Showing posts with label Enemies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enemies. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Russian Senator Vows to Raise Funds for Snowdens Pursuit of Freedom and Possible Asylum in Russia

Figurative fugitive Snowden has found an ally in his current refuge. Russian Senator Rusian Gattorav  of the United Russian Party.The Senator has started a move to raise money or funds to assist the currently stalemated Snowden in his run to be free from a worldwide manhunt to punish him for airing out political dirty laundry.Those who have long waved a fist at democracy have also turned away from this mans search for safe haven.It was once called "Santuary".The Churches Used to be a source of that Santuary.I guess that GOD has left the building.

The rest of the world sits quietly as this all plays out to whatever the end is or will be.It is said that the Lord works in mysterious ways.I would like to believe that things of this nature can only open up the portals of truth for the world.Not just in the worlds most powerful Countries,but the whole world.

We need to see more honesty in leaders around this globe.Can you imagine the free world reading the actual paperwork on everything from flying saucers to what actually went on at the last meeting between leaders.The aforementioned "Churches" Have re written the truth so many times that I guess they have reason to not want to get involved with truth and those seeking it.
Perhaps more openness would be a good start.

There would be no need to spend tax dollars to hold free men hostage to "Secrets" and chase them around the world.The Former Enemies turned tentative allies,would not have to be involved because the situation would never exist.

I would love to see a point in my life where I could see complete transparency of the leaders and countries to at least the folks that are voting for them.Freedon is what the population makes it.
The choices are of the simplest nature really,What price would you[not the person on your right or left] Place on the truth that would set you free from that which decieves you with falsehoods.[Also known as lies].

WE THE PEOPLE run this world when we put our minds in fear and fight for what is right and truthful.
Freedom is like a garden,if you don't take care of it and weed it the weeds take over....
What's in your garden my friend?

What is all for now my friend,still working on my survival index which is yet to come.

Stay safe and keep the dream alive while you still are able.


P.S. Cuba has since denied entry by Snowden.I thought Fidel and his clone didn't agreewith the USA?Fidel II must have a soft spot[somewhere near his spine].