Showing posts with label Force. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Force. Show all posts

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Monster That Will come out of the sea will not vaguely resemble the one called Godzilla in bygon movies to wreak Havoc on Japan

Japan (Photo credit: Satorare)
Written on Pearl Harbor Day

Japan is the topic of so much news today.It has come from a feudal  governmental system that made the mistake of attacking a sleeping giant long ago.The warrior nation thought to overtake a country that hated warfare.The mistake was to believe that that giant would simply roll over and play dead.This mistake was the start of a lesson well learned.A lesson that sent thousands to their premature graves on all sides.

The belief that any deity would of any belief would support the useless destruction of thousands of lives is in itself a fallacy.Those that believe such things Usually fall from on their own swords.Romans,Egyptians,Persians or imperial Japanese.

History is a swinging pendulum that swings far one way and then equally swings back to counter what has over balanced the norm.That is the pendulum swings in the way of a great force pushing it until that force weakens and is spent.The Karmic Pendulum  then swings back will equal force to make right what is wrong.

Nothing is overlooked by this force to equalize cause and effect.This brings me to a more recent Japan.
Lets move on in time to the end of a terrible world war and a politician declaring that the Country of Japan would rebuild and overcome those who brought down the Empire by learning their ways and conquering them by their own means....The pendulum swings by the force with the help of our country.pushing always pushing.

Flash forward to an alliance of enemies/now friends in commerce.War and Death could have been avoided if men would talk to each other with their heads in the light[You design the mental image] .Flash ahead again to a nation again puffed up by success and now a nuclear powered industrial power.Here comes the monster they yell
as they run.Its not Godzilla or mothra.Its,Its the nuclear waste flooding our air and running into our foodchain.

Godzilla would have been a cakewalk that 50,000half lives would seem a bit pun intended.
The people now need to clean the mess and the entire world will feel the monsters wrath from everywhere including our very genetic structure as we eat the bountiful seas harvest

The pendulum is swinging .... 

God Bless Those Who gave their lives on this day in Pearl Harbor and all those who die in warfare when men in command have their heads stuck in dark places and fail to find a better way...


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