of them can we afford to lose.They are precious .
As to those who know of the hidden monsters waiting to hunt on this All Hallows Eve.If you stay quiet to the beast,may you hear the voices and see faces of the victims you did not protect from your monster.It is only a matter of time till the monster turns on you in fear of your exposing it's terrible secret.DO AS THOU WILT,HARM NO ONE...8)
Happy All Hallow Eve. readers
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