Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Greece. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

You to Can Build and Run A Inexpensive Spyfree And Big Brother Free Internet Network Which is Virtually Spyproof

INTERNET REBOOT (Photo credit: kalleboo)
Headquarters of the NSA at Fort Meade, Marylan...
Headquarters of the NSA at Fort Meade, Maryland. Español: Instalaciones generales de la NSA en Fort Meade, Maryland. Русский: Штаб-квартира АНБ, Форт-Мид, Мэриленд, США (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Zelda :: i got a fairy =D
Zelda :: i got a fairy =D (Photo credit: Nhoj Leunamme == Jhon Emmanuel)
I was looking for a way to get Internet without having to fight off the junk and spy's every time I boot into the net.The people around the world have used the ingenuity of their minds to eliminate the problems you and I have to fight everyday.

The expensive ISP costs.The carriers raising prices every time you really don't need it.
The main problem with the Internet is the constant barrage of crap from spammers.Among the spam is advertisers tied into the search engines taking notes on our every move while on the Internet.It can be a very innocent mistake or a misspelled word in a search effort that brings something like Zelda the love machine into your history.then before you know it That article seems determined to just pop up even when you google grandmas cookie recipes.

The further aggravation comes when you try to dump the Zelda thing and all the little links that have introduced themselves to your once peaceful searches.Before you know it you life on the Internet has attracted Zelda and all its pathetic products that are not authorized by any known pharmaceutical agencies.ZAP!Your computer has been boogered up to the max....

Okay,so now you are really wondering what this wonderful system that thwarts the NSA and various nefarious voyeuristic types from playing patty cake with your life.....Here it is.

Around the world there is a growing trend to set up very long range WIFI antennae to link people who are running a net together for neighborhoods.Whole cities in Greece have this setup with incredible results.A city in Kansas has set up this WIFI net with thousands involved.It is private,Non-intrusive and best of all,no NSA,no crap,no advertisements..
Okay you say so Fred down the road can say hi now,so what?How do I communicate with the rest of the world?EASY.

There is one computer server set up to grab the big world Internet from the lines coming into the private WIFI web.Anyone can join the wifi part of the web.It is free.The people who just want to stay in touch with the community simply stay on for free.Those who wish to go online to the big world pay a tiny $10.fee for limitless Internet.It is human ingenuity
turned on to the max.

The Designs for the long range WIFI antennas can be found on the Internet under the term war driver.The building of the long range antenae are sometimes for 10miles or more under good conditions.The improved versions are far more functional than the old designs were.

A whole community set up like this would be free of big brother and Internet crap`and anyone placing it there would soon feel the laughter or wrath of those who shared it.

Its a unique and fresh idea being used all over the world with folks who just want a bit of peace in their lives with the alternative to Big brothers heavy breathing while reading your personal E-mails to your sweetheart...Your videos are no longer the amusement for governmental goons that have a life watching you and me...GONE FOREVER.


P.S.:Quick update on the internet article above:The bill just passed to charge for the internet usage in many places that have formely been freeto us.The building of our own Net Nation Network rreally should be given some serious thought now.The next law to pass will involve censure and taxing of the last Electronic frontier before AI becomes common place in our lives.
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