Sunday, August 17, 2014

Equal Rights Through The Trash and Burn Solution As Long as It suites Color Blinded Eyes

It's Your Move
It's Your Move (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: A people icon representing a police o...
English: A people icon representing a police officer. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are again seeing the same old trouble makers and  clowns grabbing at a chance to relive their past flashes of violent television history.The media is basking in 24hour coverage of riots and mayhem in the name of.....what?Buildings being fire bombed by mobs.Videos of thieves breaking into business's and looting the being smashed out of autos.Molotov cocktails thrown at law enforcement in a so called peaceful protest.

Peaceful perhaps compared to a war zone of terrorists.The authorities are taking a lesson from the last four decades of the 20th century history.The years that are supposed to be the so called peaceful marches in the streets to bring about equality for everyone.I to thought equality would change the world for the better.It has changed it so that anyone who from those marches are expected to be held blameless for their actions.No matter the situation.

Law enforcement are to look the other way.The great idea of bringing all human beings on board the freedom ship has left many believing they are above all others.That thought has played out many times throughout history...And still is rampant in much of our present day world.

Would a person of the same color or society also be expected to look away from wrong doing?The point of the same color or ethnicity in a uniformed officer would be so much different from some one this repeated phrase suggesting that the same color or race is going to be willing to let a criminal bully and rob places without interfering???Most officers were Blue or Grey.That is their color on duty.To serve and protect all citizens.Their brothers and sisters are the same color...

Should there be an oath to fit the specific race.To serve and protect when it is that "other"group of citizens?I thought that was the problem at present...Just from a different prospective.Perhaps we need to realize the bent prospectives only look that way when viewed from folks not looking into the mirror for their actual reflections.

Teargas and armored vehicles in the American borders.The question has been asked as to what our cities are buying and arming inside our borders.The answer may be that cities are remembering the same traveling trouble rouser's of the 1960s fighting to get up front with the media cameras.The same old outlaw organizations stepping in to preach hate and death to apparently some very impressionable people.

This all started with the same type of wall building divisive nonsense  that we have seen before in the last century with the same people in the fore front of inciting violence and mayhem.Most other people would be arrested and buried under the jail with the key for being responsible for city wide mobs.The damage would be on most other instigators responsibilities of such actions.So what happened in Ferguson Missouri? If you can pull your head out of your mob driven  delusional dream.

The store owner that got strong arm robbed earlier by a young man was denied his civil rights to earn a living in peace.That store owner was denied his ability to collect fair commerce from a young man who Pushed the store man in the chest to force him out of the stores doorway.The doorway which would allow the thief to simply walk out without paying for the goods he had stolen.The mans whole body language in  that video spoke volumes as to what took place with a police officer shortly afterwards.

Was this the first encounter of what at first began as a law officer allegedly gunning down a poor teen-aged kid who wore a halo and helped old ladies cross the street.The pope was more than likely thinking of sainthood.Then we watch a video from a corner store....Still the mobs insist on killing the lawman who killed this angel...

If the mobs were not terrorizing the community,do you suppose a few store owners could show the list of other things they took a hit in the inventory from theft.Would you come forward in Ferguson with Gangsters running out of control in the city?
We have a video worth a thousand words saying one thing and a mob willing to kill for another version of justice.

What about those who tried to just survive the mobs by staying in their homes and hiding from those screaming justice as they smash and burn other folks property.
Equal rights When it suite the new vigilantes.

Interesting repeat of many past like situations.Are we in the USA  tired of  this internal terrorism.There is law for a reason.The jails fill with certain folks because they may have been found guilty by a jury peers.Wanna chance the jails....volunteer for jury duty.Can not be chosen if you are a felon....Don't want to be judged?actions speak louder that words..Get involved and stop your childish actions.Tantrums in the streets just degrade you

The term for that is not Afro-American,Caucasian,or any other Race born label.It is called being a thug an a bully. The act also is called theft and is done by those labeled thieves.If it has no particular Race,Color or Nationality. It is simply wrong!

The Body language and attitude forced on the much smaller store clerk should be a real good example of the encounter with any one else getting in such an individuals way.The hostility in the store is  a good predictor of the reaction to a law enforcement officer stopping to ask a question to any thief matching the description  observed on the street.IT IS HIS OR HER JOB to enforce the law.The area around that part of the city is also known to the local news and papers for shootings and generally  high  crime.The statistics are there to review if you want to.

Another reported problem is the lack of diversity in Race related uniformed officers
in the city.  2 QUESTIONS:
 1]If you do not stay in school,can you really expect to become anything to help your city?
2]If your history is strong arming a small store worker [which may cost him his job],would you really hire that thief to be a police officer.
3]Where will such a bad ass attitude eventually put this
young hoodlum.Definitely going to be inside a police station at some point.Uniform will be issued.Thus explaining the jails population...

The future will define what the young thief's history had been . The police who tried to protect themselves from what they thought was a threat of a young giant.One who in the video had proven he would not let anyone stop him even when he was committing a blatant act of robbery.Robbery is also a reason for jail populations.

We witness every day the mob rule of other countries by those who would only have the world run to please them.The folks we watch invoke fear into those who would try to do the right thing.Folks tell them they are wrong minded for wanting to be seen as blameless for their actions.Mobs who actively hunt anyone who would try to reason the facts of their convictions.Past history is full of the genocidal mobs who believed they could do no wrong.The warped minded leaders lead the mobs into believing in the twisted story lines that would drive bent genocidal acts.Acts not normally done by minds thinking to take the time to search out the facts of the situation.

I have written many articles regarding peaceful protest and taking time to consider the facts of a situation.The truth will set you free it is said.Would there be all the threats and violence if the situation was fully told.violence lockup the ability to find those facts.The officer that fired for whatever reason is now in fear of his own life from the agents of evil influences.The life of that officer will now take a priority.
The corrupted influence  on actual facts needs investigation to know the the light of truth shown on it.

One final note here:I remember the mobs who demanded rights in the streets.They ran through the streets turning other folks autos over,throwing things through large expensive windows of business owners buildings.

The chants of equal rights and overcoming whatever rang out in hypnotic drones all for the blood basking medias pleasure.People who had no angry thoughts or hatred toward anyone in particular had their lives destroyed in the pseudo cause of equal rights.Mobs that destroyed and looted preaching equal rights while disregarding the rights of everyone else along the way.Verbally enhanced by the trouble makers of that and this time.Send them home  Missouri.Let more peaceful and less inciting minds prevail.

It is the same every time a chance for the long time Homeland terrorists can come out of social hibernation to create a little more havoc for their own ego boosting satisfaction.   To preach peace and create mindless mobs belongs in the last century.

The solution to this type  of problem is not to listen to dinosaurs yearning to relive the good old days of running your mouth and then watching from your luxury suite while the idiots in the streets trash innocent folks below.The solution is to take the time to discipline your kids while they are growing up.sorta helps them sort out what is right and wrong.Keep those kids in school and take an interest in that school.

Next if your not satisfied with  your life,change it.If your not satisfied with your job then change it.What ever is not right in your life is not going to change even a little by hate and destruction of other peoples property or business's.It will just bring the image of what you present yourselves as.

 Lastly is this:I really do not care what your Race',color or whatever label you feel is
being used against you.Only you can change your life.Only you can make things better for yourself and those you care for.It is your life to either make better or become known for being a bully and a thief. You are what you define your life to become,there is no fate but what you make.....{Quote from the Terminator movies}

It is time to listen to the facts and send the harbingers of mayhem back into their shadows.Time for the rational minds to find out the actual facts.They are there if you are interested to find them with an open un biased can look foreword to more heavy equipment and National Guard troops as per Katrina...Martial Law is very ugly when it gets to that point....They don't see only military colors!

If you do not like what you read or hear regarding the news,Change it.Write to the news casters and let them know you agree or disagree....We need actual facts and not a lot of subjective opinions.I got my information from the same sources as you can.When the actual facts are known.....will all this change anything?