Showing posts with label Mars Science Laboratory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mars Science Laboratory. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Alien Invaders Have Landed Nuclear powered Craft on the planet

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Mars, 2001, with the southern polar ice cap vi...
Mars, 2001, with the southern polar ice cap visible on the bottom. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The latest discovery today is the discovery of a strange craft wandering around the surface of our planet.It
has taken samples of the surface rocks and wandered about as if it were controlled by an intelligent source.
The surface sensors have observed the goings on for a number of days.The machine seems to be unarmed and harmless even though it has nuclear material onboard according to our scientific people.The numerous alien craft over the years have no way of discovering our communities buried deep in the planets heart.These
aliens craft will run out of whatever curiosity drives the source to keep sending their primitive toys to this planet for the  umteenth time.We will take no action as they present no threat to our very old and invisible
people of the martian colonies.This is your martian times reporter signing off for now...

I loved the many scifi movies and programs that have been produced over the years regarding space travel,Artificial Intelligence and things of that nature.But as I learned more about the many critical misgivings that happen to the human body in space environments,I don't believe humans will ever dwell in the vastness of space
We earth folks are contained in our own little biosphere in the vastness of the heavens.Time and space would simply Kill us off before we could ever reach outside our own solar system.It's Megamillions of miles into the vast nothing of forever out there.It costs megamillions that we really don't have to spend anymore.We have too many expensive toys to build on the Mother (Earth)ship we currently are aboard.Drones to fly,wars to build up,Scientific researches into antiquated petroleum burning machines,electrical systems that would be totally unused if  MR.Tesla had not not been cheated  out of his free electric system.Petroleum burning machines have been succesfully converted to hydrogen(water/Oxygen)burning methods by inventors who
die by violent means.(search it on U-TUBE).Fusion energy would be a good research if it wouldn't go like nuclear energy.Nuclear energy haunted Albert Einstein till the day he died.A energy miracle that was to become the destructive nightmare that killed millions of civilians.Can you imagine the destuctive power of a fusion bomb that would convert all the matter in existence into energy.Everything....!

So why are we going to Mars?Why are we "investing" Gazillions of  Dollars into space travel that could be used to conquer the oceans depths which are for the most part unknown.We could use that money to goto war against the oldest and most deadly enemies on this old earth.disease,famine,hatred,any one of the 7 deadly sins...We really need to put our own yard in order before Invading mars or any other "Out There Place".There's just too much back on earth that is being left undone.The creatures of this planet are still being discovered and studied.The rain forests are vanishing before we can even learn what is living there.
We run full tilt boogie into space before we have looked at our own marvelous world.A red dust-ball is more interesting than a living,breathing biosphere in the heavens that is at this point in time "UNIQUE" One of a kind place!

I doubt the Vulcans are going to see that we are that advanced and land to pull our bacon out of the fire.We are the keepers of this garden paradise.

More down to earth (pardon my pun:) we humans could look into the birth defects that create the hardships of the human race.Genetic,auto immune,Biological,Mental.The billions used for the space race is wonderful and there is millions of people currently employed by the various technologies corporations.The same people that could be building cities to farm and explore  the ocean bottoms...It has qualities the same as space.Issues that are very similar exist there.Just a thought for those losing their jobs at NASA.

The Ancient Philosophies say that this earth has all the cures that mankind needs to heal him/herself of disease.We have all the resources to live as a world of peace and harmony.Shouldn't we at least look into our world before we invade a world that we will never be able to live in?Even terra-forming would take generations to do on mars.Robots sent there  would be the expensive avenue for a hundred years in the future.

I would love to learn of aliens out there as were told in the legends of old.I really hope we did save
aliens at that New Mexico Site in 1947. I hope the Area 51 Has a colony of (space) aliens helping Humans.But at this moment in time the simple fact is this:We are alone in space till we learn differently.We only have one shot at living together as a world people.One shot to explore our own enclosed world and preserve what we have not decimated yet.

The truth is this folks, there are aliens called Martians.They are on Mars at this very moment in time.They wander about in the environment that is deadly to any human being.They will one day simply die(Figurativly speaking) off and we will still not be able to live as natives to their planet.Who are these Martians and what do they now look like?

They are the robots that we sent.They are the only Things wandering in the atmosphere of the Martian.
 World.They are the new inhabitants of Mars.They are the Martians..The first and probably the only colonists to ever" live" on the planet Mars.I think I may hold off on buying any Martian vacation real estate.

Take care for now my friends and keep smiling,It makes other people wander what your thinking :)

Till next time

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