The United States Congress has taken a late May break. Foolish bickering in Washington is still impeding the progress of the nation to move ahead even with them gone. Unlikely allies are helping It is a quiet time when the absent Congress is not being obtuse or obstinate
One would think Congress members would be moved by the damaged lives of storm-ravaged Citizens now. They no doubt have been exhausted by the constant efforts to overthrow an elected Administration. Those suffering mid country folk should just keep treading water till the breaks over.
Congress has left for their little vacation from stroking various ideologies and/or enemies of this country. The voices that have occupied the major newsstands are temporarily muted. The nubies in congress with radical and whacky ideas.The coattail grabbers that run with the loud annoying absurd ideas of removed realities.Those who would belittle and demean the majority of us out here living in the working world.
The country, our good old USA is being devastated by major storms. Much of the country now is covered by massive flooding. Tornadoes have wiped out the homes and lives of millions of people. Property loss is on a scale that rivals historical levels. People are without power. People are without homes. People are without food and water.
The livelihoods of millions will take months to return to normal if it ever does again. Many folks now have lost everything they held dear to heart. Many have lost the family members they held dear to their hearts. Lost to them forever.
That is obvious to state. A Republican from my beloved Texas has decided to run with the impeach coup/Democrat/Hillary pack. The Republican from Texas by the name of Chip Roy has stopped a multi-billion dollar package that would go to the victims to help our fellow citizens from staying in a devasted 3rd world situation.HE, after all, is living quite comfortably and need not worry much about the political suicide he just committed. Those people have one asset left.
The people that are up to their assets in flood waters.The voters who could care less if MR. Chip Roy is a Democrat or Republican. Those people who now have nowhere to live, maybe for the first time in their lives.Those people who have lost loved ones and won't even be able to bury their loved ones.
The farms are under water and tornadoes have no mercy on livestock, crops or people. It Doesn't discriminate, Nature is an equal opportunity chaotic destroyer of worlds.
Still, Mr.Chip Roy is representing his pals in Washington instead of those American Citizens who are in desperate immediate need of rescue. In need of the things he probably never thinks twice about. He knows that based on the past performance of the Pack that they would never endorse the president's efforts to help American Citizens. That is unless it is to suppress the traditional.
Those folks in immediate need for the health and welfare of daily survival are counting on us to help a fellow American with no time to have Congress gender flexing about political differences. Those Citizens/Victims of devastation need help now. It should not matter if Congress is out to lunch still.
I was one of those Truck drivers that relayed the Katrina supplies by Truck drivers awhile ago. That was A Democratic President (that I also voted for). That disaster was also politicist while chaos and havoc from floods took place. New Orleans never recovered due to the lack of morons arguing nonsense and details that had nothing to do with the immediate problems. Lives were lost, people displaced from their lives.sections of the 'Big Easy' left in desolation to this day.
I would bring this to your attention only because it serves to show that our next election should eliminate those who like to play God instead of Politician. We can't vote for God by whatever that diety goes by. It is a God thing. WE THE PEOPLE can keep a very detailed account in our minds of these past 2 years of the chaos and displaced actions and ideas presented the news, politicians,
Next election when those devastated people you dump on, begin to get back on their feet, They will remember you Mr.Politician for what you thought of them. They will remember you in spades. So run with the pack for as long as it serves you. Save them a place in line. The saying goes if I may paraphrase it: Eat drink and be merry Mr. Politician Politician.....for tomorrow your next campaign turns to crap.
To my readers out there: please help in any way you can find to support those families in immediate need of the needed things to survive out there in what's become the wastelands. They are our people who are in very dangerous situations from major flooding, storms, and flooding. The destruction just keeps coming and they need supplies with anything else you might do to help
One further thing to do is look up our good REP from Texas on the internet to drop him a line or give him a phone call to politely express your displeasure for the inconsiderate applications of his office. Perhaps remind him of the millions of voters affected by his unthinking stopping of those needed emergency funds to help UNITED STATES CITIZENS in distress. Republicans and Democrats are now in danger out there in our heartlands. Here in our homeland.
With our current weather patterns, the next storm may be in your area.wwud?(what would do?)
Till next time folks
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